Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "unix".
233 matches:
- 80211 - Borrowed Bandwidth - 802.11 Reports
- aim_hack_chicks - aim_hack_chicks
- algorithms - Computer algorithms
- all_designers - All-Designers
- anti_microsoft - Anti-Microsoft
- anti_security - AntiSecurity
- apache - Apache httpd Community
- appleworld - A Macintosh Planet in the LiveJournal Galaxy
- aspdotnet - Asp Dot Net
- auwicsee - Chickas with Smarts
- axioma_dominium - studium axioma dominium
- baylisa - BayLISA
- binarion - dig axfr
- bipolygothgeek - Bi-Poly-Goth-Geek
- blueribbon - Blue Ribbon Campaign
- bofhnet - BOFHnet
- bsd_devils - BSD Devils: All BSD, All the time
- by_php - Cообщество PHP программистов
- c0mp_g33ks - c0mp_g33ks
- cat_linux_nerd - Cat Linux Nerds
- certification - Roger Levelle's Certification Community
- ch1x0rz - Ch1x0rz - Women Hackers, Unite!
- channel_8 - a raver can retire, but you're always a netgeek
- cimotion - curiosity in motion
- coders_haven - 01101001
- compsoc - University of Kent Computing Society
- computergeeks - Computer Geeks
- computertalk - Computer Talk
- computertech - Network Computer Technician Community
- cow_head_brand - [root:user:$ hacking... //:end]
- cpp - The C++ Community
- cprogramming - c coder
- csharp - C# Developers
- cybergarden - The sights and sounds of cyberspace
- cyberpunk - Cyberpunk Collective
- cygwin - cygwin
- d0rk5 - d0rk, n3rd, 10s3r
- daemonstorm - daemonstorm
- databases - DB_Community
- debian - Debian GNU/Linux Community
- dev_comm - development related communities
- developers - developers
- dfwtechlunches - Dallas-Fort Worth Technical Lunches
- digital_rights - Digital Rights
- dorkus_adorus - we love science.
- ed_tech - Educational Technology Café: for USC students
- edv - Elektronische Datenvernichtung
- end_users_suck - End Users Suck
- eserver - IBM eServer
- ethic_program - Computer programming for a better world
- evil_techs - Bastard Operator From Hell
- evilbastards - evil bastards
- fbb_msu - Сборище биоинженеров и биоинформатиков
- fbsd - FreeBSD Users Community
- fedora_linux - fedora_linux
- fluxbox_wm - fluxbox_wm
- frecklynerds - frecklynerds
- freebsd_users - FreeBSD Community
- freeciv - FreeCiv
- freya_status - Freya's Status
- gatewaysucks - H.O.M.E - Haters Of Mooing Evil
- gay_geeks - Gay Geeks
- gaygeeks - Gay Geeks of the World Unite!
- geek_out - Dark Geeks
- geekadelaide - Geek Adelaide
- geekgirlz - We the She Geeks
- geeks - Geeks
- geeksarehot - Geeks are HOT!
- geeksgonewild - cornfed
- geekspeak - Geek Speak
- geeksrhot - Geeks Are Hot!
- geekware - GeekWare
- geekynerds - Geeky Nerds
- gothasfsck - EFNet #gothasfsck
- gotroot - curiosity in motion
- group_sex - Posting People of
- hot_elite_geeks - hot_elite_geeks
- howdoi - How do I ...?
- httpd - Apache HTTP Server Community
- i_blame_your_os - i_blame_your_os
- internetpirates - Pirates o' tha Internet
- irc_forestnet - IRC ForestNet
- it_admin - Systems Administration
- it_ee - информационные технологии
- it_emune_vwc - it_emune_vwc
- itjobs - IT Job Community
- itprofessionals - IT Professionals
- itsecurity - Hobo Security Forum
- jiwopz - jiwopz
- jodawisoft - Jodawi
- jointheshadows - Twilight Whispers
- krsk_mac - Красноярские MAC'юзеры
- lesbiangeeks - Lesbians can be geeks too!!
