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User:fnordx (484482) fnordx
There was a Hole here, but now it's gone
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status fnordnoc (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 19636510 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status fnordxnoc (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Uhm, let's see here. I'm a generally shy, pretty deep, and generally strange. I'll try to not just keep people updated on my life, but of the general things I find interesting and various breakthroughs I make in various mental states. Does that sound weird enough for you? No, then read on.

Tina the Troubled TeenThe Weather in Hell

Right now, in Juneau Alaska:
Interests:62: 1920's, 1980's, 80s music, alaska, anime, atlanta, badtz maru, beos, brunching shuttlecocks, caffeine, chalkhills, cisco, computers, cosmic trigger, cthulhu, die form, discordia, dreamcast, eeyore, elf, folk, fps, gameboy advance, gamecube, goth, h. p. lovecraft, haiku, horror, illuminatus trilogy, industrial, iron chef, japan, jeffrey combs, juneau, kallisti, klf, ksc, kurosawa, linux, mst3k, nethack, networking, nihon, penny arcade, poee, post-punk, ps2, religion, retro gaming, robert anton wilson, rpgs, silent hill, spirituality, system shock 2, the internet, theology, they might be giants, ween, wumpscut, xbox, xtc the band, 日本語. [Modify yours]
People23:aporia, battle_mode, chaobell, convalescence, desolatekitty, dragonmarked, fnordx, gossamyrrh, grimjiminember, heresyoftruth, iwisan, kathra, ladydagger2evil, medicatedangel, momentarylife, mr_death, n3m3sis42, noneuclidean, painsmash, renlay, skellerina, tempest_x, tenjikitokuchi
Communities27:akira_kurosawa, atlanta, atlanta_eats, atlantagoths, big_breasts, customers_suck, darkpinupgirls, discord_society, dragoncon, engrish, geekgrlcal2, geekgrlcalendar, guessthegame, haileris, iheartpocky, ironcheffan, leno_sucks, ljatlanta, maladaptive_rpt, manos, mst3k, necronomiphiles, penny_arcade, show_your_boobs, techsupport, warningsigns, welovegeeks
Feeds3:doonesbury, redmeat_rss, sinfestfeed
Friend of:40: battle_mode, chaobell, convalescence, dayfullofnight, desolatekitty, dragonmarked, faythivy, flyswatter, fnordx, funkjunky, glissade13, gossamyrrh, grimjiminember, heresyoftruth, icmp, ivydevice, iwisan, kathra, killerskincanoe, kim_spiracy, ladydagger2evil, lorinni, medicatedangel, momentarylife, more_light, mr_death, n3m3sis42, noneuclidean, pains_world, painsmash, pazort, piratepirate, renlay, revtetrahedron, skellerina, suki_dorei, tempest_x, tenjikitokuchi, timetokill, tygenco_x
Member of:25: 666darkmore, atkins_diet, atlanta, atlanta_eats, atlantagoths, big_breasts, captionme, customers_suck, cyberotica, dragoncon, geekgrlcal2, geekgrlcalendar, guessthegame, haileris, ironcheffan, leno_sucks, maladaptive_rpt, manos, mst3k, penny_arcade, show_your_boobs, techsupport, thepod, tmbg, welovegeeks
Account type:Free Account

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