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I am a senior radio reporter with international reporting experience from more than half a dozen countries, including the revolution in Nicaragua. Have also lived in Australia (2 years) and Finland (1 year). Won a Canadian national award for investigative reporting. Have been in the radio biz since Johnson was President at least that what I think his name was. I can also read news (have a"nice"voice), but my strength is reporting and doing original stuff. Oh, and one important detail: I do NOT plagiarize; i.e. steal stories out of the newspaper and try to pass them off as my own. Unfortunately this is a common practice at many radio stations because the bottom-line types have discovered it's cheaper to steal than to produce. I also don't accept junkets. If ethics scares prospective employers, then I'll pass, thank you. Have been in the radio business a long time and I'm not using it as a training ground for some cushy, well-paid communications job. Sorry for sounding like a grouch. I'm actually a thoughtful, kind, hard-working guy. Once you see I don't sell out, we'll get along just fine and listeners will love it. My e-mail address is byronc@ telusplanet.net. | |
Your message could be here. An ad is cheap, works, and helps keep this website going. Rates start at one measly dollar! |
Buddhist needs permit to meditate on his own land
U.S. may have further cases of Mad Cow, Japan says
with comments by Not Taking It Any More and H&HHBackground information Innoculating yourself from the lies about Mad Cow Disease
Iraqi women lose legal rights: They must submit to Islamic lawShari'a and family law...
by River, Baghdad Burning
Venezuela hails Latin American 'axis' against U.S.Venezuela may let starving steal
with comments by Rebecca
Excerpt: Under Fontiveros' proposal to the Supreme Court, those who take food, medicine or inexpensive goods without using violence to ease hunger caused by prolonged, extreme poverty would not be punished.
From the archives, Jan. 12, 2004
Coming soon: Another U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela
U.S. killing video becomes viral news
with comments by Sgt. Rock, Leeza M., and Helen & Harry HighwaterBackground information U.S. war crimes
Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
by John Laughland, The Spectator
Sleaze without end: This time it's Ashcroft
Editorial, Washington Post
Attention, anti-American Wal-Mart shoppers Comments for Tess Ellis, with a reply from H&HH;
by Robert C.
How President Bush is testing the limits of his presidential powers by John W. Dean, FindLaw
Entropy has degraded the Constitutional design of America. Perhaps, probably it is beyond redemption and must be deconstructed by The People. We retain the sovereign right to alter, abolish, or establish the form of government that suits us. =Liberez L'Ours=
Dean's essay is a fine summary of the facts. It's a shame he stops short of expressing an opinion. =H&HH=
Excerpt: The fact that five cases currently before the Supreme Court address the question of presidential powers -- and whether or not the Bush presidency has exceeded them -- speaks for itself. Bush has had almost twice as many such cases before the Court as Nixon had, in half the time.
P O L I C E | |
Twelve cops beat my son almost to death by X, with a reply from H&HH, Unknown News
Cop firedEntire article: A Greece, NY police officer, found not guilty last year of raping an 18-year-old woman, was dismissed from the police department this week.
Ronald Hall, 41, was acquitted in state Supreme Court in June of a felony charge of third-degree rape. The woman who accused Hall said she got drunk at a party in July 2002, and had sex with Hall without being able to give her consent.
The Greece Police Department reinstated Hall from paid suspension in early July after the acquittal. But Hall was suspended again with pay a few weeks later pending an internal investigation.
Hall was dismissed this week as a result of that investigation.
Typically, we're told nothing -- not one word, not half a hint -- about what this year's investigation was "investigating.
The punishment for being accused of rape is an extended paid vacation (or as cops call it, "suspension with pay"). And the punishment for _______________ is, you lose your job.
We the people are entitled to know what _______________ is, to judge for ourselves whether the punishment fits the crime. =H&HH=
Women say police targeting black men
Forced sodomy gets cop four months paid vacation
Look inside the Bush mindset by Zachary Roth, Columbia Journalism Review
This link's just for fun, cocktail party chatter. I don't have time to think about "THE PRESS", it would be like a dumpster diver reading-up on the restaurant biz.
That said, I kinda agree with the Scrub on this one. Check out those two 'money quotes' & convince me those reptiles are wrong, no matter how much it may pain me to acknowledge it. AND the writer of this piece is in the pupae stage of the journalist's life-cycle. How did the press get so full-of-themselves? =John C.=
It's better than the article it's about (which isn't yet on-line at The New Yorker) -- cuts away all the fat, gets to the mad cow beef. All part of the intertwined problems that trace back to the corporatization of news and media as products solely for profit. =H&HH=
E L E C T I O N 2 0 0 4 | |
Punk voter
New threat to nation: Defense spending
Are people waking up? =John C.=
Bush losesWEBSITE LOGIN: horsedoodoo PASSWORD: unknownnews |
When given a choice between an unnamed Democrat and Mr. Bush, 43 percent of the registered voters polled said they would vote for Mr. Bush, while 45 percent said they would vote for the Democrat.
"There's a loose 13-percent of REGISTERED voters floating around in
there, but it's a pretty positive sign. Page two points out how Bush gets creamed on jobs and the economy. =Friend=
Americans evenly divided on whether Bush is a uniter or a divider
Why the US is running scared of elections in Iraq
This article sums it up nicely. You can see now, more clearly, why Comrade Furher Bush wanted to turn over power in Iraq before the elections in America -- even if the resistance continued, it could be chalked up to internal Iraqi civil unrest, and *their* problem.
And with a carefully chosen puppet regime -- visible or invisible strings -- the US would remain in Iraq in its new bases to safeguard the new Iraqi regime and the oil, basically forever. Regardless of the outcome of *internal* Iraqi struggles, the US could always claim to be defending the legitimate interests of the Iraqis, no matter how ludicrous the arguments might sound.
Finally, if *democracy* did not ever take place, in the sense of normal people doing the *voting* thing, it would be -- again -- an internal Iraqi problem; THEIR fault, not ours, we'll be told.
The key issue is oil. Not just Iraqi oil, but Saudi and Kuwaiti, and the rest of the Middle East. Peak Oil is basically here already. We're pumping faster than we are finding new reserves. Like fuck we're going to allow the Muslims to vote themselves religious governments! No one in our government cares about Muslim human rights, or the right of women to drive cars, or Jesus or any other concept based on morality or ethics. This is only about power and control and wealth. Total Global Domination.
Sooooo ... Be a good German and things will go well for you. Keep your mouth shut and follow orders. Be loyal to your Homeland... =Liberez L'Ours=
Bush to unveil workforce training program
Bush apparently will announce "worker retraining grants" during the State
of the Union address. But $120-million is laughable.
Even if you believe there are only 6-million unemployed that's fifty bucks per head. Unless this is simply a concrete deal for W's friends (You can't retrain workers without a BRAND, NEW [no-bid, grant-funded] retraining center, can you?), it's simply a roundabout way for banks to loan people (more) money to pay for a job-specific education with the goal of a job that either will or won't be there at some point in the future.
And there's the rub. W promised his tax cuts would be creating 300,000 jobs-per-month by now. He needs ten months of exceptional JOB GROWTH to pull himself out of the hole. 5-months if the goal is to hit the halfway point. But over the past five months his tax cut-driven economy has created about 250,000 jobs. That's 50,000-jobs per month.
Extrapolate the math and it takes the entire second-term just to hit the break even point for all the jobs he lost during his first-term. And I'm not even including whatever ADDITIONAL jobs would be lost during a second-term (which puts it all back in the hole again, maybe way back).
You can't train workers for jobs that aren't being created. However, you can increase competition for existing jobs and drive wages down. That makes profits go up. And isn't that what's important to the Bush administration? =Friend=
'State of the Union address' scorecard (or drinking game)
Martin Luther King streets racially divided
An article from Monday's paper stating the obvious -- streets named for Martin Luther King, Jr. are ALWAYS in "black" neighborhoods. It seems that segregation is alive and well despite his teachings. =Heather G.=
M O N E Y | |
The defense budget is bigger than you think
by Robert Higgs, The Independent Institute
Interesting calculations. The author attributes 81.1 percent of the national debt to past "defense" expenditures, working from 1916 forward. That means that in 2002, approximately $138.7 billion of interest payments on the national debt were the result of prior years' "defense" expenditures! Wow. The power of compounded interest... =Liberez L'Ours=
Introducing the Baen Free Library Common sense, applied to the practical reality of commercial publishing
Lock-ins concern Wal-Mart workersExcerpt: Retailing experts and Wal-Mart's competitors said the company's lock-in policy was highly unusual. Officials at Kmart, Sears, Toys "R" Us, Home Depot and Costco said they did not lock in workers.
"It's clearly cause for concern," said Burt Flickinger, who runs a retail consulting company. "Locking in workers, that's more of a 19th- century practice than a 20th-century one."
President actually sees protestersExcerpt: "They tried to move us back -- but there were just too many of us," said Potts. The group got within 100 yards of the president.
