Showing posts with label Agar-Agar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agar-Agar. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Caramel Agar Agar/Agar Agar Caramel

This eggless caramel pudding tastes very much like flan but it is much lighter. I think I like this version better but Carlos prefer the egg version. I can’t blame him as he grew up eating that with Dulce De Leche.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Agar Agar Gula Melaka /Palm Sugar Jelly

It has been a while since I make Jelly. Actually this is Diana’s favorite agar agar but since she can’t visit me every month now so I hardly make any of it. Anyway, we are having some pretty warm weather and in the time like this I like to make something cooling to cool myself down.

So what is gula Melaka? Gula melaka, otherwise known in English as Palm Sugar or 'Malacca Sugar' originated from Melaka (Malacca) a historical state in Malaysia. Palm sugar is made from the sap of the flower bud of a coconut tree which then boiled until thickened and packed into bamboo tubes forming its cylindrical shape. The colour varies from dark brown to a light golden colour. It is widely used in South East Asia to flavour desserts. When cook it water it will give a rich dark caramel and butterscotch flavors.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cendol Pudding - Day 28

We are into day 28th of the Selangor Pewter Jellyriffic challenge. It is sad that it will be come to an end soon as I am growing very attached to my jelly moulds. Oh well, all good things must come to an end but for sure it won’t be the last time you see the moulds making an appearance in this blog. I am definitely going to use it again to make some of my dessert.

I like this traditional Malaysian style jelly a lot. I made this before something ago and you can get the recipe here . But for this challenge, I tried out the recipe from K.Nor of Secubit Garam . K.Nor is a great supporter of this challenge and never fails give me a lot of encouragement and ideas. Terima Kasih K.Nor. Do check out her blog as she has a lot of mouthwatering recipes there.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Milky Vanilla Bean and Strawberry Jelly - Day 27

This is by far one of my favorite among the rest of the jellies and pudding. I used Madagascar vanilla bean for the milky layer and fresh strawberries for the bottom layer. Who knows that vanilla and strawberry pair so well? The vanilla bean gives and very intense vanilla flavor and the fresh strawberries added a fantastic burst fresh taste to it. This dessert is absolutely divine for hot summer weather.

I made two of these and while snapping some pictures the phone rang and I went to answer it. Disaster strikes! The white boards fell on one of the jelly and just see what happen. I am left with one. Thank God I always make two just in case incident happens just like this one and I will always have a back up. All ends well :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bailey's Mocha Pudding - Day 25

Before going into the recipe I have an announcement to make. We will be moving back to California sometime in the month December or early January 2012 but this time it will be to San Francisco and not Southern CA. It will be a huge move again for us. This came really sudden and everything happens within the last 3 weeks.  Blogging will slow down a little bit, limited time visiting other bloggers and leaving comments until I am settling into the new place. I hope you all will understand. Hope that I am able to cope as Carlos will be in SF much earlier and will be back only during the move. Anyway, I will away for over a week as we decided to take a road trip to the West Coast and I already schedule the rest of the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge posting up to day 30 as I am not sure if I will have internet access or not. Please continue to leave your comments here and I will try to reply them as soon as I can or whenever I have internet access. As for the result of the Giveaway, I will announce it on the first week of November.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blackberry with Coconut Juice Jelly - Day 22

I really like the look and taste of this jelly. They look really girly, isn’t it? A fresh coconut here cost around $3.00 each and I can’t bring myself to pay that kind of money so I just used the can coconut juice. I didn’t expect them to taste good but they do but of course it can’t be compare with the fresh one. I guess beggar can’t be chooser, right. By the way, that is blackberries but it turns red once it hit the warm agar agar mixture. You might notice in the 1st pictures that the jelly has an odd shape. Actually one of the jellies broke into half when I was unmolding it and I just cut it off and stack the other one on top of it. Thank God I made 2 of it so there is always a back-up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pandan Kaya Cake - Day 19

This cake used to be so popular at one time. All the cake shops will be selling it. I remember this was one of the very first fancy decorated cakes I learned to make from my baking teacher. It is pandan sponge cake layered with pandan kaya/custard jelly. It has been many years since I last had this cake. So I decided to make this and I layered it with regular butter cake rather than making a sponge cake. I usually make two of the dessert with same amount of ingredients in the jelly moulds but one will usually comes out bigger than the other one. Weird isn't it :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carrot Juice and Soy Milk Jelly - Day 18

I just love the vibrant color of this jelly. Don’t you just want to eat it? If your kid is not a fan of carrots, make it into jelly. I am sure they just can’t resist this. Since I have a huge bag of carrots in my fridge I was thinking what I can do with it using the Jelly Mould. I can’t think of much except juicing it with my Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer and make it into jelly. After all I love carrot juice and it should taste good to in jelly and I was right.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Caramel Pudding - Day 16

This eggless caramel pudding tastes very much like flan but it is much lighter. I think I like this version better but Carlos prefer the eggy version. I can’t blame him as he grew up eating that type of flan that with Dulce De Leche.

