Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "spike".
500 matches:
- 13degrassi13 - Degrassi & Thirteen
- ___degrassi___ - ___degrassi___
- __rfrdegrassi__ - Rfr and degrassi fan fics and rp.
- _addicted2lj_ - LJ Addicts
- _adultswim - adult swim
- _angel_lovers_ - a community/rpg for fans of angel
- _buffyisiconic - Buffy Icon Community for everyone!!!
- _degrassi_high_ - _degrassi_high_
- _error - Error Designs
- _grr_argh_ - Mutant ExistentialScoobies
- _hell_on_earth_ - Hell On Earth- A Buffy/Angel RPG
- _illyria - _illyria
- _joeschmo - The Joe Schmo Community
- _notfadeaway_ - Not Fade Away-a Buffyverse icon challenge
- _shades_of_grey - Shades of Grey
- _sidekicks - _sidekicks
- _sweet_spuffy_ - _sweet_spuffy_
- addictsdegrassi - 100% Addicted
- after_death - ::DtB::
- all_things_btvs - All Things BTVS & A:tS
- all_things_dru - All Things Drusilla
- andrew_loverz - .:.:*Andrew Loverz*:.:.
- angel_100 - Angel Drabbles and Icons
- angel_awards - Angel Awards
- angel_case_file - Angel Investigations
- angel_fans - Angel Fans
- angel_ooc - City of Angel: Angel the series OOC.
- angel_requests - Angel Requests
- angel_stillness - }{ Angel Stillness }{
- angel_us - Angelus' Place
- angelcordylove - All things Angel
- angeldrabble - Angel Drabble
- angelscreencaps - angelscreencaps
- angeluncensored - Angel Uncensored
- animedvd - animedvd
- animeeyes - The Eyes Have It
- antidumbcomment - I Dont Like You
- apaper_flowers_ - Closed, Over With.
- arcadia - Kupo's Graphic Journal
- atpobtvsats - ATPoers
- ats_btvs_claims - ats_btvs_claims
- ats_challenge - Angel Icon Challenge
- ats_endofdays - End of Days
- ats_icons - Angel : The Series Icons
- ats_screencaps - Angel Screencaps
- aussie_scoobies - Aussie Buffy Fans
- austin_freaks - Austin Freaks
- band_of_freaks - band_of_freaks
- bauk - Buffy and Angel UK
- bbackdoors - Behind Closed Doors
- bcva - British Columbia Volleyball Association
- bcwnews - BCW News and Stats
- bdh_ooc - Big Damn Heros OOC
- bdu_ljers - ljers
- bebop_icontest - Cowboy Bebop Icon Contest
- bebop_rpg - Bebop Roleplay
- bebopicons - Bebop Icons
- beboprpg - The Real Folk Blues
- best_laid_plans - The Best Laid Plans
- beyond_buffy - Beyond Buffy
- beyond_ooc - Beyond Buffy - Out Of Character Journal
- bfa - The Buffy Fiction Archive
- big_damn_heros - Big Damn Heros
- bloodclaim - ~For the love of Spander~
- bloodfaithful - bloodfaithful
- bloodyawful - Spike Fans
- blue_eyes_spike - blue_eyes_spike
- bocadelinferno - Bocca Del Inferno
- bof_ooc - bof_ooc
- boobcrabuttstar - boobcrabuttstar
- boojum_rex - Boojum Rex
- bored__much - for the bored
- botworld - botworld
- braceletwhores - braceletwhores
- broken_scream - OOC Fear_Itself
- bronze_ooc - Out of Character Journal for Bronze_Slayers
- bruised_love - bruised_love
- btvs_angel - Buffy & Angel Discussions and Crossovers
- btvs_atsiconage - BTVS and AtS Icon community
- btvs_awards - BtVS/AtS Icon Awards
- btvs_claims - Claim anything from Buffy!
- btvs_german - btvs_german
- btvs_hp_xovers - btvs_hp_xovers
- btvs_icons - BtVS Icons Community
- btvs_requests - Buffy Icon Requests and Questions
- btvs_rpers - -|- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Role Players -|-
- btvs_screencaps - btvs_screencaps
- btvs_slash - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slash
- btvs_trivia - btvs_trivia
- btvsfans - BTVSFANS @ Livejournal
- btvsmemories - BTVS Memories
- btvsrpg - Buffy the vampire slayer role playing game
- buffistas - Buffistas
- buffy_alt5 - buffy_alt5
- buffy_bad_girls - Bad Girls
- buffy_claims - Buffy Claims
- buffy_ep_claims - Claim a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode!
