Tuesday - December 02, 2003
Brown for Weaver?
By Jay

Kevin Brown that is. That's what Newsday is saying.

I'd rather the Yankees get Brown for two years than Bartolo Colon for three. It will actually cost them less money and I'm convinced Colon starts resembling Marlon Brando the moment the ink dries on his contract. This also means they wouldn't have to part with Alfonso Soriano (it amazes me that they're even considering trading this guy) in order to land Javier Vazquez from Montreal. The Expos would have to 'settle' for Nick Johnson, now that it appears the Yankees are intent on making Bernie Williams their full time DH with rumors that they are looking to land Kenny Lofton to play center.

If the Vazquez deal does't work out, nobody appears to be rushing out to grab David Wells, so the Yanks could offer him a one year deal for a couple mil since they declined his $6 million option. In addition, they have an ace in the hole with Wells. He joked and laughed about his lack of conditioning and it cost them in the World Series. They can tell him to shape up, get a fewl million and try for another Series ring, or he can take $750K from somebody like the Tigers and enjoy being a cellar dwellar his last few years in the bigs.

That would give the Yankees a starting rotation of Mike Mussina, Andy Pettitte, Kevin Brown, Jose Contreras and David Wells/Javier Vazquez.

at 01:01 PM | Rants (6) | TrackBack (0)
American Idol Book
By Jay

I haven't watched a full season of 'American Idol.' In fact, I didn't even know what Clay Aiken's voice sounded like until he performed the National Anthem at one of the World Series games this year (for the record, the guy has one hell of a voice) and I still don't know what Ruben Studdard sounds like.

However, I did watch the early parts of the show, because it's hilarious watching Simon Cowell give his opinions, which are very blunt. Some people would say he was downright mean. However, he was brutally honest. Some of these people have probably been told - untruthfully - by family and friends that they could sing and it probably took a verbal slam from Cowell to show them how they were being lied to.

Anyway, Cowell has written a book about the whole thing. You can read an excerpt here.

at 11:55 AM | Rants (0) | TrackBack (0)
'The Trip'
By Jay

John Podhoretz sums up the "I hate Bush" contigents reaction to Bush's Thanksgiving trip quite nicely. Here's the key part:

Bush is increasingly fortunate to have such people as his enemies, because their demented anger continues to seep into mainstream Democratic Party discourse and threatens to make all anti-Bush rhetoric seem like the ravings of a bunch of lunatics. That happened during the Clinton years, and it's happening now.

He's right, and I've been saying that for quite some time now.

at 11:17 AM | Rants (20) | TrackBack (0)
Monday - December 01, 2003
Wanting to Believe the Worst?
By Jane Finch

I've read one too many blogs on which this was reported as fact. WorldNetDaily reported a story from the Canadian Law Times and headlined it "Canada Prepared to Enforce Islamic Law." According to WND,

Canadian judges soon will be enforcing Islamic law, or Sharia, in disputes between Muslims, possibly paving the way to one day administering criminal sentences, such as stoning women caught in adultery.

Okay. The origincal Canadian Law Times article reported a Muslim conference in Etobicoke (part of Toronto) and these are the facts:

The convention is the latest step in a long struggle to have Islamic law recognized in Canada. Shariah is a complex and sophisticated body of law based on religious principles. Muslims must resolve all their commercial and personal disputes according to its tenets.

Hmmmm. Nothing about government endorsement. Nothing about judges soon enforcing. In fact, it sounds like a zillion conferences that set up all sorts of things (remember socialist feminissm and wages for housework?) but there is no mention of official sanction, endorsement, agreement, or plans for action.

So how come the WND story was treated as fact I wonder?

at 10:09 AM | Rants (8) | TrackBack (1)
Cheating On The Ecosystem?
By Jay

What compels people to cheat at such stuff like NZ Bear's Blog Ecosystem?

Their income tax filings must make for interesting reading.

at 09:24 AM | Rants (2) | TrackBack (0)
Sunday - November 30, 2003
Like A Pathology
By Jay

Tacitus describes best those who gnash their teeth whenever Bush does something that should just be accepted as a decent gesture.