- linux_il_ru - Linux в Израиле по-русски
- linux_ru - community
- linux_ua - Linux in UA
- linuxfurs - Linux Furs
- linuxgamers - Linux Gamers
- linuxlive - A place to blog about all things Linux/BSD/FOSS
- linuxscreenies - Linux Screenies
- linuxsucks - linux sucks
- lj2600 - Live Journal 2600 Collective
- ljev - LJ #ev
- lovingeekladies - We love "Geeky", intelligent, and learned Girls!
- macheads - MacHeads
- macosx - Mac OS X
- macosxdev - Mac OS X Developer Community
- macscreenshots - Shift + Command + 3 Me, Baby
- majesticjournal - cyantist
- mandrake_users - Mandrake Linux
- mc_luug - McMinnville Linux and Unix Users Group
- md2600 - Maryland 2600
- microjunk - Microjunk
- mitmit - MIT
- modern_slackers - Slacker
- mysql - MySQL Community
- nakedpartitions - mount me!
- naughty_packets - naughty geeks
- neolux_linux - NeoLux Community: An Open Source Linux Community
- nerdhaiku - Nerd Haiku
- network23 - Network 23
- networks - computer network community
- nmfp - Not My Fscking Problem
- no_word - We Can Put an End to Word Attachments
- nola2600 - nola2600
- note_passers - Note Passing
- nsk_it - nsk::it
- nuccis - nuccis
- olug - Omaha Linux User Group
- openbsd - openbsd
- opendarwin - For OpenDarwin users and developers
- or2600 - Oregon 2600
- oracle_dba - Oracle Database Administrator Community
- orpgers - Online Roleplaying Gamers
- os_develepment - Os Developement
- osxhardware - Mac osX Hardware Support
- pa_nerds - Nerds in Pennsylvania
- pavetheplanet - One Asphalt, One People
- pc_tech - PC Help Forum
- pdx_geek - pdx_geek
- pdx_wireless - Portland Wireless
- pekwm - Pekwm Users
- pervygeekfancy - Pervy Geek Fanciers
- phc - PHC
- philly_wireless - your mom
- phpclub - PHPClub
- phreakers - The Phucking Phreaking Community
- phreaking - Phreaking Community
- pinkstuffpeople - The Pinkstuff People
- postgresql - PostgreSQL Users
- ppc_at_lj - Practical Pet Care @ LJ
- pretty_pr1ncess - pretty_pr1ncess
- programmerhumor - Programmer Humour
- programmers - Programmer's
- rogers_cable - Rogers Cable TV + Internet
- ru_apache - ru_apache
- ru_cpp - Russian Programmers Club
- ru_cyber - ru_cyber
- ru_eggdrop - ru_eggdrop
- ru_fedora_core - Fedora Project, sponsored by RedHat
- ru_girls_hack - Woman Hackers
- ru_h4ck - ru_h4ck
- ru_hackers - XakepbI
- ru_mac - Think Different!
- ru_mac_dsp - слушаем слышим
- ru_macosx - UNIX с человеческим лицом
- ru_openbsd - ru_openbsd
- ru_pc_izvrat - ru_pc_izvrat
- ru_programming - Программизм
- ru_python - Ру_питон
- ru_screenshot - ru_screenshot
- ru_slackware - Slackware
- ru_solaris - Russian Solaris Community
- ru_unix - Russian Unix Users Community
- ru_webgui - ru_webgui
- ru_whacking - wireless lan hacking in russia & exUSSR
- rubi_con - RUBI-CON
- ruby_dev - ruby_dev
- sfranonymous - the sexy people of #sf-raves
- showmeyourrack - Show Me Your Rack!
- slackware - Slackware
- smartcore - smartcore
- software - Software
- sources_ru -
- specs_appeal - Boys In Spectacles - Love Them So!
