Showing posts with label mugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mugs. Show all posts

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Fabrics have arrived!

I'm really excited because yesterday the fabric
swatches I ordered from Spoonflower arrived.
My Spoonflower shop is now open!
The swatches are 8"x8" And it is so cool to see your work on fabric. Its a whole different thing than paper or canvas.
Speaking of fabric, I've been working with felt,
which I have put on the blog a few posts ago.
I made some cute pieces right before
Easter to give as gifts. The bunnies are my favorite.
 I drew out the form for the white chocolate bunny but the chocolate bunny's shape I traced off of a box of candy my son received. It wasn't too hard to figure out the base to stand.
I sewed pennies in at the bottom to weigh them down a bit.
I did't have any dry beans.
We had a great time at Easter, as always. 
The younges ones are getting big but they are still 'kid' enough,  young and playful enough to keep it fun. Not to mention that we're all a bunch of 12 year olds deep down. That helps.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Take care,
Fran T

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Sketches 10/14/12

Mugs!  :) 
I was so tempted to put images on these mugs/cups
 but I resisted.
 I wanted to keep the focus on the shapes.
I think I may try another with the mugs in their actual colors and graphics.
 We'll see. No pressure:)
My son and I took our dog (Einstein), packed up the car and 
visited with my sister's family and my parents today.
It was an interesting visit...
I was raised in a family with four kids
and it's funny I forget about the whole sibling situation and the issues involved.
My neice and nephew were in rare form and it sort of made me
nostaglic for the times my brothers, sister and I would argue and bicker. 
But at the same time I was quietly thankful I don't have to referee that daily.
Of course, my son is an only child...
its the way things worked out and life is good. 
It's sort of funny watching my son's expressions and
how he quietly observes their arguments.
And of course, in the car on the way home,
he wants to talk about me and my siblings.

What did we fight about? Did you get really mad?
It was a fun conversation, me driving along with
him in the back, with Einstein, laughing and laughing.
I love that kid :)
Have a wonderful week and be well!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Blues

 The color challenge this month is the color blue! And boy, was that a tough one for me! On top of the color challenge I broken open the Dr. Ph Martin Watercolor set that my mother-in-law gave me for Christmas.

Kitchen Blues


Using this new set was a bit different but alot of fun. I like this kitchen painting I made but after working on this for a time I realized the blue is supposed to represent something tranquil. So I painted 'Canal'. I enjoyed the exercis of doing this one:)
This is the painting I submitted for the challenge:) Its an abstraction called 'Canal'

A bit messy but I'm experimenting.

 This month has been hectic and been a little hard to get some time to stop and do some painting. I can usually manage to squeeze it in but we've go so much happening and plus work...Looking forward to a calm April!
Take care! Tomorrow is Friday- yippee!