Yes, we really DID do school this week. In fact, because we were still in the break between Parks & Rec 9-week sessions, we probably did MORE school than we usually do, and certainly more than we will accomplish next week. However… I mentioned that I’ve been sick and miserable; I actually woke up voiceless on Tuesday and wasn’t able to speak at all until Friday morning. So our emphasis this week was on subjects that teach themselves, anything that comes in audiobook form, and anything I could teach in a whisper. A couple of highlights: LATIN! The kids are both loving our Song School Latin program. We’re in Week 6, and so far, this program is so light it doesn’t really feel like school. They both beg to do more than one song a week, but I figure we’ll pace ourselves and it’s great keeping it light and easy. Here they are singing this week’s song with the help of these puppets. The puppets are in the back of the book, but ...