Friday, November 2, 2007

I Joined NaBloPoMo - Did You??

After getting an invitation from Kai to join in on the fun of NaBloPoMo, I decided to officially sign up as - what the hey - this should be easy, right? For someone who posts in my blog as much as I do then doing at least one post a day for the month of November should be as easy as falling off a log or taking a walk through the local cemetery! For those not familiar with the concept (and where have you been that you aren't??), NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month and it occurs every November when you just have to write one post a day to participate. If you haven't joined up yet, just click here and it will take you to the page where you can sign up and get your own page with Ning (who powers the network for NaBloPoMo). From there you can get your own page to do with what you'd like - send comments to other members, check out the cool prizes available, join in on a Forum - all sorts of stuff. Or, you can be like me and just sign up officially, join the Blogroll, and then post like you normally would do on your own blog. If you want to check out my page, feel free to click here though I warn you - it's nothing special!

So what do you say? Come join myself, Morgen, Kai, Claire, Joan, Sari, Lynn, Carrie, and a host of others as we participate in National Blog Posting Month. Who knows? You could come away with a really cool prize!

Are you participating? Leave me a comment and let me know so I can be sure to visit you every day during the month!

View my profile on NaBloPoMo


  1. I've joined. I sent you a friend request a few minutes ago :-)

  2. Anonymous2:06 AM EDT

    You know I'm a part of this too! And I'm going to get a peace globe too! What fun this all is. This is the part of blogging that I like the most - the community. And "meeting" you has been another addition to my "invisible friends". If you don't get that let me know and I'll blog about it.


Thanks for visiting!