- struts - Jakarta Struts Development Community
- support_embed - Support Category Embedding
- support_upi - Support Category UPI
- support_web - Web-UI Support Team
- syn_personal - LJ Syndication Personals
- sysadminguild - The System Administrators Guild
- tampageeks - tampageeks
- tech_moment - Great Moments in Tech Support
- tech_support - Tech_support
- techblog - techblog
- techchicks - techchicks
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- techipcom - Techno Hippie Commune
- techno_babble - Techno_Babble
- technopaganism - magic(k) for the modern world
- techradioshow - XM channel 130 / / AM 910 San Jose
- techsupport - Technical Support Representatives
- telecomindustry - The Telecommunications Community
- tessier_ashpool - Artificial Intelligence Community
- the_corner_geek - A Geek in Need is a Geek Indeed
- theamishmafia - Amish Mafia, Inc
- theroom - The Room
- toronto_isp - Toronto ISP Workers
- ts_sucks - Technical Support Sucks
- tutorial_ru - tutorial_ru
- ua_linux - Українське Linux-ком`юніті
- ua_unix - Unix | freeBSD, Linux, openBSD, etc
- ubergeeklings - ubergeeklings
- ucf_geeks - UCF geeks
- ucsbcs - uCSb Computer Science
- unix_comm - unix related communities
- unixadmin - Unix Administrators
- unixhistory - Unix Historians
- velvetusers - Velvet Networks users group
- virtucomm - discussion of virtual/online communities
- virusnews - Computer Virus News
- war_driving - War Driving Community
- wearcomps - [wearable computing]
- webhosts - Web Hosts
- webmasterguild - Webmaster Guild
- webreviews - Web-UI Support Category Review Requests
- website_blogs - Website Blogs
- webspoof - webspoof
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- windows_servers - Windows Servers, about them, help for them
- womenintech - Women in technology
- wrongnumbers - Sorry, you have the wrong number.
- zhouse - The Body of Z()
Interested users
The following users are interested in unix. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
477 matches:
- 2sheds - Олег "2sheds" Курапов
- abarros - Andrew Barros
- abfall - Tim Spann
- abie - Abie
- aboxbayz - Cassius
- acpizza - Antichrist Pizza ~ The Passion of the Crust
- acronym - Andrew
- adam - Adam
- adamries - Adam Ries
- adranse - Andrew Dranse
- aeralla - Lindsay
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- agentcooper - Agent Cooper
- ahm - Anders Hellström
- ahze - Michael Johnson
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- akira001 - luke troyer
- alacrity - Damien
- alexp - Alex Pennace
- alexpgp - AlexPGP
- alien88 - Mike Garrison
- alister - Alister
- alladinsane - The Lone Mantis of the Apocalypse
- amiss - amiss
- amoe - Amoe
- angharad - Angharad Elwes
- ankh - Ankh
- antisocial - Anti-Blank
- apothsis - Daemon Invictus
- aquaone - aquaone
- asciilogic - Asciilogic
- atalaya - Atalaya
- atarikat - Kat
- auricangel - AshLee
- azrien - Diana
- b0rked - nick
- b3rnd - Bernd
- backslash - brandon
- badger - badger
- barberio - John R. Barberio
- battery841 - Kevin Breit
- beldurnik - Beldurnik
- bene - bene
- billemon - Ogre Boy
- blackavar - Blackavar
- blah - blah
- bleepyou - Saturn
- bobjones - Bob Jones
- bobtfish - There is no good or bad, just fun and not fun
- boomcore - ben cramer
- brad - Brad Fitzpatrick
- bradj - Brad
- brainstorm - Kris
- brianbrian - brianbrian
- brianm - Brian
- broyd - Broyd
- brun_fid - Jonathan Katz
- buckykc - Jeremy Baumgartner
- cabbit - Ryo-Ohki
- cac2372 - Carol
- cairo - Cairo
- califia - swingin' califia fine ass
- calligraphreak - Marc
- candyjesus - Diary of a Sociopath
- capnsponge - The lawyer with an eloquent tongue
- caseq - Andrew Kosyakov
- cattika - The Problem Slayer
- cesium - CeSiuM 356A
- chamelaeon - Chamelaeon
- chaste - tre
- cheesecake - Sir Perceval
- cheryllovesme - Matthew
- chesire - Chesire Feline
- chkno - chkno
- chrisg - Chris Gushue
- chrisx - sebbie
- ciannait - The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research
- circ - Circ
- codetoad - Philip Neustrom
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- cos - Cos
- cowgod - Tom
- cozmo - Cozmo
- crackmeister - Jason
- crakor - Matt Carver
- creentmerveille - Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight
- croswell - one kiss, two face, blue balls
- crowho - nina
- cruchible - Cruchible
- crudpuppy - CrudPuppy
- cybergoth - in fair verona
- cymbopus - Brad
- d4b - David Beroff
- da5id12 - da5id
- damion - Damion
- dark_happiness - In Longing Spirit...