- buffy_fanfic - Buffy Fan Fiction
- buffy_fans - Buffy & Angel Fans
- buffy_graphics - BtVS & A:TS Graphics
- buffy_icons - BtVS/AtS icons
- buffy_motion - [Buffy Motion]
- buffy_musical - Buffy: The Musical
- buffy_nowish - Buffy and Culture
- buffy_recs - Buffy and Angel Recs
- buffy_rpg_ads - Whedonverse RPG Ads
- buffy_stillness - buffy_stillness
- buffy_tas - Buffy: The Animated Series
- buffy_uncut - Buffy Spoiler
- buffyaddicts - hopelessly addicted
- buffyangelrpg33 - Buffy/Angel Rpg community
- buffyconla - Buffy convention in la, ca, usa
- buffyconvrep - Buffy/Angel Fan Conventions --- News & Reports
- buffydrabble - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Drabble
- buffyecticons - Buffy and Such icons
- buffyfan - Buffy & Angel Fan Community
- buffyfan_sweden - Buffy fans in Sweden
- buffyfans - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel Fans
- buffyfans_uk - UK Buffy and Angel Fans
- buffyinhawaii - Buffy in Hawaii
- buffyloversrpg - Buffy the Vampire Slayer RP
- buffymagic - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- buffymetaphors - buffymetaphors
- buffymux - BuffyMUX
- buffyobsessed - "Buffy Obsessed"
- buffyphilo_m - Buffy Philosophy (Moderated)
- buffyphilosophy - Mutant Enemy (Buffy/Angel) Discussion
- buffyponderings - Buffy Ponderings
- buffypunx - Buffy Punx Unite!!
- buffyquotes - BtVS Quotes
- buffyrecs - Buffy Recs
- buffyrpers - Buffy Roleplayers
- buffyrules - Buffy Rules
- buffyshipclaims - BtVS/AtS 'Ship Claims
- buffythemusical - B U F F Y - the - Musical
- buffytodate - Discussion of current Buffy episodes
- buffytvs - btvs
- buffyversemusic - That song reminds me of...
- cazavampiros - Buffy_Cazavampiros
- chaos_bleeds - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds
- cheekymonkeys - Cheeky Monkeys!
- cheezit_project - The Original Celebrated Cheez-It Project
- chosen_icons - Chosen Icons
- chosenees - A Community for Fans
- churchofspike - Church of Spike
- city_of_angel - City of Angel: Angel the series RPG.
- claim_tehspikey - Claim Teh Spikey
- closet_romantic - Closet Romantic: A different kind of love
- coffeegroup - Eta Beta Pi
- coldasnight - Xander/Spike Slash
- cordyscolumn - Cordy's Column
- cowboybebop - Cowboy Bebop
- cowboybebopblue - The Real Folk Blues
- cowboybebopmush - Cowboy Bebop: Infinite Sessions MUSH
- cravingspike - CravingSpike
- creative_coaxme - creative_coaxme
- creativity - Something 'bout Blue
- crimson_dawn - Crimson Dawn
- crimson_daze - Crimson Daze
- cya_ficathon - Choose your Author ficathon
- cybertron - Cybertron
- d_e_g_r_a_s_s_i - .
- daily_whisperer - The Daily Whisperer
- dark_passions - dark_passions A Buffy Roll Playing Community
- dark_place_emo - depression
- darkdharma - darkdharma
- david_b_daily - david_b_daily
- dbz360 - David Boreanaz Lovers
- dead_summer - Spike/Xander RP
- dearone - Darla Devotion
- deathbyhammer - Death by Hammer webcomic livejournal
- degrassi - Degrassi Fans
- degrassi_fans - The Next Generation
- degrassi_lovers - degrassi_lovers
- degrassi_spoils - degrassi_spoils
- degrassi_usa - Degrassi in the US
- degrassicosm - The Zit Remedy
- degrassics_rpg - degrassics_rpg
- degrassifanfic - degrassifanfic
- degrassijrhigh - Degrassi_RP_Claims
- degrassilove_rp - degrassilove_rp
- degrassispoiler - Degrassi Spoilers
- degrassitng_tk -
- degrassixmscl - My So Called Degrassi
- destiny_unknown - When Darkness Falls Community
- deviantchicks - Deviant Chicks Association
- devildrives_rpg - When the Devil Drives RPG
- diedawndie - The Dawn Haters Community
- disassemblance - Fans of Disassemblance
- disguisedrobots - Transformers
- djinanna_recs - Djinanna's Fanfic Revue
- doll_house_x - doll_house_x
- doomedsunnydale - Doomed Sunnydale
- dorkylosers - dorkylosers
- drewassassins - Assassins: Drew University's Water War!