Extreme evangelism: How fundamentalist preachers are using pizza, motorcycles and even Santa Claus to convert public school students and what you can do about it
by Rob Boston, Americans United for Separation of Church and StateExcerpt: Despite more than 40 years of Supreme Court rulings mandating that public schools refrain from promoting religion, some school board members, teachers and administrators will not accept the fact that they are not supposed to meddle in the private religious lives of students.
Tourists opt for CanadaEntire article: The number of Scots visiting Canada is set to soar by up to 30 per cent next year, as a result of the United States’ clampdown which requires all visitors from the UK, from October, to be in possession of a "biometric" passport, or a Ł67 visa, available only from London or Belfast.
Tour operators are forecasting that the extra security in the US will boost visitor numbers to its neighbor by up to a third, aided by attractive exchange rates for the Canadian dollar, and significantly increased services from Scottish airports.
Travel to the US has recently been disrupted by security scares involving aircraft flying to and from Britain and long queues at the main US airports, as visitors are subjected to fingerprint and visa checks.
It's a good thing tourism is an insignificant part of the U.S. economy. =H&HH=
Gay-hating minister convicted of soliciting sex from male teenager
U.S. eyes space as possible battleground
I can't see anyone really being surprised by Bush's sudden interest in space being tied to war aims, but the bit on Helium 3 was something new to me. =Phillip S.=
I think Comrade Fuhrer Bush is going to face renewed calls to stop spending money like a "drunken sailor". Quite a few of the Repugnants are unhappy with the deficit situation. So there is that to keep in mind.
The deeper reality though is the militarization of space and the many billions to be spend on the "National Space Plane". The Moon/Mars missions are excellent cover for TWD (Total World Domination) from space. Add orbiting nuke powered lasers and any spot on Earth can become fused glass at any time; just "push the button". Now *that* will appeal to the Repugnants and Neocons, no matter how fiscally conservative they fantasize about being. Heh.
It's all bad. Evil personified. The Anti-Christ sits in the Oval Office... =Liberez L'Ours=
From the archives, July 29, 2003
U.S. the leader in war plans for space
From the archives, Oct. 16, 2003
U.S. General sees war in space
with comments by Heather G. and H&HH
Heartless 'marriage plans' embarrass America
Editorial, The New York Times
Can this president get any dumber or his handlers any more evil???
But he is thinking of us, you see ...
When you've breathed all the filthy air he has given us, when you've drunk the leaded water he has given us, when you can't afford the medical care he has not given us, at least you won't be alone when your dying from it all. =Barbara=
Excerpt: Women in poor neighborhoods may find bitter amusement in the idea that they need the government's encouragement to search for a husband, or that conflict resolution courses are the way to shore up troubled unions between two poor people.
Electrolux to close refrigerator factory in Michigan Most of the work will be transferred to Mexico
OK, you gotta choice we can come to your country and take your jobs, or we can work here in Mexico when your jobs come here. Hey we don't mind, either way we're gonna get your jobs! =Kathy Fisher=
Canadian newscaster allowed to have libido
"More explosive than the Hatton inquiry"Excerpt: At a hearing last November, Gun's legal team indicated that she would use a defense of 'necessity' to argue that she acted to save the lives of British soldiers and Iraqi civilians.
At the time Gun, who was sacked after her arrest and whose case is funded by legal aid, said in a statement: 'Any disclosures that may have been made were justified on the following grounds: because they exposed serious illegality and wrongdoing on the part of the US government who attempted to subvert our own security services; and to prevent wide-scale death and casualties among ordinary Iraqi people and UK forces in the course of an illegal war.'
She added: 'I have only ever followed my conscience.'
From the archives,
Sacked and prosecuted for telling the truth by Norman Solomon, syndicated columnist
In Iraq, U.S. battles patriotic music
Iraq occupation uses documents from 1918 occupation of Iraq
Israeli envoy wrecks art exhibit
R E R U N S | |
Too many lies to count A speech by President George W. Bush, in Cincinnati, Ohio
"There's no telling how many wars it will take to secure freedom in the homeland."
Republican Party behind Dixie Chicks 'controversy'
Two years of lies about Sept. 11 And now, the new Warren Commission
by Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown NewsExcerpt: The 9/11 Commission was originally given a budget of $3-million. That's a little less than one-fifth of one percent of one percent about zero-point-zero-zero-18% of the $166-billion already spent, committed, and requested just for this year's occupation and 'reconstruction' of Iraq.
The investigation's budget was later increased, after much complaining from the Commission itself, to $12-million. Some reports say the budget is now $14-million.
