Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Love Letter Convention Day 2, Berlin 21st May 2017

If you missed it you can read about Day 1 of the Love Letter Convention in my post here. Aly & I decided to skip the morning coffee on the second day which meant we had a tiny bit of a lie in and didn't have to arrive until just before the first session at 9am.

Ann Aguirre & Cara Connelly

Our first event was a reading with Ann Aguirre and Cara Connelly. Ann told us how she randomly posted a tweet one night saying something along the lines of "why have I suddenly got the urge to write a story about a girl falling in love with a sentient space ship" and being really shocked when she had a reply from Rachel Caine saying that they must be brain twins because she'd just written that exact proposal. Ann has been a huge fan of Rachel's since before she was a published author herself so she talked about how excited she was when Rachel suggested that this could be the project that they finally worked on together. The book, Honor Among Thieves, isn't going to be published until February 2018 but we were treated to an extremely early reading and that book is now on my must buy list. I have to admit I was a bit sceptical when she mentioned a relationship between a girl and an alien ship but the reading totally sold me and I already ship them LOL.

Cara read a chapter from her novel The Wedding Band, I don't tend to read a lot of contemporary romance myself but Aly was definitely sold on this one and she was really excited to win a signed copy at the end of the reading. I won The Demon Prince, the second book in Ann's paranormal romance series (read my review of the first book here) which made my day as it was one I hadn't read yet but was really looking forward to. I actually read it while I was still in Berlin but I've not had a chance to write my review yet so watch out for that coming soon on the blog.

The first English speaking panel of the day was about YA and First loves with authors Ann Aguirre, Samantha Young, Kelsey Sutton and Cora Carmack.

What YA book/s have you written?
Kelsey Sutton - Some Quiet Place, Where Silence Gathers and Gardenia
Samantha Young - The Fire Spirit Series and upcoming standalone The Impossible Vastness of Us
Ann Aguirre - The Razorland series, the Immortal Game series and standalone The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things
Cora Carmack - Roar is the first book in her new Stormheart series

Why do you like to read YA / What made you choose to write it?
Kelsey Sutton - was 18 when she started writing so it just felt natural to write YA books but she loves that YA encompasses all of the different genres
Samantha Young - loved reading YA and she started writing when she was at college, she enjoys writing about the coming of age journey her characters go on
Ann Aguirre - had already been writing books for adults that had been published successfully but her children wanted her to write stories that they'd be allowed to read. Her daughter actually wrote a checklist of all the things she wanted from a book and Ann using it to write The Queen of Bright and Shiny Things for her
Cora Carmack - didn't actually read YA when she was a young adult because she was too busy studying and didn't read much for pleasure but she discovered it when she was at college and realised what she'd been missing out on. She feels connected to the age group because she used to be a teacher and has wanted to write a YA story for a long time

Your three favourite YA romance recommendations?
Ann Aguirre - Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, Court of Fives by Kate Elliott and The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
Samantha Young - Would second Anna and the French Kiss and would add the Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead and Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires, Forbidden by Tabitha Suzama and the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi.
Kelsey Sutton - This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen, Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Mariller and A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas.
Cora Carmack - The Graceling series by Kristin Cashore (especially Fire), The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E Smith and Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

The first time you fell in love with a YA character?
Kelsey Sutton - when she read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
Cora Carmack - reading A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (Kelsey mentioned that this book contained the first dirty scenes she'd ever read)
Samantha Young - in Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause
Ann Aguirre - She only started reading YA as research to help her write a book for her kids and doesn't really remember the first YA characters she fell in love with, the first series she read was the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins but she never shipped Katniss and Peeta (she got a lot of laughs by mentioning they had no good ship name - Katpee or Penis!)

