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Showing posts with the label long

Getting an F in Friendship

Am I from another planet or something? I just wrapped up reading MWF Seeks BFF , by Rachel Bertsche, a book about one young woman’s quest for new friends after moving to Chicago, and have concluded that either she is from another planet or I am. It’s not that the author LACKS friends, but since leaving her two BFFs behind in New York, she wants not necessarily to replace them, but to find geographically-close friends; “girls” she can call spontaneously, say, for brunch, or on a Friday night, or for shopping, or a spa day. I don’t do any of those things. I’ve ranted before about “books where the author takes on a project for one year and then writes a book about how changed / inspired / wonderful / awesome / super-duper / incredible / strange his/her life has become as a result” (see this post ), and indeed, this is one of those books.  The author intersperses personal anecdote with statistical studies of everything and anything – with occasionally-hiccupy segues.  I can’t ...