- darkman - {I} see what you are
- darkmoon - Ψ Ω ∞
- darkuncle - darkuncle
- darkwolf69 - Dark Wolf
- darrell099 - Darrell S. Weaver
- darthgeek - Jeff
- daven - Daven Mithras
- dbaker - Daniel
- dburr - Donald Burr of Borg
- deathmint - Deathmint
- deblack - Daniel
- deftly - Randal Wilson
- delphy - Stuart
- derhardt - the animal you just ate for lunch
- devlin - The Silly Retarded Girl
- dfitzpat - dfitzpat
- diaryofahobbit - A Hobbit
- diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
- diskiller - diskiller
- dissolved - dissolved_girl
- djdoubledumbass - nick
- djenigma - the eternal mystery
- dl - dl
- donman - donny joe
- donovan - donovan
- dormando - dormando
- dotgirl - !penelope
- dracus - Josh Rollyson
- draegon - Draegon
- drchase - uuintermute
- drplaid - dr plaid
- dshagan - Douglas S. Hagan
- dw33b - Voodoo Mark
- dwaggie - Journal .. OF DARKNESS!
- e6 - e6-
- edmcman - completely incomplete
- ekbat - vincent
- eloquentscream - ל
- emperor - Matthew
- endofsanity - Self Destruction
- ereshkigal - ereshkigal
- ersatz - Ersatz
- espresso - Espresso
- evan - Evan Martin
- evarlast - evarlast
- evilbob - Evil Bob
- evilgoddess - Little Girl
- fallingphoenix - ki'dra
- fallingwater - Fallingwater
- farmalloc - Stupendous Man
- feni - Feni
- fierytale - Ben
- filiusvita - Stian the wanabe geek
- foamhat - Foohawg Magellion
- fozbaca - fozbaca
- freshmeat_s - Freshmeat
- frodo - frodo
- fruitcake - FrøtCåke
- fushiryu - John
- fut0n - Peter
- g33k - your mom's favorite angstmonster
- gandalfgreyhame - David
- gcat - Gcat
- geekchick - Tangled up in blue
- gehn - code books and club clothes
- genders - Gita Enders
- girlvinyl - Cotton Candy Explosion!
- gizmo - Joseph
- goah - enlightenment
- goninzo - Wretched hive of scum and villany
- gottestod - gottestod
- grape_lady - grape_lady
- greck - satan's little suckass demonstration
- greg - gregish [郝冠名]
- grendel - "an army of pompous phrases moving across the land
- greywulf - The Greywulf
- gunslinger33 - you would kill for this
- halkeye - Techmaster G
- hamilton - Hamilton
- hbwic - the -zulu-
- hemlock - Hemlock
- heptite - Just This Guy
- herbie - Aprotim
- hex666 - Proud Owner of a CGT
- highlearn - Filed under "I" for irreverent
- hober - Edward O'Connor
- hrdwrbob - Hardware BoB
- hugs - Hug Me
- huntingtonforge - !!! I am godzilla, you are Japan!!!
- idigital - Aaron B. Russell
- iki_maska - Iki Maska
- inahandbasket - ... in a handbasket
- ionis - Ionis Verdaxius
- is0tek - is0tek
- isaac - isaac
- istoleyourpie - Roger Levelle AKA The Cow Guy
- ivo - Ivo Janssen
- izards - Catwonder, Part Time Super Hero
- jaco - The Original Toaster/Sesame Street/Suicide Guy
- jadedfox - The Jaded Fox
- jagger - Robert S. Jagger
- jamesrsmith - James
- jayzero - Kelly Jay
- jcurious - curious
- jeni - /dev/chyk
- jessicamlive - Jessica
- jethro - Jeff, The God of Biscuits
- jewelies - jewelies
- jford - Jason Ford
- jher - jher
- jhf - Joseph Fannin
- jish - Jish
- jizz0e - j0E
- jmason - Justin Mason
- jobe - Dr. Strangelove
- joggingguy - Joggingguy
- johno - John O'Halloran
- jono - jonathan
- jonroma - Jon Roma
- joxman - Jonni
- jsf - Sam
- jsjackso - jsjackso
- jsw - Jonathan Wenger
- juansibila - Juan Sibila
- jukor - Joshua H.
