Showing posts with label Sorbet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sorbet. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Easy Mango Sorbet

I made this last summer and only get a chance to post it now. Mangoes were so cheap a few months ago and I bought a whole case of it. A case of 13-15 fruits cost less than $7.00. Carlos is not a fan of mango so I have to eat it all by myself and I gave some to my neighbor. I ate some fresh and used some of it to make mango sorbet. This sorbet is creamier than other fruit sorbet because it has less water content in the fruits. It is light, refreshing and full of mango flavor. This is a beautiful dessert to serve after a heavy meal.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Meyer Lemon Sorbet

As I am sitting in front of my laptop this morning, I look back at the previous week. It’s has been a good week, spending some time with my friends. It is just too bad I have to skip going to New York to see Diana because of some unforeseen circumstances. Nevertheless, I had a wonderful time especially hanging out with Roselind. Weather in the East Coast is super hot and humid and I am so glad I got out of it. Over here we are having spring weather.

For this long Memorial Day weekend, we will be busy setting up our patio furniture, I have to tend to my herbs garden and also to put some extra plants to the ground. We are all gearing up for the summer and also for my sister Elizabeth visit in a couple of weeks. I just can’t wait to see her. It has been a while since I last saw her.

Remember the all the Meyer lemons I got from my neighbor? I used some of it to make sorbet. Making lemon sorbet is like making lemonade but make a detour through the ice-cream maker. Since both of us are fan of citrus, I like having this sorbet in the freezer as we will have a few scoops of it after a heavy meal. It is sweet and tangy at the same time. A great way to finish a meal!!