Your favourite Harry Potter character & what house do you identify as?
Ann Aguirre - Neville Longbottom has always been her favourite & she's a Hufflepuff
Cora Carmack - She started reading Harry Potter when she was 11 and she used to read a lot of fan fiction while she was waiting for new books to release. She ended up falling in love with Draco but she said she likes the fan fiction versions of him more than the one in the books. She's a Slytherin.
Kelsey Sutton - Has never read the books (cue shocked gasps from the audience!) because she grew up in a really conservative home and wasn't allowed to but she really likes Hermione in the movies. She's a Hufflepuff.
Samantha Young - Is a Gryffindor and Dumbledore and Ron are her favourite characters

Do you enjoy killing off your characters?
Samantha Young - she had to kill a quite important character in one of her books (it was a war so it would have been unrealistic for everyone to survive). She worried that it would alienate her fans but she had to be true to the story. It does make her upset writing those scenes though
Ann Aguirre - said she has a complicated relationship with death and thinks it is needed in books because the story is too safe otherwise and nothing you do will have as much impact if readers think the characters will always survive. She doesn't enjoy killing characters, it upsets her even more than it upsets readers, but there have to be consequences.
Cora Carmack - As a reader he doesn't mind characters dying if they die well, in fact she remembers wanting more people to die when she read Harry Potter! But as an author she hates killing her own characters. There are no deaths in Roar but she warned us that someone will die in book 2, she's not exactly sure who yet but it will happen.

Kelsey Sutton & Cora Carmack

After the panel I went to a Q&A with Kelsey Sutton and Cora Carmack which was a lot of fun. I was too busy laughing to take notes during this session but Cora told the funniest stories about how she used to have nightmares as a child and she was so worried that someone would try to hurt her in her sleep that she used to sleep with a knife under her pillow. Her older sister used to think it was fun to sneak into her room and pretend to attack her and Cora used to wake up swinging and punch her sister in the face! I have to say I think her sister deserved what she got and I'd probably have never been able to sleep again if I'd been in Cora's position.

Before lunch was the final panel of the convention Strong and Sexy Heroines with Jay Crownover, Cora Carmack, Violet Truelove, Charlotte Taylor, Mona Kasten and Ann Aguirre. This panel turned into a bit of a discussion about feminism and it was one of my favourites from the whole convention. I really wish I'd recorded the panel so that I could share all the details, I took some notes but it was hard to write fast enough while still taking in what people were saying. There was some general chat about how readers tend to be harder on female characters than we are on male ones, how we hold the heroines to a higher standard and how we're less forgiving when they make mistakes.

Cora Carmack pointed out that this is why we still need feminism. Women are conditioned from a very young age to be nice and polite and quiet. We're constantly told what not to do, don't dress like this, don't got to this area, don't act that way, even school dress codes are nearly always aimed at telling girls what they can wear. If we're too emotional thats a bad thing but too little emotion is also a bad thing. Basically girls have it tough and that shows in the way we think about female characters versus male ones.

Ann Aguirre spoke about how we're conditioned by the patriarchy and how she'd really like to see less gender roles. Women should be able to do anything they want but equally men should be able to choose to do jobs that are more traditionally seen as female ones. Ann also talked about rape culture and thinks it's very telling that the first question people ask when someone has been raped isn't "how could someone do something so awful?" but usually something along the lines of "why was she there so late at night?" or "what was she wearing?". She made some really fantastic points and got a spontaneous round of applause twice throughout the panel.

Violet Truelove mentioned that she is constantly judged by others since she became a mother. Her husband is extremely supportive but other family members judge her for going to things like the convention and leaving the children at home without her. Mona Kasten said she's been getting the same kind of comments since she got married and is asked about what she plans to cook her husband for dinner or how he'll manage without her while she's away on a writing retreat.

It's the kind of commentary and criticism that women face all the time and I found the discussion really interesting even though I hate that this kind of thing still happens.

Ann Aguirre, Aly & me

After the panel Aly and I got to go out to lunch with Ann Aguirre and her husband Andres. We ate at one of the local cafes and spent a couple of hours discussing books and swapping recommendations which was great fun. They're such a lovely couple and it was really nice to spend time chatting with them. I know Aly and I both came away with a huge list of books we now need to buy!

After lunch there was a meet and greet in the courtyard before the main signing so we got to hang out with Ann some more (she gave me an arc of Vanguard which I was very happy about!) and we met up with authors like Cora Carmack, Monica Murphy and Cara Connelly again too.

Aly, Cora Carmack & me

Luckily because we'd already met all the authors we wanted to chat with and we'd already managed to get all of our books signed we didn't need to go to the large signing at the end. The queues were huge and it was really hot so we were happy to hang out in the courtyard with some of the other readers we'd met at the convention. It turned out I already knew Carien (from Pearls Cast Before a McPig) because I've seen her commenting on Gini Koch's blog before!

