Showing posts with label winsor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winsor. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

ICAD Three (#s 20,21,22)

Playing catch-up this weekend.
Spread out on the back porch today at my mom's house and painted.
Then finished inking up the cards I started but didn't get round to doing earlier in the week: 
Cute little gift we all got with our mother's day presents. Adorable and cheery!

I sort of  THINK this works... CT looked at this and said 'huh?'  LOL

It was a lazy Saturday today.
I am almost embarassed to say I slept till 11am.
I guess I needed the rest, huh?
Camp starts next Monday, already, so we'll have to round up all equipment needed tomorrow and replace what needs to be replaced.
My brother flies in next Wed and stays on our fair island for a week. Lucky fella ;)
We're going to tuck a trip to NYC in there somewhere for sure.
Spring Street here we come!

Enjoy your day!