I have been playing with ideas for a slightly more intensive variation on the parsha copywork we’ve been doing all along and come up with a 6-page booklet that I think might work well not only for us, but hopefully for others. I will explain the ideas behind the different pages and you can decide if all or part of this would be useful to you. The whole booklet is centred around an excerpt from the parsha. It may or may not be an entire contiguous passuk – I’ve done two so far and one is, while the other isn’t. One draws in bits and pieces from several pessukim to create a “complete” passage that is more concise than the original text. The idea is to introduce spelling and vocabulary words through the context of the weekly parsha. The English words are fairly easy, so this won’t make for very intensive spelling practice. My thinking behind this is that my kid is feeling discouraged in Hebrew, so if throwing in a couple of easy English words will help boost...