Peggy, Aly, Carien, me, Karin, Diana & Freya

There is nothing better than hanging out with other readers, people who are as passionate about books as you are and we easily spent a couple of hours just hanging out chatting and laughing as we put the world to rights. We were having so much fun that we all decided to go out for dinner afterwards and I came away with so many recommendations for books and authors that I need to read that I don't think I'll ever get to the top of my to read mountain but I'm definitely not complaining about that!

Back row: Peggy, Karin & Diana
Front row: Freya, Aly, me & Carien

Me, Martina Gercke & Aly

Walking home from dinner we also bumped into Martina Gercke and got to pose for a quick final picture outside the GLS.

Love Letter Convention Goodie Bag (minus the German 
books which I gave away as I wouldn't be able to read them)

English books I was given by Ann Aguirre & Margaret Mallory

Like I said at the end of my first post we had a brilliant time at Love Letters. It was aimed more at German readers (which I totally expected!) but I was a tiny bit disappointed that there weren't any English books on sale for the American authors. I loved that the convention wasn't as huge as some of the American ones though and we got to actually spend time chatting with the authors between panels and in the meet and greets.

I'd like to say thank you to all the staff who organised things and who tried very hard to answer all of our questions (especially since we were asking them in English!) and also to all the authors who took the time to chat with us, we met so many lovely people and I'm going to have to try and buy all of their books now. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on which American authors attend the convention in the future because I'd be very happy to go back if there are authors I'm excited about. Berlin was a beautiful city that I'd like to spend more time exploring too.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Love Letter Convention Day 1, Berlin 20th May 2017

A couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to get the chance to attend the Love Letter Convention in Berlin, this is a convention for romance readers and it had around 40 authors attending. Obviously, being in Berlin, a lot of those authors are German and haven't all had books published in English but there were a few big name American authors attending so my friend Aly (of Aly's Miscellany) and I decided to attend.

Aly & me

Although I've known Aly for about 6-7 years online she lives in Romania so we've never actually met face to face before and it was absolutely brilliant to finally get the chance to meet up in real life! Neither of us have ever been to Berlin before either so we met up a couple of days before the convention started to give us time to explore the city a little too. It's such a beautiful city, so much history but it has a really relaxed atmosphere and feels much less hectic than London. There were lots of little cafes and restaurants that all had outside tables and we were really lucky to have beautiful weather too. I've included a few pictures to give you an idea of the amount of things we managed to fit in.

Charlottenburg Palace

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the 
Brandenburg Gate, part of the Berlin Wall at the Topography 
of Terror and the Fernsehturm TV Tower

Museum Island and the Berlin Cathedral


On the first morning of the convention we arrived at about 8:20am and were able to register really quickly and collect our goodie bags with plenty of time to grab a coffee and get a much needed caffeine hit before the first panel! I was pretty impressed with the goodie bags too, we knew that any books would likely be in German (and of course they were!) so we gave those away immediately to some of the German girls who were in the queue behind us which saved us carrying them around all day - especially since I already had a backpack containing about 15 books for the authors to sign! The bags themselves were really nice messenger backs though and they included all sorts of fun bits like mugs, tote bags, postcards, pens, pencils, bookmarks and even a pack of coffee. The bag is actually a lovely keepsake and the next day we spotted people getting their bags signed by the authors they met, I wish I'd thought to bring a sharpie to do the same thing!

The first panel we went to had authors Samantha Young, Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover, Monica Murphy, Annie Stone and Mona Kasten talking about their books and recommending some of their favourite new adult reads. I have to admit I was pretty rubbish at taking notes so I can't go into much detail but I do know that Samantha raved about Kyland by Mia Sheridan and Cora recommended Easy by Tammara Webber (I can second that because it was an excellent book - my review is here if you're interested).

Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover & Samantha Young

There weren't any English speaking panels in the second session so we had a bit of free time but that really worked in our favour because we were able to hang out with Samantha, Cora, Jay and Monica for a bit and get our autograph books signed. This was the second time I've met Samantha so she's already signed my On Dublin Street series but I'd brought my copies of Losing It and Faking It for Cora to sign. I also really love Monica Murphy's Game for It series that she writes under the pen name Karen Erickson but I only have those as ebooks so hadn't brought them with me.