- jurann - JurannIzYena!
- jzig - Ben Zeigler
- kadaki - Paul
- kamoku - Lawton
- kaos215 - kaos215
- karl - Karl Lehenbauer
- kat_san - kate
- kefka - Kefka
- kenp - Ken
- kewlness12 - Krzysztof
- keybuk - Scott James Remnant
- knappster - knappster
- koani - Koani
- kohamm - kohamm
- kraig - kraigus shmeggus
- krimhum - krim hum
- krow - Brian "Krow" Aker
- kvance - Kevin Vance
- kwar - Denis
- kylec - lupus yonderboy
- kynetic - Benjamin
- kynik - Kynik
- kyosuke - Kasuga Kyousuke
- l604 - Sean
- ladymace - the girl with many dreams..
- laeos - Laeos
- latitude11 - the hand that cradles the rock
- laurel - Laurel
- lennier - The Forty-Eight Megabyte Hamster
- lev - Lev
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- litvos - litvos
- llary - Richina
- lobsterhat - Lobsterhat
- logicblue - LogicBlue
- loqia - o r i g n i n a l i t y d i s o r d e r
- lucasthegray - lucasthegray
- luminosity - Luminosity
- lusty - Lusty
- madam0wl - madam0wl
- malach - Malach
- malus - Malus
- manuka - Just a network plumber
- marnanel - トーマス・サーマン氏 / Monument
- marphod - Galen Silversmith
- mattrope - Matt Roper
- mattw - wronk
- mcoletti - Late Night with Piprrrrrr
- memphisartguy - Dru
- mentalguy - MenTaLguY
- microchip - Rick
- mikeage - Mike Miller
- mikebeltx - Shut the fuck up, hippie
- mikon - Big Mikon
- miscca - Harmonious Discord
- missravenx - Dick Trickle
- mitdebo - Kelly Weaver
- mmartiann - martin
- morbid_angel - Parker
- mrjay - Jason
- mrtangent - MrTangent
- muftak - Muftak
- murex - Murex
- mystikal - Mystikal
- namey - Bald Eagle
- narcosis - Jer
- narenek - Stuart
- narilka - Narilka
- needless - needless
- nentwined - quasi random
- nesnorb - nesnorb
- neuro713 - Joe Doherty
- nevdull - NevDull
- nf - as white as they get
- niko - Nick
- niro - Daniel Logghe
- nosferatu - Rob
- nynaeve - a still verdictless life
- oblio - tom
- odaniel - Odaniel
- ogonzoo - dr robert p maloney
- omega_13 - Andrew
- oncee - oncee
- opeth - Opeth
- opposume - Trent O'Donell
- orangerynd - the other bean
- oursgarou - Ours-Garou Blackbear
- ozgeek - ozgeek
- panni - Pavel Anni
- pat_trick - patman
- patrick - Hottie McHotterson
- patrickd - Patrick
- paulv - oy with the poodles already
- pelorus - Pelorus
- pendor - pendor
- petef - Pete Fritchman
- petfish - also . . . DEATH GOD
- phi - Philip D. L.
- phlypside - PhlypSide
- phreaky - phreaky
- piffy - Landon
- pikala - Jackie
- piman - Joe Wreschnig
- pixelfreak - Scott
- plug_in_tomato - la vache qui rit
- plur - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect
- poggs - Peter Hicks
- polyhymnia - Lexie
- professorbooty - Strange Detractor
- psychjob - Joshie
- pundit - Jai Maharaj
- q - Ray
- qfr - q
- quelrod - James
- r00t - ithinkimpunk..kinda..idunno..r00t
- rafferty - Herb
- rao - Paul Fisher
- realmac - Elliot
- redgreenblue - /sbin/mike
- redhawk - Redhawk
- relfen - C2
- relish - relish
- rephlektiv - # mackenzie #
- resilient - Resilient
- revjim - Reverend Jim
- ricin - Donato
- rinux - ☆★ RiNuX ★ ☆
- ripburger - Matthew
- roadhead - Roadhead
- rockstar - Chris Lockhart
- roe - Alan
- rogue3 - Aaron
- rory - DNE
- rozziland - Rosalyn
- rutalia - Rutalia the Lemon Goddess
- ruyven - absence of thoughts
- sadnessnpeace - brian
- saintnobody - Saint Nobody
- sameer - Consequences
- sanguinestevie - steven r. fibbson
- sarahemm - SarahEmm
- sarahh - Fascination and wonder...
