Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yellow. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Lots of yellow and blue flying around today.
I'm linking up to Sunday Sketches and posting some pages from my sketchbook that I've been working on this sunny, spring weekend. The weather has been gorgeous here on our long island.

Moleskine sketchbook/Dr.PhMartin's watercolor/Micron pens/Sakura white gel pen
I had alot of trouble painting this. I thought it had to do with the paints but I think it was more so the paper in this sketch book! I love the size  of this book but I'm finding I not thrilled with the paper in this Moleskine:/ I was going to going to give up on this page but kept at it. I just find it didn't allow me to layer the paint well at all.  I'm going to go back to WinsorandNewton paint, it works better in this sketchbook.
Blue/yellow is such a great combo!
I painted this other page, above, and same deal, but I still like the outcome. The page with the flowers, on the left page, was better because I just drew with the paintbrush, rather than layer colors. 
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday
and enjoys every bit of this weekend.
Thanks for stopping by.
 I really appreciate the visits and comments, alot!
Take care,
Fran T xo

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Sketches 10/14/12

Mugs!  :) 
I was so tempted to put images on these mugs/cups
 but I resisted.
 I wanted to keep the focus on the shapes.
I think I may try another with the mugs in their actual colors and graphics.
 We'll see. No pressure:)
My son and I took our dog (Einstein), packed up the car and 
visited with my sister's family and my parents today.
It was an interesting visit...
I was raised in a family with four kids
and it's funny I forget about the whole sibling situation and the issues involved.
My neice and nephew were in rare form and it sort of made me
nostaglic for the times my brothers, sister and I would argue and bicker. 
But at the same time I was quietly thankful I don't have to referee that daily.
Of course, my son is an only child...
its the way things worked out and life is good. 
It's sort of funny watching my son's expressions and
how he quietly observes their arguments.
And of course, in the car on the way home,
he wants to talk about me and my siblings.

What did we fight about? Did you get really mad?
It was a fun conversation, me driving along with
him in the back, with Einstein, laughing and laughing.
I love that kid :)
Have a wonderful week and be well!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Sketch 9/23/12

This weeks Sunday sketch is the last of my rose pickings in the neighborhood.

There are barely any roses about anymore...
 aside from me picking them! 
The Montauk daisies aren't blooming yet, but
I can't wait till they pop out:)
I'm going to have to start looking out for some marigolds
or mums to paint in the mean time.
 I journalled about a wonderful mediation group I went to this morning with a friend.
It was such a pleasure and felt like I got to clear my mind and shake out the cobwebs.
Plus it was just an amazingly beautiful day, the sky was the brightest blue!
Go check out the other Sunday sketches by visiting this link!

 I got some artwork in this past week,
I was able to complete this mermaid illustration for a swap.
Thankfully I was able to scan that and have a good copy to keep. I have been having such trouble with my scanner:( I like how the way she holds her conch shell turned out to look like she is on a cellphone.
I remembered this time to take photos at different stages.  I liked how the flowers from the sketch book overlapped so I thought I would do the same with a patch of seaweed and bubbles.
Then I traced the image onto the watercolor paper by covering the
back of the sketch with graphite and then tracing over the front.
I know... I'm so hi tech ;)

I am happy with the quote and was lucky to find a good one.
There aren't that many out there related to mermaids...
Have a terrific week!
Take care:)

Friday, May 25, 2012

iPhone portraits! 29 Faces - Portraits #17-21

Joe, Eric, Carl, Emily and Julianna
I thought I'd try to do portraits of REAL people the time around. LOL! I flipped thru my phone and painted my family.. They're a cute lot:))
I am almost caught up for 29 faces!
Hope everyone has a safe, happy, creative, fun and relaxing holiday weekend. Please be careful on the roads.. WELCOME SUMMER!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Card #2 for Daffodil ATC swap

I used the photo I posted yesterday at Easter as my inspiration for my second ATC
 I am sending out.
Here it is.
 I'll send them in the mail tomorrow.
I made sure to scan them as I think I might put them on Etsy
and sell as prints.
Notice the "might" in that sentence, haha!! ( I know me)
I dread uploading to Etsy, the process should be easier, man! LOL!
Have a great day! Gotta run and pick up the boy from his basketball clinic:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yellow, it is.

 Yellow is the color for an upcoming ATC swap I'm involved in. I started these larger pieces with the intent to cut but I like them both too much to cut. These larger pieces are 5"x 7".

So next time around I used pre-cut 3.5"x2.5" card:))
I made two but keeping this one for now and will hold for a non-swapbot swap:)

I haven't yet found out the color for the month of March's color challenge. Lets hope its yellow and I call it a day :)  LOL
Happy Tuesday friends!

Monday, November 21, 2011

AEDM Days 20 + 21



Since I was out at doctor appointments on Friday I tried to catch up with work on Sunday (Day 20) so I am a bit behind. On Sunday, I tried to work a bit on another of my abstract paintings and then this morning I carved a few more new stamps . At first I thought they were too simple, particularly the square ones, but there is so much that can be done with them. I'm going to use them tomorrow in my handmade journal. Here are some photos from the past few days from Long Island:

This is a picture of our back yard from last Friday, there is a big deck off the back of the house and up top is a dog run. The development is very hilly! More leaves are on the deck this morning.... All the rest came down yesterday.

This is a photo of a house at the corner of Hill and Glen Cove. The trees here were so beautiful and vibrant! There all gone now, this morning. I drove past and everything is on the ground and raked up.

Close up of a yellow one:)

Last but not least, by any means, is Delilah, the latest addition to the family. My sister's family adopted this cutie pie last week and we paid a visit to her and the rest of the brood on Saturday. Isn't she cute? She's a jumpy one for sure!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Challenge Day 4

Oh boy am I busy. Work is nuts:).... I have been working on items for the fair in between the raindrops. Finally put the final touchs on this submarine piece. I posted to flickr but there were some things I wanted to add. This is a painting I have been working on. I want to make a sister piece to this. I don't have much time left!!

Below is a sketch I did in my moleskine . I've been drawing alot of clouds lately and these swirly pieces going into and out of them. FUN!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Been sketching:)

I am happy to say I've been sketching every day. I am on a streak, yahoo!
Here are a few journal pages from last week. This one below was so much fun to do. I am not too thrilled about toy guns, but there was alot of detail in this toy. I just love getting in to the details with my pens:)