Margaret Mallory & Ann Aguirre

Our next event was a Q&A with Margaret Mallory and Ann Aguirre where we got to quiz both authors about their upcoming books. Margaret was a new author for me but she really kindly gave Aly and I a copy of her novella The Gift so I'm really looking forward to reading it. She writes historical romances set in Scotland and it sounded like she's done a huge amount of research to get her historical details accurate. I'm curious to see how she manages to blend real historical figures into her stories.

I'm a huge fan of Ann's writing (I'd carried 12 book all the way from London with me for her to sign!) and one of my questions for her was has she ever considered revisiting the Sirantha Jax world perhaps focusing on some of the other characters. I was very excited when she confirmed that she had an idea for Sasha (March's nephew) but that it was a YA story and since it's not one she's been contracted for she's not sure if/when she'll ever get around to writing it. When asked about the Apparatus Infernum series that she writes with her husband Andres under the pen name A.A. Aguirre she confirmed that they do have more ideas for books set in that world but Andres has been incredibly busy with his day job and there hasn't been room in his schedule to actually write them yet. He was in the audience though so hopefully hearing our enthusiasm for the series has given them both a bit of a nudge!

Andres and Ann Aguirre

After the Q&A it was time for lunch but I was able to grab Ann and her husband Andres for a couple of minutes to get my massive stack of books signed. Ann had also given me a copy of the first book in her self published paranormal romance series, The Leopard King, which I was really excited about because I really loved that book and had wanted to get it in print.

Aly and I ended up wandering just up the road to one of the local cafes for lunch and it was nice to have a little bit of a break from all the people to be honest. Love Letters isn't a huge convention like some of the American ones so its not too overwhelming but it could still get a bit crowded in the corridors and waiting to go into some of the panels and events and I really find being around so many people stressful. After we'd eaten we went back to the convention and were able to find seats in the outside courtyard. It gave us the chance to chat with some of the other readers, bloggers and authors who were there which was fun, we met some lovely people and I'm sure we'll be keeping in contact with a few of them!

The next panel we went to was with Martina Gercke, Jay Crownover, Samantha Young, Monica Murphy and Ann Aguirre and they were all talking about their favourite book girlfriends and boyfriends so of course it was a really fun panel. I managed to take better notes here (mainly because I was trying to note down recommendations of books I need to buy!) but I didn't get everything so here are a few highlights.

Q: Who is your favourite underrated hero?
Samantha Young - Jay from Six of Hearts by L.H Cosway
Jay Crownover - Oz from The Studying Hours by Sarah Ney (she likes that the series is about wrestlers)
Ann Aguirre - Nicholas from Painted Faces by L.H. Cosway (he's a crossdressing hero!)

Q: Three necessary qualities in a hero:
Monica Murphy - Kind, protective (he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes but he has to always be there for you) and hot (sexual attraction is a must).
Martina Gercke - Good in bed, makes you laugh and makes you feel important.
Jay Crownover - He needs to have a purpose or a goal in life, something that defines who he is as a man.
Samantha Young - Charismatic, they've got to have that special something about them. It's important for couples to be special to each other for a reason, they each give each other something that the other one is missing.

Q: Two characters you'd want with you if you were stuck on a desert island:
Sam Young - Mac and Jericho Barrons from the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning
Monica Murphy - Anna and T.J from On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves
Martina Gercke - Jamie from the Outlander series by Diana Gabsldon
Ann Aguirre - Eve and Roarke from the In Death series by J.D. Robb

There were lots of other books and series mentioned but I can only write so fast so I didn't manage to catch everything, hopefully you'll find a few recommendations there though!

Clockwise from top left me with: Ann Aguirre, Cora Carmack, 
Monica Murphy, Jay Crownover and Samantha Young

After the panel finished we went to one of the Blind Date sessions where we got to spend time with a few different authors in the space of an hour. We got matched with Jay Crownover, Cara Connelly, Annie Stone and Margaret Mallory and had the chance to chat with them all about their latest books and what they have coming up in the future. Aly and I shared a table with a couple of readers who had travelled to Berlin from France and I was so impressed with the way everyone was able to switch to talking in English. I've always been useless at learning languages & I really think it's because we don't start learning them young enough over here.

