Showing posts with label Mushroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mushroom. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2017

Stir-fry Glutinous Rice

First I would like to apologize for the long hiatus from blogging. I’ve been busy with my daily life, dealing with moving, home based business and also traveling. I guess after more than 10 years of blogging I slowing losing my momentous doing it. I mostly post my cooking on my Instagram now. You can follow me there if you want to. Anyway, here is a short update on a recipe I did some time ago. I made this dish with some left over steamed glutinous rice.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Curry Flavor Fried Oyster Mushroom Fritters

I bought some fresh oyster mushroom from the Asian store recently not knowing what to do with it. I remember seeing a few recipes of fried mushroom at Elin’s blog and decided to check them out. I settle for this batter recipe as it looks really crispy. I double up the recipe and added some curry powder to the batter to give it an extra kick. Like Elin said, the mushroom was crispy and crunchy on the outside and chewy and moist on the inside. Do give it a try, it is really good.