Showing posts with label fulfillment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fulfillment. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Life (poem)

My life is my dreams
My joys and my mind -
Mine as a coin to trade, I find,
For pleasure, fulfillment, meaning.

My life is my hoard
My hope and my wealth -
Mine to give my youth and my health
For pleasure - fulfillment - meaning.

My life is smothered
By such a clutch -
Too starved and crushed to yield me much
Of pleasure - fulfillment - meaning.

My life is God's
To break and pour
On thirsty ground, and yield back more
Of pleasure - fulfillment - meaning.

My life is His
And here I find
The keenest pain, the deepest kind
Of pleasure - fulfillment - meaning.

- Claire Meyer