The final event of the day was a romance quiz where we sat at a table with Ann Aguirre and Kelsey Sutton. We were given all sorts of different categories (like lawyers & billionaires) and had to match up the character names with the authors who created them. It turns out that our team was a pretty hopeless bunch as even between us we hadn't read most of the books that were mentioned but we had a lot of fun trying to guess the answers. We were never going to win any prizes but we were relieved not to come last (I think there was only one team with a lower score though so it was close LOL).

Overall we had a brilliant first day, the fact that I'd got all my books signed meant I wouldn't have to carry them all again on day two and we'd managed to spend time chatting with all of the authors we'd been hoping to meet and lots more. We had been invited to a blogger event that evening but because it wasn't announced until very close to the convention we'd already booked to do a tour of the Reichstag building that evening so we had to leave before it started. It was a shame we couldn't do both but I'm glad we didn't miss the tour because the Reichstag was beautiful.

I'll post about the second day soon (should be tomorrow if I can get it written in time) but hopefully this has given you a taste of what happens at the Love Letter Convention. I think you'd definitely get more out of it if you're a German speaker (makes sense considering it's in Berlin right? LOL) - only two of the authors had any English copies of their books available (and none were on sale in the convention bookshop which was possibly an oversight as I know we weren't the only ones looking to buy!) and there were a few sessions where there were no events available in English so we didn't have a full schedule - but I thought they did a good job of trying to be inclusive for international attendees.

A lot of the staff spoke English and they were all incredibly friendly and helpful when we had questions, they'd made an effort to set up panels and meet and greets with the English speaking authors and made it clear on the program what events we'd be able to understand. I would definitely consider going to this convention again in the future. It's not cheap by the time you add in flights and accommodation but if you combine it with a holiday like we did (& I DEFINITELY want to revisit Berlin!) then it's not too bad. I think for me it would depend on which authors were attending though. Kresley Cole was supposed to be there this year (Aly and I were both gutted when it was announced that she was no longer attending) and they've had authors like Nalini Singh and Larissa Ione in the past who are both favourites of mine but author's I've managed to meet before. Lara Adrian (who I also love and have been lucky enough to meet) has been confirmed for next year but I'm not sure I'll be able to afford two years in a row. I had a brilliant time though and we got chatting with other readers from Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria (not forgetting Aly is Romanian!) so it was a real European adventure.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Review: Feel Me - Cecy Robson

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in FEEL ME, Declan, the sexy, driven powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm . . .

Declan O’Brien was always driven to take his place among Philly’s elite, working hard for everything he’s earned, including the title of Assistant District Attorney. He’s won seemingly impossible cases, so he’s furious when he’s assigned to lead the one unit he doesn’t want.

Melissa Fenske was born hearing impaired to a neglectful mother, finding solace when she was adopted by a young attorney, now Declan’s boss. As the current Director of Victim Services, Melissa’s livid when Declan is placed in the main unit she oversees. She can’t forget their disastrous first encounter. Or shake how he makes her feel.

Declan considers the assignment another step toward his political aspirations, despite that he can’t get Melissa out of his mind. Melissa sees Declan as egotistical and self-serving, kicking herself for how fast she’s falling for him. Someone as hot, smooth, and perfect as Declan isn’t supposed to want her.

In another situation with any other woman, Declan wouldn’t hesitate to take Melissa to bed. But she is the boss’s daughter, and for once, Declan finds himself wanting more than just a one night stand.

Neither counted on each other. Both just met their match.

Shattered Past Series:
Once Perfect
Once Loved
Once Pure

O'Brien Family Series:
(Characters were introduced in the Shattered Past series but this series can be read separately)
Once Kissed
Let Me
Crave Me
Feel Me
Save Me

Visit Cecy Robson's website for more information.

Feel Me is the latest release in Cecy Robson's O'Brien Family series and I've been I've been looking forward to Declan and Melissa's book ever since we saw their first meeting. I love the way confident Declan, the man who can charm any woman he comes into contact with, constantly puts his foot in his mouth around Melissa. He's the kind of guy that has women falling all over him but when it comes to Melissa he gets so flustered and makes all the wrong moves and it was just so funny to see him wrong footed all the time.

