Showing posts with label control-freak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control-freak. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get To The Choppa!

You've seen them in your personal life. Whether it's a sporting event, concert, or some other public gathering they're never too far away. Ever. Always hovering, monitoring, constantly giving feedback and their children. This group of well-intended but sadly off-base people are commonly referred to as helicopter parents.

I understand...sort of...the need to be there for your kids in this way. However, as parents one of our primary responsibilities is to prepare our children for life after they live with us. Letting go, a little bit, while they're still growing and learning is part of the process.  Or at least its supposed to be.

Don't Be That Parent...At Work
While it may be understandable that some parents are control-freaks, it is never okay to be a control-freak leader. Let me say that again...

"It is never okay to be a control-freak leader. Ever."

Here's a painful lesson I've learned in my career that is worth sharing. Its not about you or me. The work gets done because we've worked with good people on our teams who are dedicated to their professions, organizations, and sometimes us as leaders.

Sure, we need to create an environment where our employees can maximize their impact, or find new employees that can. But at the end of the day work is a team sport, not a solo performance.

How About You
Do you still believe that if you didn't check, double-check and then check everything once more the work would never get done the right way? Really? On second thought please keep it up...I'd love to recruit your talent over to my team...apparently they have no reason to stay where they are.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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