By comparison, the investigation of February's shuttle disaster was budgeted at $50-million. That investigation was set in motion less than two hours after the astronauts' deaths, and began releasing its findings within a few months.
Even the Warren Commission, the U.S. government's widely-disbelieved investigation of Pres. Kennedy's 1963 assassination, was budgeted at $5.5-million in 1963 funds. Adjusted for inflation, that's more than $32-million in 2003 dollars.
You might think it would cost substantially more to thoroughly investigate a complicated event nineteen foreign hijackers commandeering four passenger jets and obliterating the World Trade Center, damaging the Pentagon, and killing thousands of Americans than to investigate the shooting of the president in a parade.
The Bush Administration seems to disagree. They think it should cost substantially less. |
Pentagon withholds human guinea pig medical dataBackground information "Support the troops," they say ...
Bush ends "discrimination" against faith-based charities
with comments by Linda D.
Health care for Congress and everyone else
by Tess Ellis, Unknown News
How many times have we been told this country can't afford universal healthcare? We're the richest country in the world, but we can't afford to give our citizens what most of the rest of the industrialized countries do automatically. Why is that? |
No 'Mad Cow' testing in Washington stateNo mad cow tests were conducted during the two-year period at any of the six federally registered slaughterhouses in Washington state.
From the archives, Dec. 24, 2003
USDA refused to release mad cow records
Background information Innoculating yourself from the lies about Mad Cow Disease
Criminology students say they faked evidence
with comments by Grandma & Grandpa
Bush plans $1.5 billion ad campaign for marriage
It is refreshing to know that America finally has so few problems and such a healthy economy that we can easily afford to blow a billion and a half bucks reminding heterosexuals to get married instead of shackin' up. =H&HH=
President’s Special Advisory Commission on Healthy Marriage by Jerome Doolittle, Bad Attitudes
Bush plan to honor ML King stirs criticism
Kind of like Hitler going to see the "Wailing Wall." =Chris M.=
Man cleared by DNA will be freed from prison
USDA quietly declares emergency in Washington state
Who is more mad, us or the cows? =Marshall=
Background information Innoculating yourself from the lies about Mad Cow Disease
Angry citizens back man who shot intruder Homeowner defended family but charged for violating handgun ban
Tests show Washington, D.C. still vulnerable to air attack
But we're getting better. Maybe by the time the next attack occurs, U.S. national defense will be allowed to defend the U.S. =Marshall and Helen & Harry Highwater=
See the 'Hitler ads' dropped by MoveOnFrom the archives, Jan. 6, 2004
MoveOn knuckles under to Republican pressure
with comments by Warren Celli and Helen & Harry Highwater
One in 24 Americans to be "citizen spies"RE-LINKED, BY POPULAR DEMAND |
Today's Unknown News |
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Disclaimer for dummies: A link doesn't imply that we agree with every sentence and every sentiment on every site we link to. Links may not be safe for work, you may be shocked, offended, blah blah blah. We use our noggins, and suggest you use yours. | |
There's much more than this at Unknown News.
In today's DIALOGUE
If there is a draft, there will be riots like haven't been seen since the civil war. There will be nobody to stop the riots because they'll all be somewhere else.
The historical Jesus was not unfamiliar with violence.
Do you have any information on the Homewood Police in Birmingham, Alabama. They beat my son almost to death on a traffic stop.
Isn't it interesting that the government, after decades of discouraging marriage among the poor by only giving single women financial help, and among the middle class with the "marriage penalty", they now want to spend 1.5 Billion encouraging people to get married.
The video will show you exactly what we have bombed -- it is not a pretty picture and requires a strong stomach. I suggest you have your pastor show it to the faithful at his next sermon.
I've tried to see what you're upset about, and it just makes no sense to me. Millions of people who were tortured and enslaved have been rescued. This is heroism to me.
I view any support of Wal-Mart anti-American ... including yours.
Some recent UNKNOWN NEWS you may have missed
Pentagon withholds human guinea pig medical data
Bush ends "discrimination" against faith-based charities
with comments by Linda D.
No 'Mad Cow' testing in Washington state
Criminology students say they faked evidence
with comments by Grandma & Grandpa
Deputy pleads guilty to child abuse
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Feds drool over saliva-based drug tests
U.S. pilot detained in Brazil in fingerprint spat
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Stupefyingly long list of Bush-Cheney et al lies updated
The battle of Athens, Tennessee
by SayUncle, with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News
Weapons, schmeapons: Bush advisors say unfound Iraqi weapons matter little
Official confirms claims that Saddam was Bush’s focus before 9/11: Bush admits he targeted Saddam from inauguration day
No chemical agent in Iraq mortar shells
U.S. gets access to Canadian tax data
"No President has ever done more for human rights than I have" [Is George W. Bush insane?]
Marijuana activist indicted for refusing DNA
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Contaminated salmon: More 'bad food news' goes down easy
with comments by John C. and Friend
Random roadblocks OK'd by Supreme Court
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Arms cache in Texas leads to convictions but few answers
with comments by Grandma & Grandpa
Kentucky deputy and convict extort drivers on drunk road trip in cruiser
What's another word for 'secret justice'? Injustice.: Secret courts, secret dockets, secret arguments, secret imprisonments
Five impolite questions for the president by Don Williams, Knoxville News-Sentinel
In New Jersey, a link to mad cow?: Seven who apparently died of a similar illness are getting new attention
Coming soon: Another U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela
Amputee soldier denied access to nightclub: His shoes weren't nice enough
The S factor explains Bush's popularity by Neal Starkman, Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Hit by a bus
by David H., with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News |
Reality TV's ultimate jungle: Simulated presidential politics
Republicans want park's name restored to 'Squaw Peak': It had been re-named for soldier killed in Iraq
Feds come down hard on alleged Saddam spy
with comments by John C.
Bush planned Iraq attack months before Sept. 11, Former Treasury Secretary says
Question about flight simulator program brings visit from police
with comments by John C. and Chris M.
Bush drug proposal enrages veterans
Carnegie study states the obvious: Bush lied to take America to war
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
Republicans exploit foster kids to get around new campaign finance law
with comments by Madeline Zane
MoveOn knuckles under to Republican pressure
with comments by Warren Celli and Helen & Harry Highwater
Department of Labor advises employers on how to avoid paying overtime
with comments by Chris, Helen & Harry Highwater, Madeline Zane, and the U.S. Department of Labor
Catholic Church makes big show of passing alleged "audits" based on voluntary self-reporting
with comments by Madeline Zane
US troops get big bonus if they extend Middle East duty
with comments by Kathy Fisher
Six cops “sentenced” for beating: House arrest, probation, and suspended sentences and all remain on payroll
Street won't (yet) be named after Ashcroft
with comments by Barbara
NJ Weedman fires up congressional campaign
When history is hijacked
by Gwynne Dyer, syndicated columnist
Pain of cancer makes Republican legislator remember freedom
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
Feds order casinos, airlines to surrender customer data
CIA to install secret police in Iraq
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
America: The real danger lies within
by Eric Margolis, Toronto Sun
Arab-American group launches voting effort
with comments by Madeline Zane
USDA pretends beef supply is safe
with comments by Madeline Zane
Rest of world gets sick of propping up Bush's deficit by John Garnaut, Sydney Morning Herald
Various white male hypocrites dominated 2003 by Anna Quindlen, Newsday
U.S. soldiers discharged for beating Iraqis: Two out of three get "honorable discharge"
Homeland Security Dept. quietly expands reach
with comments by John C.
Sept. 11 "detainee" cleared but still held: Faces deportation to Algeria, imprisonment or execution there
The fish that threatened national security
by Lara Hayhurst, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Justice Department pretends to continue investigating White House administration leak retaliating against WMD whistleblower
with comments by Madeline Zane
Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical journals
with comments by Madeline Zane
Vote system provides receipt, verification that your vote was counted
Bystander killed as cops fire at moving car
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater
The truth won't come out at "Saddam Hussein's trial"
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Thank you, Kurt J., Leonard M., Bob, Plep, Kathy, Paul A., RDLabs, Ginny N., HappySysiphus, Sarah L., Gregory H., John C., Sander, *Anonymous*, Tino, Larry A., Karl E., Mark B. (again!, Emberly (again!, Jim T., Cory P., Emberly, Doug V., Michael B., BGL, Joe M., Gino, Kurt, anonymous, Shirley, Carol K., Marjie H., Miguel A., Jeff C., Jim E., Tim D., M.S., Frank F., Tad G., Joseph F., Brian R., Alex L., and so many more saints! Thank you too, to all our regular newshounds, including Angry Annie, Chris, Dean, Grandma & Grandpa, Guy the rightwing-watcher, Heather G., jart, Jesus, John C., Kathy F., kikz, Liberez L'Ours, Marshall, My Left Gonad, Ran Prieur, Rebecca, Sgt. Rock, Tim, X-Pensive Winos, and Yomama. And thank you, to all our "irregulars," the angels who send an outrage every now and then hugs to all! |
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