Declan is one of the oldest O'Briens and after the death of his father he was determined to do whatever he could to look after his mother and younger siblings. He has put everything into his career to achieve that goal and is now one of the youngest Assistant District Attorneys in Philly, his goals don't end there though and he continues to focus on his goal of eventually becoming mayor. Declan doesn't believe in love, he saw the way his father treated his mother and is convinced that relationships aren't worth the effort so he's very careful never to get involved with anyone who wants more than a couple of nights of fun. The latest step in his career ladder puts him in charge of the department Melissa works for, the attraction he feels for her is intense but there is no way he'd ever get involved with anyone he works with, especially not his boss's daughter.

Melissa is the head of Victim Services, it's her job to give a voice to people who need it most and her background means she is uniquely qualified for the role. Born hearing impaired to a drug addicted mother Melissa didn't get the best start in life but everything changed for her when she was adopted by Miles Fenske, the current District Attorney and Declan's boss. Her previous interactions with Declan haven't left a good impression and she has concerns about his ability to interact with vulnerable women and children she works with every day. Declan may not have made a good first impression but it doesn't take long for Melissa to realise that she was wrong about him and to discover how well they work together. Close proximity increases the attraction between them but Melissa would be crazy to risk a relationship with a man who doesn't believe in love. Wouldn't she?

I loved both of these characters and Melissa was fantastic, she's confident in her abilities and doesn't let her hearing impairment hamper her in any way. She has fears and insecurities like any woman but overall she sees what she wants and she goes after it. It was great to read about a heroine with a disability where her hearing impairment is just a part of her character and not something she was defined by, of course it effected her day to day life but it was never made into a big deal or a source of conflict in the story. Declan was the right mix of cocky alpha male with a vulnerable side. The way he kept getting things wrong around Melissa made him easier to relate to and stopped him from being too full of himself. I enjoyed the banter between him and his siblings and the way they all teased him about his growing feelings for Melissa, it was fun to catch up with the others and see how they're all getting on with their lives.

Feel Me is another brilliant instalment to the series and I'm looking forward to seeing the remaining brothers get their own happily ever after.

Source: Received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Other Reviews:
If you have reviewed this book on your blog please leave a link to your review in the comments & I'll add the link here.

Paperback / Kindle:

Blog Tour: Feel Me - Cecy Robson (Excerpt & Giveaway)

Declan, the sexy, driven
powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm . . .

O'Brien Family #4
Cecy Robson
Releasing May 23, 2017

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in FEEL ME, Declan, the sexy, driven powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm . . .

Declan O’Brien was always driven to take his place among Philly’s elite, working hard for everything he’s earned, including the title of Assistant District Attorney. He’s won seemingly impossible cases, so he’s furious when he’s assigned to lead the one unit he doesn’t want.

Melissa Fenske was born hearing impaired to a neglectful mother, finding solace when she was adopted by a young attorney, now Declan’s boss. As the current Director of Victim Services, Melissa’s livid when Declan is placed in the main unit she oversees. She can’t forget their disastrous first encounter. Or shake how he makes her feel.

Declan considers the assignment another step toward his political aspirations, despite that he can’t get Melissa out of his mind. Melissa sees Declan as egotistical and self-serving, kicking herself for how fast she’s falling for him. Someone as hot, smooth, and perfect as Declan isn’t supposed to want her.

In another situation with any other woman, Declan wouldn’t hesitate to take Melissa to bed. But she is the boss’s daughter, and for once, Declan finds himself wanting more than just a one night stand.

Neither counted on each other. Both just met their match.

Cecy Robson is an award-winning author of magical realms and to-die-for Alpha heroes. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and published author of more than sixteen titles, you can typically find her on her laptop or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.


Buy Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Feel-Me-OBrien-Family-Novel-ebook/dp/B06WW34P7C
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/feel-me-cecy-robson/1125820462?ean=2940154200698
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/feel-me/id1208014980?mt=11
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/feel-me-6


My boss, Miles Fenske walks in, followed by his daughter Melissa. Miles smiles warmly, nodding my way.