UPDATE: And here you have Matthew Yglesias clinging to the absurd notion that the only reason Bush went to Iraq was to upstage Hillary Clinton.

When did she become the center of the political universe that suddenly all actions revolve around hers?

UPDATE II: In addition, as Howard Owens points out, Hillary Clinton, despite a couple of jabs at Bush while in Iraq, is an ally of Bush and the GOP in the war on terror. What good does it serve merely to take the trip to upstage her?

And......if Bush's trip was nothing but a PR stunt, what did Hillary Clinton's trip accomplish?

at 12:03 PM | Rants (19) | TrackBack (0)
Thursday - November 27, 2003
Hillary In Afghanistan
Bush Visits Troops In Iraq
By Jay

President Bush made a surprise visit Thursday to U.S. troops in Baghdad, flying secretly to violence-scarred Iraq on a trip tense with concerns about his safety.

The visit, timed to coincide with Thanksgiving, was the first trip ever by a U.S. president to Iraq.


Pretty cool.

at 02:26 PM | Rants (17) | TrackBack (1)
Happy Thanksgiving!
By Jane Finch
Happy Thanksgiving!
Women are Such Sissies
By Jane Finch
No volunteers for orgasm implant A scientist claiming to have invented a device which produces orgasms at the touch of a button can't find women to help him conduct trials into it. The implant, inserted under the skin at the base of the spine, triggers a reflex response to produce sensation.

Dr Stuart Meloy, from North Carolina, told New Scientist: "I thought people would be beating my door down." .....The US Food and Drug Administration has approved trials of the device, but this cannot go ahead until enough volunteers have been found.

Maybe it's because women know there's a long history of problems resulting from researchers planting "the perfect solution for what ails you" into their bodies?

at 08:48 AM | Rants (5) | TrackBack (0)
Foot in Mouth Conservative Politics
By Jane Finch

This sentiment from a neanderthal member of the conservative Opposition...the family affairs critic and from a riding very close to where I live...demonstrates once again why the Liberals will continue to rule Canada for my lifetime.

Alliance MP wants homosexuality outlawed

VANCOUVER - Homosexuality is part of a "well orchestrated" conspiracy that should be outlawed, a Canadian Alliance MP says.

Larry Spencer, the MP for Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre, told the Vancouver Sun that this conspiracy began in the 1960s and included the seduction and recruitment of young boys in playgrounds and locker rooms.

"I do believe it was a mistake to have legalized it," Spencer, 61, told the Sun.

Spencer, the Alliance's family issues critic, said there has been a deliberate infiltration of homosexuality in North America's courts, schools, religious communities and the entertainment industry.

Now, continued Liberal rule is not a good thing for Canada or Canadians, and the Alliance or whatever they're calling the "united right" these days will distance itself from this guy. But really....they allowed him to be the family affairs critic, and no one is going to tell me they didn't have any idea that he was a nutcase. No wonder they continue to have credibility problems.

UPDATE: Wow. They fired the guy as family issues critic and he's "temprorarily" removed from caucus. Translation: go away for a while til this blows over.

| TrackBack (0)
Wednesday - November 26, 2003
Hilarious Short Films
By Jay

Check this site out. I found it while browsing some other independent filmmaking websites.

Be sure to look at their archived shorts and do not miss this one.

at 10:23 PM | Rants (2) | TrackBack (0)
Recent Comments
Quaker in a Basement said:
I guess I missed all those bad, bad liberals who published their venomous attacks against GWB's trip ... [go]

Jack K. said:
...actually, Phil, I am personally and acutely aware of the difference between funerals and memorial ... [go]

midderpidge said:
What does funeral vs. memorial service have to do with anything Phil? Here Jay, what makes you th ... [go]

thatguy said:
All modern spammers have the advantage of email loop detect. Once upon a time it was amusing to flo ... [go]

Ricky said:
I don't see the Expos taking Nick Johnson for Javier Vazquez. That's lopsided under any situation ( ... [go]

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