- sasami - Chris Ess
- screech_ca - screech_ca
- seadawg - Ken Robertson
- seanb - St. Sean the Amused
- seanluc - Sean
- semikolin - Colin
- serialcoder - know it's over
- servermonk - server monk
- setzer - Setzer
- shadur - Dragon with a heartache
- shae - Shae Erisson
- shaggy - Making sophists tremble since 1973...
- shivelycore - subnetzero
- sicco - Sicco
- sisyphus - Dallas Lynn
- sixftblndbmbshl - The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes
- skate111 - Adam J. Farrell
- skm - peace at last
- sleepy - That chubby swede
- slithead - mark
- smb - SlapAyoda
- smoke - Smoke Tetsu
- snp - Serge
- soco - soco
- sollitaire - Sollitaire
- spampy - Mr. Jiggy Fly
- speaker4thedead - A Dancer In The Rain
- spectere - Spectere
- sphaelar - Lucas
- spider - jed clampett
- splunty - splunty
- spud - Jean-Michele "Spud" Colbert
- sslaxx - Stuart "Sslaxx" Moore
- starfyre - Kitsune
- stephenbooth_uk - Reverend Stephen Booth
- stl - Steven Lawrance
- stormcrowley - Insomnia with a smile
- strandist - SPAM Engler
- strlen - strlen
- subbes - subbes
- sungo - sungo
- suppafly - Zach
- suraklin - Suraklin
- talashandy - Talashandy
- talyrath - The King Of All Cosmos
- tamtam - Tammy
- tangentier - Neon Tapir Wonder Durf of Justice
- tdelporto - Tony
- tdunn - Taer
- teancom - Teancom
- teferi - Adam Glasgall
- tekproxy - Brian Alwrite
- tenu - Terrasa
- term - dr. term
- tgape - The Great And Powerful ed?
- thalyi - Thalyi Wolfe
- theducks - A Rubber Ducky
- thefife - lance
- thegreenzebra - theGREENzebra
- theproteus - The Proteus
- theta - theta
- thewizard - Digital Man
- thies - thies
- timmah - hfomit
- tk7602 - Trooper TK-7602, aka "brian"
- toast14 - wonder bread
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- tora - Tora Akurei
- trillium - Trillium
- trysha - Patricia
- twistah - Vitaly McLain
- ubertweek - Tweek
- ufdraco - Draco Benden
- und1sk0 - chris
- underpants - At the end of days, At the end of time.
- unfurl - Unfurl
- ungratefulninja - Capt. Rodney Lightning
- unixgeek - Unixgeek
- unmei - Unmei
- vaer - screw head
- vixi - Victoria Palmer
- voltronw - anthony
- vorpal - Sebastian
- vox - Diary of a Madman
- vrelis - Hazardous rotating beater shaft
- walkingblind - me
- warewolf - Richard Harman
- warnerves - ./warnerves
- warrend - Rawk on with yer sawk on
- wazm - wazm
- wc - Brian
- weds - Wednesday White
- weeping_angel - Weeping Angel
- wendigo - Your Friendly Neighborhood Surreal Estate Agent
- wibbble - John
- wilee - Drew Puch
- wonderingraven - WonderingRaven
- xade - Xade
- xaminmo - Josh-D
- xenofalcon - xenofalcon
- xili - Nick
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- xtex - Justin
- yahozna - ryan
- yap - Hard Fucking Cuddle Core
- yaron - Ghent Dah Cohdahr
- youngoat - youngoat
- zach - Zachary Hauri
- zannah - .(.Zannah.). [Queen of California]
- zbishop - Ed Tuthill
- zhaneel - Zhaneel Gryphon
- zil - becka
- zok - Andrew
- zzsosczz - Seg