Mel? What can I say? She’s the one person who’s never been taken by my charm. Today’s no
different. Unlike the other women who work here, from interns to attorneys, she doesn’t meet me with a grin, flash a little leg, or pretend to flirt. Her hair is brown and her eyes are almost as dark. Nothing extraordinary about her appearance, right?

Damn, I wish that were true. Her creamy skin makes her hair and eyes stand out, as if that killer hourglass figure isn’t enough. And don’t get me started on her lips. They look like they’ve been dipped in honey and soften her look further, despite her steel-hard exterior.

She walks in with her hips swinging, her bright red dress hugging her curves. With an unyielding stare she meets my eyes, giving nothing away, no matter how hard I’ve chipped at that armor.

Mel doesn’t like me. Not that I blame her considering the way I keep wrecking each rare moment we find ourselves alone. Of course, she has to be the one woman I can’t get out of my mind …

“How are you, Declan?” Miles asks.

I reply with a stiff nod rather than the grin I usually offer him. This is a man I admire the hell out of. Not just because of what he’s accomplished in the political arena and in the judicial circuit, but because he’s a good man. Not someone trying to be good. Just someone who is, a rare entity in the circles we frequent.

Today that smile is not going to happen. Whether he meant to or not, the old man screwed me. Yesterday, when he called me into his office, I thought it was to tell me I would head Homicide or maybe White Collar. SACBU was not where I expected to land, ever.

“I’m well, Miles. And you?” I ask. Pissed or not, I won’t disrespect him, especially in front of his daughter.

“Fine. Thank you,” he responds. His deep voice is pleasant as always, but for some reason Melissa bristles. As her father looks to Curran and shakes his hand, my eyes trail to her.

“Mel,” I say, adding a subtle tilt of my chin. It’s not much of a greeting, but it’s more than she’s ever offered me. I don’t think she’s ever smiled in presence. But it’s not like I don’t deserve it. Hell, I still cringe when I think about the first time we met, and every moment that followed.

“Declan,” she replies. Her voice is clear enough to understand, but similar to those with significant hearing loss. Miles mentioned she learned to speak late in life, and that she articulates in the way she hears others. But her voice isn’t what gives me pause.

This is the first time she hasn’t addressed me by my title.

Miles laughs at something Curran says before Curran turns and lifts his hand. “Gotta run. See youz later.”

“Later, Curran,” I say. I keep my attention on Melissa, motioning for her and Miles to sit as I resume my professional pose.

Curran grins at Melissa. Before she can take a seat, he signs something I don’t understand. Whatever it is brings out a smile I’ve never managed to stir. She signs in return, her reply making him laugh out loud.

I don’t have to guess they’re talking about me, because that’s what they do. The hard stare I toss my brother’s way is enough to let him know today is not the day to piss me off. He winks and grins anyway since sometimes, no matter what, Curran could give a damn.

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Thursday, 1 June 2017

Book Trailer: The Novice - Taran Matharu

I've been browsing YouTube book trailers recently & I thought it would be fun to start highlighting some of the books that I really want to read but haven't quite got around to yet. Some of these have been on my to read pile for months (or even years!) but these trailers make me want to read them ASAP.

I've actually already read (and really enjoyed!) The Novice by Taran Matharu (you can read my review here) but now that the final book in the series has been published it's about time for me to catch up with the rest of the trilogy.

Fletcher was nothing more than a humble blacksmith's apprentice, when a chance encounter leads to the discovery that he has the ability to summon demons from another world. Chased from his village for a crime he did not commit, he must travel with his demon to the Vocans Academy, where the gifted are trained in the art of summoning.

The academy will put Fletcher through a gauntlet of gruelling lessons, training him as a battlemage to fight in the Hominum Empire's war against the savage orcs. Rubbing shoulders with the children of the most powerful nobles in the land, Fletcher must tread carefully. The power hungry Forsyth twins lurk in the shadows, plotting to further their family's interests. Then there is Sylva, an elf who will do anything she can to forge an alliance between her people and Hominum, even if it means betraying her friends. Othello is the first ever dwarf at the academy, and his people have long been oppressed by Hominum's rulers, which provokes tension amongst those he studies alongside.