How time flies. We into the 3rd week of the challenge. We have seen so many wonderful recipes and ways to use the Jelly mould created by the rest of the bloggers. Please do continue to support the Breast Cancer Awareness Month and if you are interested to purchase the Royal Selangor Pewter Jelly Mould designed by Nick Munro you can get it here . Proceeds from the sale of the jelly mould go towards the Breast Cancer Welfare Association in aid of their continuous efforts to raise awareness and support for breast cancer

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watermelon Pudding - Day 11

No, there is no watermelon in this pudding. It is just the pudding looking like a watermelon :) This particular pudding has been floating around the local Malaysian blogs for some time now. Inspired by the beautiful results I tried creating it with the Jelly mould. It is a bit of work but I love the end results. The next time I make this again I will have to add a bit more sesame seeds to it.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Coconut Pomegranate Jelly- Day 8

We are 8th day into the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge. This is the very 1st jelly I made with the moulds. On my very first tried, I completely destroyed the jelly when I tried to unmold it and I had to re-do again the very next day. The key to unmolding it is dip the mould in hot water for 15 seconds; run the butter knife along the side of the moulds before turning them out. For this Jelly I used pomegranate which is in season now. I just love them. Love the rich, ruby seeds and savoring the sweet juice when I pop them into my mouth. They make great dessert too.

Ingredients for coconut layers:

200 ml water
250 ml coconut milk
1 1/4 tsp agar agar powder
pinch of salt
3 tbsp sugar - more if you like it sweeter

Monday, October 03, 2011

Dried Longan with Wolfberry Jelly - Day 3

I thought we are having some nice autumn temperature but it turn out hot and humid again a few days ago. With weather like this I normally like some cold sweet soup of grated winter melon and dried logan but since it is the Royal Selangor Jellyriffic challenge I make it into jelly. I omit the winter melon and added agar agar powder to it. Nice little dessert for the hot summer like weather.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Rose Syrup Panna Cotta - Day 1

This is the very first post for the Royal Selangor Pewter Jellyriffic challenge. I’ve been trying out a few jelly recipes. Some turn out well and some not. I encounter a few mishaps along the way when I was trying to unmold the jelly. After a few attempts I finally got the hang of using the jelly moulds. So my dear friends and readers do join me and other 9 other bloggers for the month of October as we experiment and share our ways of using mould and support a great cause at the same time. In conjunction with the Breast Cancer Awareness Month I made something pink.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chocolate and Milk Pudding - Guest Post at Cuisine Paradise

Ellena the author of Cuisine Paradise based in Singapore contacted me if I want to do a guest post at her blog. Of course I was elated but at the same time, a little worried because so far I’ve only done one guest post for another blogger. Her blog is one of the very first Singaporean blog I visited when I first embarked into my blogging journey. I admired her skills in cooking, baking, creating Bento boxes and photography skills. Her blog is very popular and recently being nominated for Singapore Blog Award and has been features in Newspaper and magazines.

I would like to thank Ellena for inviting me to guest post at her wonderful blog. Since it is summer here and we are going through some heat waves she suggested that maybe I could prepared a cooling dessert or a quick and easy snack. I love the idea of making dessert using agar agar. Making this dessert is a bit time consuming but the end results is just beautiful.

For the recipes and more photos please hop over to Cuisine Paradise to check them out.

Original posting from My Kitchen Snippets

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mango Jelly/Mango Agar-Agar

We are having some crazy heat waves for the past two weeks. So I am not doing much cooking or baking for the time being. We just have salads or sandwiches for our meals. I am craving for something cold and refreshing to ease the heat. Since mangoes are in season and I always have a few in my fridge, I decided to make some agar agar with it.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Rainbow Pudding

I’ve been under the weather for the past one week. With all the medicines and nasal spray my taste bud and sense of smell went haywire. I can’t taste or smell anything at all. I have no appetite and all I want is something cold and sweet. I decided to make this pudding. I love the vibrant marbling effect of this pudding. Aren’t they beautiful?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cendol Jelly/Agar Agar Cendol

Our Malaysian ladies gathering were having steamboat for lunch this month. Since it will be a hot meal I wanted to make something cooling for our dessert. It has been a while since I made any jelly so I decided to make some cendol jelly. Cendol is a street food dessert and its base flavors are coconut and palm sugar and of course the funky looking green strips of cendol. In Malaysian we are able to buy the readymade cendol from the wet market or supermarket but over here I can’t find any so I have to make it from scratch. For the cendol recipe you can refer to my previous posting here. The texture of this agar agar is great. Not too firm or overly sweet and with great flavor of the palm sugar and coconut milk. This recipe is adapted from Wendy’s blog with very minor changes in the ingredients and method of preparing it .