Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Peace on The Mo Show


This week on The Mo Show bloggers unite for PEACE!
Mimi, the originator of the blogging phenomenon Blog Blast For Peace, will be joining Mo LIVE on Wednesday, November 7th.
Tune in to Blog Talk Radio @ 7pm Eastern time as we wrap up the day's PEACE festivities!

Can you think of a more peaceful way to spend your evening after looking at the beauty of the Peace Globes that grace the Blogosphere? I can't and I'll be tuning in as well as joining in on the chat that's sure to distract Mo to no end! Hope you can join us!


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM EST

    It'll be a great show. :)

    I can't wait.

  2. I will be there too! Reaching across the globe to be with my buddies :))

  3. Thanks for the promo, Linda!
    I actually like that promo graphic.

  4. Hope you'll call in, Linda. Wouldn't be the same without you!


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