Below is user information for Quest. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | quest (6765) |
| House of Quest As I Like It |
Name: | Quest |
Text Message: | Send quest a text message on his/her cellphone/pager. |
Location: | New York, New York, United States |
Birthdate: | 1912-09-17 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | Ledwygg (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
ICQ UIN: | 112790032 (Add User, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | quest742003 (Add User, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | |
Bio: | Bio In Construction... Hard Hat Area. Keep Away from Children. Must be at Least This Tall to Read. Please use for the purpose specified and for no other purpose. Insoluble in water, slippery when wet. Keep in a warm, well lit location away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Owner not responsible for lost or damaged property. No animals were harmed in the making of this journal, but some were mocked mercilessly.
| LJ Barcode |
Memories: | 88 entries |
Interests: | 150: accents, acting, agnosticism, alternative music, antiques, arboreal settings, argyle socks, astrology, auditioning, back rubs, bananas, big band, bleeding, books, candles, cheese, chess, chivalry, chocolate, cinema, climbing, clothes, coffee, cooking, corduroy, costumes, crooning, crushes, cuddling, cute beasts, cynicism, dancing, dialects, driving, dry wit, epiphanies, espresso, experimentation, exploring, eyes, faith, falling, fantasy, fiction, fingertips, fire, flannel, flea markets, flesh, flirting, food, freaks, frogs, fruit, full moons, fusion, guinness, hands, health, history, holocaust, hugs, ice cream, innuendo, instaslang, intellect, intellectual foreplay, irony, jello, juice, karaoke, kissing, laughing, learning, light bulb jokes, lips, listening, love, lust, making faces, mixology, mood lighting, movies, muse, music, mythology, naps, natural disasters, nature, new friends, npr, off-off-broadway, ogden nash, omnisexuality, one-liners, overredundancy, oxymorons, passion, peaches, people smarter than me, peoplewatching, performing, philosophy, poetry, puns, radio, rain, reading, rehearsing, scents, science fiction, sctv, seasons, self-awareness, sensuality, sex, sexuality, shakespeare, singing, sketching, skin, sleeping, social aberration, sparring, spirituality, spontaneous vocabularism, star trek, storms, stretching, superstitions, text analysis, the park, theater, thrift shops, toplessness, torch songs, touch, traveling, trendbreaking, trendsetting, unwinding, veal, verbal sparring, vintage, vocabulary, walter mitty, wars, words, writers who write good, writing. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 67: | adarkjewel, adelwolf, arwen_, behindtheview, binkelstein, budhaboy, calicoskies, chimalis, crepuscular, divatreasure, eccyntric, egbert, evilkitty21, evolving, fugged, geekwad, groovyamy, heart_mind_body, hellarad, incuidicetutto, innerly, internautte, intohiding, jaggedpill, jemini62, jodilyn, kristylicious, lavender_flame, lenny_wick, lianna, litovka, littlepill, lizvang, marcelina, mercurialmind, milosgirl, mira_diadem, moneypenny, muse, no_alibi, nutmeg, oddlet, pancakeprincess, pene, petermarcus, phuul, piercememildred, pooka, quest, rain, regentag, shebreathes, skyes, songbird4, soulfirerain, tamling, tatteredwings, the_armadillo, the_myth_eve, thelibrarian, twi_lite, vaysha, vvvespagrrrl, wild_mind, willower, willowing, writeli | | 9: | castle_thorn, faces, featureannounce, lj_maintenance, nyljbash, onehundredwords, paidmembers, qow, up_lifting | | 3: | adventurejrnl, savagelove, someposifeed |
Friend of: | 168: __godlike, abaileyc, adamas, adarkjewel, adelwolf, anaelmasri, animejo, anothergoodyear, arwen_, atehkhazar, athenasadvocate, beadle, behindtheview, binna, brynmawlyr, budhaboy, buzzybea, calicoskies, cerealadder, chakrah, chimalis, christalina, cotten, crepuscular, cyantist, dance4lyfe, darkerbreed, deathrogue, dirty_toast, distopia, divatreasure, djner, dragonishfolk, drquanglewangle, eccyntric, egbert, ehlonna, elshastorm, emmablue, epitomei, evilkitty21, evolving, factorcontinuum, feathers_mcgraw, fleetingmoments, forcemajeure, frank, geekwad, gothicbra, groovyamy, halcyon_heist, hapgood, heart_mind_body, hellarad, hilaire, hope4, i__hate__me, iam_flamingjune, ilshira_therese, in2oblivion, incuidicetutto, innerly, internautte, intohiding, ironymagnet, jaggedpill, jaipur, jemini62, jnewton1, katwrites, kaylandawn, khema, killervanity, kittylad, knightlygoddess, kristana, kristylicious, lake_awake, lenny_wick, lianna, litovka, littlebudha, littleozzyman, littlepill, lizvang, llyrica, lostvirtue, madge, mangoman, marcelina, meloncrunchy, mercurialmind, milosgirl, mimi2001, mira_diadem, mithryll, moneypenny, muse, muziklova5, mylifeundressed, mysterg, nalidoll, niatinari, nikkiabou_tit, no_alibi, noggie, nutmeg, oddlet, ohlaughingcat, oilygrrl, onawadecembers, orphanedxia, palfreypaladin, pancakeprincess, pene, penjudith, petermarcus, phuul, piercememildred, prismatic_eye, queanie, queenmama, quest, quiltlover, rabblebabbleme, rain, regentag, releasingit, rosered32, sarahwoo, sarantha, sastopher, seirei, seraphim845, serenejournal, shan64, shebreathes, shesingsnow, sinfidel, skyes, snowmermaid, songbird4, soulfirerain, spykeraven, steffer71, strike_anywhere, stuka, tamling, tarryrashwonton, tatteredwings, ... |
Member of: | 16: badpoetry, castle_thorn, discuss_writing, documentary, eroticvisions, faces, mailed_dreams, onehundredwords, paidmembers, road_trip, scroogle, som_pos, toasterpastry, trufflesnuffler, unleashedmuse, up_lifting |
Account type: | Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter |