Showing posts with label watercolors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watercolors. Show all posts

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Sketches for 9/9/12

I worked on this post more than once, my scanner was messing up and I was afraid to miss the cut off time for Sunday sketches
 I got it working and here is the post as I intended:
I am thoroughly enjoying the bouquet I received.
I'm getting so much enjoyment out of it!
Sketch in micron 9/9/12
color study - micron and watercolor 9/8/12

Please visit and take a look at some great Sunday Sketches!
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

September Song

Not That Long Ago - watercolor painting completed this week
School started this week, my boy is now in 7th grade.
Time sure flies! I'm always reminded of that this time of year.
Yesterday was our 21st anniversary and received a
gorgeous  bouquet of flowers
from my guy:)
I had a fun time looking through 
our wedding album with my son.
We did alot of laughing,
some of the photos seem funny now:)
Some things feel like they occured so long ago
and others feel like yesterday.
And then there are times when
I can't even remember yesterday, LOL!
Enjoy your weekend,
I'm planning on painting/drawing
that fabulous bouquet.
 Happy Saturday!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Sunday

Oh jeesh its been hot here! What a weekend. Lots of indoor activities to get out of this heat!
testing out a new water brush
 Working on watercolors.
Watercolor journaling with some ink writing. Its a bit messy. That pen is tricky...
 I made some more stamps as well.
carving more erasers!
I am missing the index card challenge and routine of doing that. Lots of fun, that was!
Here are some of my last ones I made up the last days of July.

Have a great week!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

ICAD Three (#s 20,21,22)

Playing catch-up this weekend.
Spread out on the back porch today at my mom's house and painted.
Then finished inking up the cards I started but didn't get round to doing earlier in the week: 
Cute little gift we all got with our mother's day presents. Adorable and cheery!

I sort of  THINK this works... CT looked at this and said 'huh?'  LOL

It was a lazy Saturday today.
I am almost embarassed to say I slept till 11am.
I guess I needed the rest, huh?
Camp starts next Monday, already, so we'll have to round up all equipment needed tomorrow and replace what needs to be replaced.
My brother flies in next Wed and stays on our fair island for a week. Lucky fella ;)
We're going to tuck a trip to NYC in there somewhere for sure.
Spring Street here we come!

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Portrait #16 Who's That Girl

Yay! I've worked out another portrait! I'm behind in the count but I'm okay with that!

I have no idea where she came from, just emerged on paper:)
I love that kind because I can see wee bits of other people in my life.
Tomorrow i have planned to do some more portraits.
I want to go out this month with a BANG!

I got out my microns a few days back and played around with the finest little point 005
( i love that one!) 

 I am almost done with the wonderful little sketch book Pat sent to me. So when I went to
Blick the other day I remembered to get some sheets of paper . Now
I plan on making another at the very same size!
The pages work out to 4.5"x5.5", perfect size. I need another small book...

And this is the last micron sketch i did on the last page of my small Moleskine.
 I did these sketches about a week or so ago...the last times i had tea.

 LOL, I like tea and its sooo much fun to draw/paint tea cups and such. 
I also enjoy all the little paraphenalia that goes along with it.
The loose leaves, the tea ball, the cozy, the illustrated tea boxes, sugar cubes, etc. etc.. but in the end I am a coffee girl!

And my favorite is the red-eye at Starbucks.
I don't get that too often because THAT is craziness in a cup!... I treat myself every so often.
Do you like the java or enjoy a spot of tea?

Enjoy your Friday!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yellow, it is.

 Yellow is the color for an upcoming ATC swap I'm involved in. I started these larger pieces with the intent to cut but I like them both too much to cut. These larger pieces are 5"x 7".

So next time around I used pre-cut 3.5"x2.5" card:))
I made two but keeping this one for now and will hold for a non-swapbot swap:)

I haven't yet found out the color for the month of March's color challenge. Lets hope its yellow and I call it a day :)  LOL
Happy Tuesday friends!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Trois Pommes

My little series of  apple paintings.

1 of 3

2 of 3

3 of 3
I enjoyed this exercise this evening. I painted all three at the kitchen counter :)) I used gouache on all three designs. The first is my favorite because it came very naturally, I was calm, focused and relaxed. The second is my least favorites. I was trying too hard during the whole time painting. I like #3 , its more graphic looking. They smelled DELICIOUS when I was painting. I have to use them tomorrow in my juicer as they are ready to go OR I'll push on family members. TGIF Everyone!