High Hazard Unit
The High Hazard Unit inspects employers with the highest incidence of preventable occupational injuries and illnesses and workers' compensation losses. Employers may also be selected and targeted by utilizing data sources such as, but not limited to, workers' compensation loss data, history of Cal/OSHA citations, and other data sources as provided in Labor Code section 6314.1.
High Hazard Industry List
The annual High Hazard Industry List is based on "days away, restricted or transferred" (DART) rates for private sector employers. Employers in high hazard industries may be subject to an inspection by High Hazard Unit.
High Hazard Industry List by Fiscal Year:
High Hazard Program - Performance History and Data
State OSHA Annual Report (SOAR):
Commission on Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation (CHSWC):
If you have questions about a particular inspection, contact:
High Hazard Unit - North
Tara Huffman, District Manager
1515 Clay Street, Suite 1303, MS #40
Oakland, CA 94612
High Hazard Unit - South
Lex Eaton, District Manager
2 MacArthur Place, Suite 820
Santa Ana, CA 92707
Program Administration
Ayman Shiblak, Regional Manager
2 MacArthur Place, Suite 820
Santa Ana, CA 92707
September 2023