Showing posts with label Cherie's Place. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherie's Place. Show all posts

12 January 2009

Z is for Zen

To finish my ABC garden theme I present you with the Japanese (Zen) garden at Kingtson Lacey in Wiltshire.

Focusing on Zen - the web gurus amongst us will enjoy this site it is a garden for people who enjoy the potential of CSS.

Finally I shall leave you with this Zen thought:
Confused by thoughts,
we experience duality in life.
Unencumbered by ideas,
the enlightened see the one Reality.

Hui - Neng

Cross posted @ Cherie's Place.

06 January 2009

Y is for Yate

Just in case you think I have forgotten how to spell, it is an alternative spelling for gate, the dictionary tells me so ;-)

Courthouse Garden


Hope is with you when you believe
The earth is not a dream but living flesh,
that sight, touch, and hearing do not lie,
That all thing you have ever seen here
Are like a garden looked at from a gate.

You cannot enter. But you're sure it's there.
Could we but look more clearly and wisely
We might discover somewhere in the garden
A strange new flower and an unnamed star.

Some people say that we should not trust our eyes,
That there is nothing, just a seeming,
There are the ones who have no hope.
They think the moment we turn away,
The world, behind our backs, ceases to exist,
As if snatched up by the hand of thieves.

Czeslaw Milosz

Cross posted @ Cherie's Place.