Fletcher will find himself caught in the middle of powerful forces, with nothing but his demon Ignatius to help him. As the pieces on the board manoeuvre for supremacy, Fletcher must decide where his loyalties lie. The fate of an empire is in his hands . . .

May 2017 Recap

Books read in previous months but reviewed in May:
(Links will take you to my reviews)
  1. Wildfire - Ilona Andrews (Read in April, review coming soon)
  2. Saga: Volume 3 - Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (Graphic Novel) (Read in April, reviewed in May)
  3. Aftermath - Ann Aguirre (Read in April, reviewed in May)
  4. Rope 'Em - Delphine Dryden (Read in April, reviewed in May)
  5. Blade Bound - Chloe Neill (Read in April, reviewed in May)
  6. The Thorn and the Blossom - Theodora Goss (Read in April, reviewed in May)
Books read in May:
(Links will take you to my reviews)
  1. Alien Education - Gini Koch
  2. J.K. Rowlings Wizarding World: Magical Film Projections: Creatures (Activity Book)
  3. Art Life - Bev Speight (Art Book)
  4. Defy the Stars - Claudia Gray
  5. Damon - J.C. Daniels (Novella)
  6. Endgame - Ann Aguirre
  7. Flame in the Mist - Renee Ahdieh
  8. The Seafarer's Kiss - Julia Ember
  9. The Leopard King - Ann Aguirre
  10. Saga Volume 4 - Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (Graphic Novel)
  11. Burn for Me - Ilona Andrews (I re-read this book - YES AGAIN! - but the link takes you to my original review)
  12. White Hot - Ilona Andrews (my 3rd read of the year!)
  13. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carousel Book - Lewis Carroll (Pop Up Picture Book)
  14. Sons of Ares #1 - Pierce Brown (Comic)
  15. Wildfire - Ilona Andrews (2nd read of the year, review to come closer to the release date!)
  16. Perdition - Ann Aguirre (review coming soon)
  17. The Demon Prince - Ann Aguirre (review coming soon)
  18. Berlin and Potsdam - Bernhard Schneidewind (Travel Guide Book) (review coming soon)
  19. Bronze Gods - A.A. Aguirre (review coming soon)
  20. Enclave - Ann Aguirre (review coming soon)
  21. Lonely Planet Pocket Berlin (Travel Guide Book) (review coming soon)
  22. Feel Me - Cecy Robson (review coming soon)
  23. Marine Biology - Gail Carriger (Short Story) (review coming soon)
  24. Way Down Deep - Charlotte Stein & Cara McKenna (review coming soon)
  25. Alice in Brexitland - Leavis Carroll (review coming soon)
Other May Posts
  1. Book Trailer: Green Jack - Alyxandra Harvey
  2. My 3000th Blog Post Celebration (with International Giveaway)
  3. Big News: Lexi Blake teams up with Corinne Michaels, J.Kenner, Susan Stoker, Carly Phillips and Larissa Ione!
  4. Book Trailer: Passenger - Alexandra Bracken
  5. Book Trailer: Queen of Hearts - Colleen Oakes
  6. Excerpt Reveal: Roar - Cora Carmack
  7. Crafting Corner: Book Folding Art Inspired by Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson Series (2nd Design)
  8. Book Trailer: Tell the Wind and Fire - Sarah Rees Brennan
  9. Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2017
May Books of the Month:
(Choices are made from books reviewed this month and the links will take you to my reviews)

My top YA read in May:

Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh (read my review here)

My top NA read in May:

I didn't read any NA books this month

My top adult reads in May:

White Hot by Ilona Andrews (read my review here)

May Events:

I've been pretty hopeless at writing up events recently so I've decided to start mentioning them in my monthly wrap up posts so they at least get a little attention!

May was a very busy but fun month for me, we went to Berlin for the first time (an amazing city that I'd love to go back to one day!) and while we were there I went to the Love Letters Convention with one of my blogging friends. We had an absolutely amazing time getting the chance to meet some amazing authors. I'm going to try and do a proper write up about the event sometime in the next few days but here is a picture with a few of the authors I got to chat with.

Clockwise from top left: Ann Aguirre, Cora Carmack, 
Monica Murphy, Jay Crownover & Samantha Young

My Challenge Updates:


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