- drewgoddardfans - Drew Goddard Fans
- dykesforspike - Dykes for Spike
- elviscostello - elvis costello fan
- emerson_btvs - Emerson's Buffy Fanatics
- emptyrooms - Empty Rooms - Morry's Fic
- enterthetomato - Edward & Ein Fan Community
- everything_wb - everything_wb
- evilawakens - Evil Awakens: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
- evilistas - Evilistas
- exmummyhand - Cunkles and Squeers Inc.
- faithandspike - Faith + Spike Shipper
- fanarchy - fanarchy
- fayeandspike - The Faye and Spike Community
- fear_itself - The Scoobies
- fic_bunnies - Challenged?
- fiction_lust - Fictional Character Crush League
- ficworkshop - Jossverse Fanfic Writer's Workshop
- filthyharlot - filthy harlot
- finbuffy - finnish buffy&angel fans united!
- finishing_angel - Angel: Season Six
- flamey_icons - Extra Flamey Icons
- ftvs - Faith the Vampire Slayer
- ftvs_ooc - ftvs_ooc
- gatestohell - Where Dimensions Collide
- girlscliquefic - Girls Clique Fiction Challenge
- goodnight_julia - Julia Fan Community [Cowboy Bebop]
- gren_lovers - For Gren fans! (you know who you are)
- grownupdegrassi - Grown-Up Degrassi
- hallsdiaries - Halls of Innocence - Diaries
- harmony_fans - Fans of Harmony Kendall
- hellmouth - The Hellmouth
- hellmouth_high - Hellmouth High
- hellmouth_home - The Buffyverse hangout``
- hellmouth_of_la - Hellmouth of Los Angeles
- hellmouthhigh - Hellmouth High
- hellmouthlounge - The Hellmouth Lounge
- holiey_crow - holiey_crow
- home_of_heroes - home_of_heroes
- hooked_on_air - Hopelessly Addicted to Breathing
- hopelessbubble - HopelessBubble Icons
- hpringslayer - Calliope Knight
- hugsandpuppies - Hugs and Puppies
- hump_island - hump_island
- hyperion_lobby - The Hyperion Lobby (Buffy and Angel fanfic links)
- i_hate_joss - I Hate Joss
- iconjoints_ - Icon Joints
- iconoclasts - We, the Iconoclasts
- icontastic - icontastic
- iftomorrow - If Tomorrow Never Comes
- illyriaficathon - The Illyria Ficathon
- in_character - ...Tragedy Strikes the Hellmouth...
- indiachronicles - The India Chronicles
- inthenow - inthenow
- inthenow_ooc - inthenow_ooc
- into_the_plot - into_the_plot
- itn_ooc - Inthenow OOC
- james_daily - James Marsters Daily Photos
- james_obsessors - James Obsessors'
- jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
- jcfc - Jim Carrey Fan Club
- jm_meetings - jm_meetings
- jointicons_ - jointicons_
- jossverse - jossverse
- juliadreams - Julia Dreams
- kimberly_fan - S/X Fan Kimberly
- kmk_fans - Kings and Queens who are down with the krown!
- krythescatqueen - Kry Queen of Scat
- lilah_ats5 - Angel Season 5: Featuring Lilah Morgan
- lornes_bar - lornes_bar
- loser_hill - divas & devos
- lovealias_buffy - we <3 Alias and Buffy
- marsters_daily - Daily pictures of James Marsters
- marsterswomen - marsterswomen
- marysue_academy - Mary Sue Academy
- marysuepride - marysuepride
- meta_museum - Museum of the Metaphysical
- mightymax - The Capbearer Club
- mlp_icons - mlp_icons
- mob_sisters - Mob Sisters
- morayasicons - Moraya's icons
- morethanspike - More Than Spike
- morningafterrpg - Morning After RPG
- moz_ljers - Marsters Of Oz livejournalers
- mr_goodfang - Angel Icon Challenge
- mtcs - Muffy The Coochie Slayer
- mxcforgrownups - MXC Community - Grown Up Discussions Welcome!!!
