Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prayer. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We're Halfway There...

A miracle has happened! Sweet Shooter has been found!!! I had to pinch myself when I heard the news. He was found chasing rabbits on the property where my daughter and her hubby were staying in Arkansas. I keep going back and reading the text-message my daughter sent me with the good news. All those prayers brought him back.Now we have to continue to pray and hope that this little guy isn't far behind. Hank usually follows his big brother everywhere he goes. At home they are inseparable.
So if you have a minute as you prepare for your holiday gathering, please say another prayer to help Hank find his way back to us. Help make this the best Thanksgiving ever for our family!
Signature w/rose

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prayers Needed!

Many of you will recognize these two fellas as my dear sweet grand-dogs, Shooter and Hank. Well, they need your prayers right now- BIG TIME! They are lost in Huntsville, Arkansas (near Fayetteville) - it's a long story which I won't go into now. They've been missing since Tuesday, Nov. 15th and my daughter and her DH have been searching frantically for them. There have been several sightings of them over the past few days, but they are shy around strangers, so no one has been able to get close enough to them. All of our hearts are breaking right now. Shooter and Hank and their happy dispositions and wet kisses have helped our family get through an extremely tough year. And the thought of them being out there alone is more than I can bear. Please say a prayer and bring them home to us so our family can have something to truly be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Please leave any suggestions for finding lost dogs in the comment section of this post.
We've just about run dry on ideas!!!
Thank you so much for your help!
Signature w/rose

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Many thanks to everyone for their love and prayers over the last few days. I can't tell you how much they are appreciated. My aunt seems to be making a miraculous recovery which has taken a huge worry off my shoulders. I have been so concerned about her these past few weeks and felt so frustrated that I couldn't be with her. She is an amazing woman and such a huge inspiration for those of us who know and love her. Please continue to keep your prayers coming for my her, as well as my DH. He came through surgery with flying colors but still has a long road ahead of him.
Signature w/rose

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Favor

This is a photo of my dear Aunt Helen when she was a young girl. She is 98 years old now.
My aunt is the most remarkable woman I know.
We are very close, even though we live 932 miles from each other.
She has been ill for several weeks now and
I wish I could be with her to offer her my love and support in person, like she has done for me throughout the years. But unfortunately I am unable to right now. . .
This is a photo of my husband when he was a young boy. Doesn't he look sweet? Well he is sweet and one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. We've been married for 34 years and he is my rock. This weekend we found out some news we were totally unprepared for and as a result he is under-going surgery today in hopes of remedying the situation.

I believe that the power of prayer can work miracles and I am counting on that right now. So if you have a spare moment today, will you please say a prayer for these two special people.

Signature w/rose

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Flowers Tag Swap

I always think of spring as a time of renewal and rebirth. So far this spring has not been working out quite that way around here. We have four family members who are currently in various hospitals. I thoroughly believe in the power of prayer, so if you can find it in your heart to say a prayer for them today I would be ever so grateful.
I've sent out my Spring Flower tags to Rachel who is hosting this fun tag book swap. I can't believe that I actually completed a swap ahead of time and didn't need to rush around at the last minute. I think this has to be a first for me!
Signature w/rose
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