Interests: | 89: adobe, airplanes, airports, apple computer, aviation, bass guitar, bicycling, biking, caffeine, california, cars, cessnas, clouds, coffee, computers, computing, convective sigmets, convertibles, current events, diet coke, dodge vipers, driving, dvd studio pro, dvds, electric guitar, ellyn, emagic, email, etops, fender stratocaster, fiber to the home, fighter jets, final cut pro, flying, ford mustangs, freebsd, golive, houston, humor, iced tea, ifr, illustrator, image ready, investing, itcl, ityt, larry david, logic platinum, love, megawidgets, missed approach, mix cds, money, mountain biking, movies, mp3s, music, photography, photoshop, programming, reading, scada, science fiction, skating, skyhawks, snmp, soft synthesizers, ssl, staying up late, sushi, swimming, tandems, tcl, tclx, tcp, technology, texas, the matrix, the simpsons, the wall street journal, theonion, titanium powerbooks, tivo, tk, turbulence, unix, virtual instruments, weather, x-windows. [Modify yours] |