- myownfun - My Own Fun
- notsobitchy - Not So Bitchy
- notsodelusional - Not So Delusional
- notsola - Not So LA
- notsooriginal - Not So Original
- notsosunnydale - Not So Sunnydale
- now_ish - Apocalypse Nowish
- nukemars - NukeMars
- omwf - Once More with Feeling
- oocbuffymusical - OOC: Buffy the Musical
- oocnow_ish - Apocalypse Nowish OOC
- ooctalk - So, let's talk
- open_on_sunday - The new sunday100
- our_gang - Our Gang: Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG
- our_gangooc - Our Gang: OOC Journal
- ourhappyplace - Spike's Bitches
- outcastclub - OutCast Corner
- owfc - Obsessed With Fictional Characters
- pairgenerator - The Random Character Mix Generator
- pass_set_attack - We love volleyball!
- peanutsdaily - Peanuts comic strip
- peroxidespike - Peroxide//Spike
- pervyfancier - the pervy fanciers
- pib - Perverts in Black
- pink_drinkers - The Pink Drink Girls
- poison_graphix - Poison Graphix (Linkin Park & Misc. Graphics)
- post_sunnydale - Post Sunnydale RPG
- power_play - Power Play
- quarto - Mary Sue Academy Year Book
- quote_claims - quote_claims
- radiofreedgrasi - Radio Free Degrassi
- railroadspikes - For People who love vamps with Blonde hair
- rainbowbryte69 - BtVS Share-Spot
- rate_a_goddess - Rate A Morbid Goddess
- reality_bends - Reality Bends RPG
- restless_rpg - Restless
- restless_vision - Restless Vision: An Icon Contest
- rhys_ifans - The Rhys Ifans LiveJournal Community
- rinsden - Rin-chan's Den
- rocksoff101 - Erykah's Spikey (and Jamesy) Blog
- rp_shikonnotama - Shikon No Tama RPG community
- rpg_degrassi - rpg_degrassi
- rpgcrossoverx3 - rpgcrossoverx3
- rq_v_amphibian - RQ_Version amphibian!♥
- sacrificial - After Sacrifice
- scifi_smut - Fan fiction inspired by Sci-Fi/Fantasy works
- scoobies - The Scooby Gang
- scoobies_ooc - OOC Community for Scoobies
- scooby_gang - The Scooby Gang
- scottspeicher - Michael Scott Speicher
- sd_ooc - Sunnydale OOC Community
- sd_reunion - Sunnydale Reunion: A Buffy RPG
- season8btvs - Mock Mutant Enemy Writing Staff
- secret_shadows - In the Secret Shadows we lurk.
- shadowseaves - Shadow's Eaves_Btvs_rpg
- shagthebritish - Shag me, shag me rotten!
- sickchicks - sickchicks
- simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
- sired - Master Vampire
- sitrusfrukt - Proverbs for Paranoids
- skitzosunnydale - Skitzo Sunnydale
- slashy_goodness - slashy_goodness
- slay_chronicles - Slayer Chronicles
- slay_me - Slay Me - A Buffy RPG
- slayer_mansion - Slayer Mansion
- slayer_tales - Slayer Tales
- slayerdale_ooc - Slayer Dale Out of Community
- slayerfest_04 - Welcome to the helmouth
- slayerfiction - The Slayers
- slayericons - ~BtVS/Ats Icons~Slayer Icons~
- slayerprov - The Jossverse Improv
- slayerverse - Slayerverse Buffy RPG
- slayerverse100 - A Buffy, Angel and Fray Challenge Community
- snag_a_btvs_bod - Snag A BtVS Bod
- snapes_dungeons - slash fic recs
- snood_addicts - Snood Addicts Anonymous
- sog_ooc - Shades of Grey OOC
- soul_purpose - Soul Purpose
- soulsitestuff - Soul's Site Stuff n Nonsense
- spanderslash - Spike and Xander
- spankthemoppet - "Grr Arrgh!" -- BtVS & AtS Fans
- spara_ficathon - spara_ficathon
- spicon_delight - spike iconpalooza
- spike__me - Spike Fan
- spike_angel - spike_angel
- spike_fics - Spike Fanfiction
- spike_icons - Spike Icons: All Spike...All the Time...
- spike_show - Spike: The (Online) Series
- spike_stillness - s.p.i.k.e || stillness
- spike_xander - Spike_Xander
- spikeandandrew - SpikeAndAndrew
- spikecary - spikecary
- spikedru - Amaranth :: Spike/Dru 'Shippers
- spikenwes - Peaches Won't Be Happy
- spikeyyummy - Spike is Yummy
- spillowfans - Willow/Spike Fans
- spillyria - Spillyria = Spike + Illyria
- spred - Spred Fans
- spuffy_claims - Spuffy Claims
- spuffy_tennis - Warden Series
- spuffychallenge - Spuffy Icon Challenge
- spuffyicons - Spuffy Icons
- spuffyness - Spuffy Fans
- stickfergus - Stickfergus
- stormsareborn - Storms Are Born RPG
- stormys_icons - ^_^
- subtleaddiction - Rubywisp and Ladycat
- summer_of_spike - Summer of Spike
- summers_house - .::.House Of The Summers'.::.
- sundale - Sundale: An Angelus/Xander RPG Journal
- sunday100 - Sunday100
- sunny_dale - Community of Sunnydale, California
- sunnydale_90666 - The 90666: Zip Code of the Hellmouth
- sunnydale_arts - The Sunnydale High School Center for the Arts
- sunnydale_calif - Welcome to Sunnydale
- sunnydale_socks - Sunnydale Sock Puppet Theatre
- sunnydale_usa - Sunnydale USA RPG
- sunnydalelounge - The Sunnydale Lounge
- sunnydaleosi - Sunnydale OSI (Office of Subterranian Information)
- sweet_moments - sweet *anyone* moments
- sxanchorsaway - Anchors Away-- An Online RPG
- sxandviolence - SX and Violence Zone
- talesofaslayer - Tales of a Slayer
- the_47th_page - A place for Alias, Angel, and Buffy Fans!!
- the__bebop - the__bebop
- the_bronze - The Bronze: A Buffy RPG Community
- the_bronzers - ooc to sunnydalelounge
- the_casino - The Casino:Where Tribe Fans Come To Unwind
- the_slb_awards_ - The Shagging Like Bunnies Awards
- thebittenboards - The Bitten Boards
- thebronze_ - The Bronze - Buffy Fan Fiction Community
- thescoobygang - The Scooby Gang
- thespikettes - The Spikettes
- thexchosenxones - The Chosen Ones
- thosephotokids - Those Weird Kids at the Back Table
- timebiscuits - Baking Our Own History Since The Year Dot
- tomboybuffy - TomboYBuffY
- toxictotty - Bad Boy Alert
- treepretty - Fire Bad, Tree Pretty
- truest_slayers - Only the truest of Whedonverse belong
- trustthefungus - This Ain't No Game
- uc_at_sunnydale - University of Sunnydale: Sophmores
- uc_commons - UC Sunnydale's Common Room
- uc_sunnydale - The Scooby Gang
- uffy_buff - Unconventional Fanfiction --B:tVS
- valleyofthesun - valleyofthesun
- vamp_fiction - Vampire Fiction
- vamphetamine - Vampire Fetish
- vampire_slayer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- vampires_in_luv - Love in the Hellmouth: Buffy RPG
- vamps_recs - vamps_recs
- vampyre_haven - vampyre_haven
- vari_challenge - vari_challenge
- vicious_luv - For the Love of Vicious
- voodoo_criminal - Weed and Unique people
- wackinessrpg - Wackiness Ensues
- warm_and_fuzzy - warm_and_fuzzy
- warpbtvsrpg - warpbtvsrpg
- watcherchroncle - The Watcher Chronicles
- wb_rpg - The WB RPG
- we_hate_eve - Angel Investigations
- we_love_anya - We Love Anya
- wes_xandrew - wes_xandrew
- wesfred - Wes/Fred Fans
- wesleysliskurja - Wesley Pairings
- whedonosity - whedonosity
- willow_n_amy - Two Witches..No Waiting
- without_fear - without fear
- wolfram_awards_ - Wolfram & Hart Online RP Awards
- wookie_gang - Wookie Gang
- xanadawn - Freeform RPGing Amongst Friends
- xander_slash - Xander Slash
- xdegrassikidsrp - Degrassi Role-Playing!
- xmen_songsets - Lyric inspired X Men goodness
Interested users
The following users are interested in spike. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches: