31 May 2017

rudy mae

Molly and I went in for my doctors appointment Tuesday afternoon. She stayed with Grandma, to man the front desk and enjoy a cup full of gummy treats while I went to be checked with the doctor. I was dilated to a three and everything looked good. I had an induction date set for Monday, June 5. I told him I thought the baby would come before then- probably over the weekend. He joked that it would be great if I went into labor while he was at church. 

That evening I started having more regular contractions. I laid around on the couch and on my bed most of the evening. Matt mowed the lawn, got on the treadmill and then showered up. We put kids to bed and watched some of our show. 

I was timing my contractions and keeping track on my phone. They were coming pretty close to five minutes apart. They were strong and starting to be painful. I had my bags mostly packed. We said a prayer together about midnight and turned off the light to see if we could get some sleep and maybe the contractions would slow down. I laid down for literally one minute before I sat back up, turned on the light and knew it was time!

Matt got up and got dressed. I finished throwing some things in my bag. Matt texted his mom who was luckily in town (and downstairs!) and we set off for the hospital. 

We got to the hospital just after 12:30 in the morning. I knew my water hadn't broken but my contractions were close enough- I was just hoping that they would admit me. Because how embarrassing would it be to be turned away when this is my fourth baby?! The ladies at the desk were very nice and before long we were in delivery room 2. I was the only mom in the whole labor and delivery. 

Regina was our nurse. She asked all the questions to log into the computer and got me situated in the bed. She attempted to get my IV in my right arm but it didn't take so she found a nice vein in my left arm. 

Contractions were pretty hard at this point. I had to stop mid sentence when answering questions and breathe through them. 

I got my epidural around 4 am. The anesthesiologist was a super tall guy and Matt thought he looked like George Clooney. Getting the epidural is always a little nerve wracking. But it was in and started to take effect. I laid on my left side for a while and then switch to my right so the epidural would even out in my body.

I didn't know that when you go in the middle of the night-they don't call in doctors to break your water. This would have sped up my labor quite a bit, but we had to wait until 6 AM to call Dr. Froerer. 

I had asked Matt a few weeks before how he felt about having Kayla there to photograph the birth. He said it was totally up to me-which was the right answer since I'm the one giving birth! I was super excited but I had to make sure I didn't go into labor over Memorial weekend as she was out of town! In fact I kind of stressed for several weeks as Dr. Froerer was out of town late in May, Kayla was out of town for the holiday, the kids and mom weren't quite done with the school year and my hair needed to be colored! But one by one things fell into place. 

Any who...I texted Kayla on our way to the hospital, around midnight. I called her around 4 am and told her I was admitted and things were progressing. She was immediately on her way. 

I called mom around 5am and woke her up to tell her we were at the hospital and that baby girl would be born that day and I invited her to come be there for the birth. She was surprised and excited and immediately got on her way. We had a good laugh when she arrived at the hospital as she told us she was just like Lucille Ball pulling out of the driveway the wrong way, taking wrong turns, taking the wrong freeway exit, pulling into the wrong parking lot, she was just a basket case and so excited.


I was dilated to a seven when the nurse checked me again and Dr. Froerer was called. He came in and broke my water and I knew things would speed up even more. I was feeling pressure about 7 am and told the nurse. She emptied my bladder and checked me. I was fully dilated and ready to go!

The room was all prepped. I had requested a mirror so I could watch. It was go time! I pushed three times during two separate contractions and she was here! It was so incredible! It had all gone so smoothly. They laid her on my chest and I just cried. She was perfect and I loved her so much. They wiped her down a bit. She was purple but she pink'd up quickly. I held her on my chest for a while but was anxious to know how much she weighed. 7 lbs 5 oz!! Our smallest baby! I was so surprised. 

I had asked to see my placenta. Dr Froerer held it up to show me. It really is so fascinating.

We stayed in the delivery room at least two hours. It was nice not to be rushed. Mom left to get to school and Kayla slipped out too.

Baby latched on immediately and time stood still. Delivery is completely amazing and one of the coolest things I've ever done. The fourth time was just as thrilling as the first. Birth day are my very favorite.

When it was time to move me to recovery they helped me into a wheelchair. My one leg was very numb and practically fell onto the floor when I moved it. So crazy not to be able to feel and move parts of your body!

I had the best recovery room. It was light and bright and I had a perfect view of Mt Olympus. 

We got settled in our room. Matt and I talked about her name. The night before we were kind of thinking "Halle" but that didn't seem to fit. When she was born I thought "Rudy" fit her but didn't say anything. I wasn't sure. Matt held her and said, "Rudy." He was sure. We've both loved that name. My guy is a man of few words-when he speaks, I listen. We gave her a middle name of "Mae"-due in June but born the last day of May and I wanted it to be clear from her name she was a girl. This breaks our no middle name thing! Eek!

Matt left to get the girls around 11:00.  They were so excited to meet their sister.

I could tell Annie wasn't wild about the name we chose. We had discussed names before and she wasn't wild about any of our names. She almost broke down in tears, she's pretty sensitive. This was disheartening to me but Matt said it would grow on her and she would love it. (And she already does!)

They held her and kissed her and loved her immediately.

The hospital stay for me is magical. Really, truly. I love it. I cried when it was time to go home. It's such a special time, just baby and me, with special visitors occasionally. We are taken such good care of, great food is delivered to your room and it's so nice not to have any other responsibilities. 

31 may 2017

{I typed most of this out right after Rudy was born. I'm finally getting around to finishing it and posting it to the blog. A year later.}

25 May 2017

today and stuff

i've had terrible back pain the past few days. i was pretty much down and out all weekend. i laid in bed or on the couch friday-sunday. i crawled to the bathroom. i was miserable. i used the heating pad on and off. it hurt to move. i hobbled into church to hear the girls sing for mother's day. i'm guessing it's my sciatic nerve. back pain is no joke. it's made me really appreciate how healthy my body has been, even through this pregnancy.

i had a dr appointment this morning. denise was home and kept molly for me. i waited for quite a long time...the first time i've really had to wait this whole pregnancy. i was in just 5 days ago and hadn't started dilating at all..but was surprised when dr froerer told me i was an "easy 1" and about 50% effaced! he had to help me roll sideways and up off the table with my 95 year old back.

i came home feeling a bit panicked that she'll come too early! i planned to have the girls school all wrapped up, mom too. i called matt...he was as calm as a cucumber and relieved my fears telling me whenever she comes will be great and it will all work out. i joked and said, "what if she comes when the city dumpster is scheduled to come"-he said he'd have to miss the birth. ha. he has a way of helping me keep perspective.

molly and i had lunch and played with the wobbly people. i skidded them down the table and she laughed and wanted to do it again and again. i convinced her to come watch a movie with me in bed..but she didn't last long. she was bored. she played "lego friends" in the girls room for a bit before she came back to my room and got back in bed with me. this time she fell asleep. the big girls got home from school minutes later.

we jumped right into annie's homework. two math pages and her power hour packet-vocab. lucy changed into her tumbling leotard. molly woke up crying (because she was left alone). she came with me to drop lucy off with big crocodile tears in her eyes from waking up too early and then wanting a snack and anything else she could think of to cry about at the moment.

annie got the dishwasher unloaded and finished her definitions while we were gone. we started right in on her opinion essay, one of her last "mountain man award" requirements. "arctic foxes are better than red foxes." she got it written and we came upstairs to get it typed up. we got it typed and saved and emailed to our dad to print at work and bring home. yikes! i'm late to get lucy! tumbling pick up...back home to throw some dinner on. meanwhile i'm trying to "take it easy" as i've had a few off and on contractions today and still have a tender back.

i sat down with lucy to read through her last 1st grade reader book. i read, then we read together, then she reads through twice. annie sits down on my other side and has the iPad with the new app we've installed for her to pass off her division fast facts. molly wants my attention too. annie whips through her division facts like a wizard and passes them all off with 20 seconds to spare! i read with molly...but only for a second because she wants to read to me.

everyone disperses from my side on the couch...outside to play for a few minutes while i get dinner on. i feel tired but very accomplished. i do like this job.

we picked up garbage at the elementary school for annie's last hour of service for her "mountain man award." we sent the girls on their bikes with gloves and garbage bags ahead of us a few minutes then met up with them in the van. they filled two bags full of garbage. i sat on the nest in the van the whole time.

the girls rode home. even molly on her tiny trike. we slowly followed them all the way home.
baths, snacks and brush teeth. a chapter of harry potter with annie. everyone in bed. matt's been on the treadmill and just got out of the shower.

it's 10 pm now. phew.

may 2017

29 April 2017

being a stay at home mom

there are days when things are crazy and messy and hard...but today i felt especially grateful to be a stay at home mom.

after i got the girls off to school, molls and i had our breakfast. i cleaned up the kitchen, got some laundry started and tidied the downstairs. we sat down to read a few of our library books, but molly only lasts through half a story and then she wants to read it to me.

we went to the gym for a bit, even though i played pickle ball last night at the church (matt's first time!) it always feels good to get a little workout in.

i got showered and molly watched parts of "tangled." i was starving for lunch and whipped up toasted tuna and mixed in chopped up pickle like dube used to. cottage cheese and pineapple, carrots and some veggie straws. it was delish or i was really hungry.

the laundry was in full swing, molly was chatting my ear off...wanting me to be the "big sis" and she's "the mom." she always wants to play pretend and likes to tell me what to say. (eye roll)

we made chocolate chip cookies for an after school snack. i folded more laundry and chomped some ice. we watched for the girls and as soon as molly could see them down the street from the window she took off to greet them. they all give hugs and then look up and smile at me through the window. i love that the girls can walk home from school.

i know this job is important and i'm glad i can stay home. i know i won't regret being at home during these years. we make sacrifices for it to work. we don't drive fancy cars and it's been years since we've taken a vacation. there's not much "extra" but we have a good life. a great life.

april 2017

28 March 2017

the lion king

rachel presented the idea at christmastime to give kevin and denise tickets to see the lion king. we all pitched in for their tickets and got tickets ourselves. 
we've been looking forward to this night out for months.

the show was spectacular. the colors. the costumes. the music.
it's one thing to sing and dance on a broadway stage but to puppeteer too! 
i thought rafiki stole the show, but zazu and simba were awesome too. and scar!

the new theater is really beautiful. the ushers were newbies as they seated kevin and denise a few rows in front of us and dan and april down in front in the wrong seats...but before the show started they were on our row with us. ha.

i had so many favorite parts of the show, but we both loved, "He lives in You." the song was beautiful and powerful and colorful and takes on greater meaning.

we ate at the blue lemon at city creek before the play.
it was a late night as we were standing and clapping at the end of the show after 10 pm.
we picked up the sleepy girls from mom and dads and tucked ourselves into bed ASAP.
matt had started to feel a cold coming on but was a good sport the whole evening.

hoping for more of these "night of the arts" with this guy and some of our kids! 
our older girls would have loved this show. 

28 march 2017

27 March 2017

Annie walked right in the door from school and went right up to her dad and asked, "how did your test go?"

Baylee has come over the last two nights to practice a song to audition for madrigals. On our way to the library lucy said, "I wonder how Baylee's song went today. I hope it went good."

These little things make me happy. These girls are sweet and I hope they will always remember to think of others. 

march 2017

24 March 2017

march friday jist

{the only safe place to eat a cookie in the backyard}
24 march 2017

the good:

i'm still playing pickle ball and loving it. i played some great games today. this big bod can still serve a purpose!

it's the weekend!

we met up with brooke and kids down at the capitol building and enjoyed the blue skies and cherry blossoms. it was a fun way to spend an afternoon. when i asked over dinner who enjoyed our adventure today all hands went up.

it's spring! all the trees are in blossom and flowers are popping up. we've slept with the windows open a few nights...i love it!

we will meet our new little one in 10 weeks! this pregnancy has gone by fast. it helped that we kept it a secret for so long. i'm so glad my body can do this. it's all so incredible. i'm excited for the delivery. birth days are my favorite.

i cooked every night this week. i usually cook every night but some weeks are smoother than others. homemade pizza. chicken pasta and asparagus dish. crepes and bacon. soup and grilled cheese. i can't remember what else i made..

i scored an antique dresser off of ksl for the nursery. i haven't decided if i'll leave the wood or paint it. i'll get new knobs. it's just the size and look i wanted.

the bad:

my memory.

no baby name.

i'm feeling big. like, i feel like i was this size when i delivered molly. yikes.

missing my old body a bit. it's harder to sleep and keep up.

the funny:

molly will sometimes say, "phew, i'm exhausting!" what she really means is that "she's exhausted!"  but, ha! it works either way.

19 March 2017

sunday and strawberry pie

i had a speaking assignment today in the 5th ward. i was actually assigned to speak in our ward in june but i switched with heidi with baby coming and all. it went really well and several people came up to me afterwards and thanked me for my talk, which was so nice.

matt and i read a chapter about president hinckley and visited on the couches. i took a power nap. the girls played outside and did art work.

i had to run off to a youth conference and presidency meeting and met up with everyone for family dinner afterwards.

we had a little baby shower for drew via FaceTime.

my fresh strawberry pie was a hit. i got the recipe from cara moncur. it was so easy and divine.

i was so thrilled to put myself to bed. the end of a long day.

19 march 2017