Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impact. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2023

Forge Something New

I like to think I'm a reasonably well-adjusted adult with a good perspective on the world of work after more than twenty-five years in leadership. I believe I have something to offer both my organization, and the clients I serve.

I like to think I know what to do…but I’m not entirely sure sometimes.

Maybe that feeling hits you too?


Feeling a bit stuck is not unusual for leaders at any stage of their career. Wondering if the effort, stress and pressure is worth the trouble is a common mental journey we all take from time to time. Add the anxiety of making the right decision at the right moment and you have a recipe for a leadership break down.

Having someone to connect with, to work through current challenges, and plan a path forward to advance your career is a normal, and candidly, healthy way to build your professional life.

I’ve never been more passionate about the opportunity leaders have today. Think about it…the world is in absolute turmoil…work rules have changed…employee expectations of their employers have changed…and leaders are the ones who can grab hold of all of this and forge something completely new.

Let’s connect and talk about how you are going to transform…for real…yourself and your organization.

Thanks for being here.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Too Far?

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
T.S. Eliot

Today I'm thinking about my impact. Effective? Weak? Do I believe my self-talk?

Maybe I haven't really considered the possibilities before me because I haven't risked going far enough? I'm probably just too comfortable where I am.

How About You
Have you taken the risk and pushed yourself farther than you ever thought you could...only to realize you made a difference that you never thought was possible?

How did that feel?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Please Stop, I'm Going to Hurl

"You have to manage your personal brand."

"How do you measure your influence?"

"You need to make an impact!"

"What is your career plan?"

"Which goals are you setting up for 2013?"

"Which new social networks are you active on?"

"Should I start a blog? On what? When should I post?"

"Who should I follow, friend, connect with, or add?"

Someone please make it stop...I think I'm going to be sick. Somehow the world of work seems to have morphed into a rat race against ourselves. No longer am I worried about setting myself apart from others, it now appears I'm supposed to set myself apart from...well..myself.  

So Many Messages
In the digital age we now have a non-stop stream of advice, expert opinion, and misguided messaging that has left many of us confused. There was a time when I could come to the office and focus on my work exclusively. At first glance that doesn't sound too bad, until one realizes that the entire world does not work where I do. Nor are the best and most creative ideas necessarily coming out of my organization. There is a richness that must be tapped into in order to help move my organization forward.

And there's the rub...which messages should I listen to, and which ones are just noise?

So Little Time
Not everyone is as comfortable jumping into multiple social channels, writing, taking risks at work, and generally feeding off the noise. (I admit I get a bit of a rush feeding off the noise.) For many others however I think the biggest barrier to manage the 24/7 onslaught of messages about the "right way" to go about one's work comes down to two simple points:

1 - Manage your business at the pace you are most comfortable long as you are moving forward.
2- There is no right or wrong way to answer the litany of questions at the opening of this post.

How About You
Have you been been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the constant barrage of experts telling you what to do? I have too. It's important to start adapting to the changing world of work, but make sure you listen to yourself first. After all, that's the only noise that matters.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

photo credit #1 photo credit #2

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get To The Choppa!

You've seen them in your personal life. Whether it's a sporting event, concert, or some other public gathering they're never too far away. Ever. Always hovering, monitoring, constantly giving feedback and their children. This group of well-intended but sadly off-base people are commonly referred to as helicopter parents.

I understand...sort of...the need to be there for your kids in this way. However, as parents one of our primary responsibilities is to prepare our children for life after they live with us. Letting go, a little bit, while they're still growing and learning is part of the process.  Or at least its supposed to be.

Don't Be That Parent...At Work
While it may be understandable that some parents are control-freaks, it is never okay to be a control-freak leader. Let me say that again...

"It is never okay to be a control-freak leader. Ever."

Here's a painful lesson I've learned in my career that is worth sharing. Its not about you or me. The work gets done because we've worked with good people on our teams who are dedicated to their professions, organizations, and sometimes us as leaders.

Sure, we need to create an environment where our employees can maximize their impact, or find new employees that can. But at the end of the day work is a team sport, not a solo performance.

How About You
Do you still believe that if you didn't check, double-check and then check everything once more the work would never get done the right way? Really? On second thought please keep it up...I'd love to recruit your talent over to my team...apparently they have no reason to stay where they are.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

photo credit

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sometimes We Just Don't Realize

I get fired up about Human Resources work. Not because I'm supposed to...and not because it's my job...but because it matters. Doing HR well can actually make a difference. We all see the obvious examples: great changes to a benefits program, maintaining merit increases when competitors have stopped giving raises, and creating more and more opportunities for employees to participate in decision-making across the organization. These are some of my favorites, and yes, they are fairly easy to see.

But sometimes we don't notice our impact until someone brings it to our attention.

Completely Unexpected
A number of years ago I was working late and was the last member of the team hanging around. The environmental services employee who cleaned our offices was passing by and stopped to say something. He was an older gentleman who had emigrated to the United States and we had rarely interacted, other than me greeting him each time we saw each other.

What happened next really surprised me. As we chatted he said something that really struck a chord in me. He told me I "must be a man of God because of the way I treat people." 


His words threw me off. As an HR guy, I obviously don't run around discussing religion in the workplace, so initially I was surprised that he chose that way to describe me. My next reaction was a much more personal one. You see, my Father was a United Methodist Minister and for this man to even begin to suggest that I might share some of the rarefied air that I placed my Father in was almost too much to fathom.

Why Share This Story
This moment has stayed with me for years, not because I am a "man of God" (or even close.) It has stayed with me because I never realized the full impact I was having on those around me, and certainly not to such a profound degree, until I had this exchange. For me, it's been a difficult story to live up to as life has moved along. But I believe there is value in keeping it close so that when I get caught up in how important I am...I can remember the kind words of this man and get my ego back down to earth.

How About You
When have you been surprised by the impact you've had in someone's life? Did you expect to have such influence; or, was there a moment that helped bring you to a new level of understanding that leadership means more than a job title.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

photo credit

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Will Be A Power Surge

What is your attitude when you come in to work? I don't mean every single day, but generally how do you approach your Monday - Friday (at a minimum) life? Are you fired up; burned out; or somewhere in between?

Have you ever asked yourself why?

Well Done Is Rarely Good
Just like eating a good steak, serving it well done typically means the full impact has been lost. So too is our work life. If we're so "done" with everything going on at work we've lost our ability to make a meaningful impact. That's bad HR, plain and simple.

Nobody likes bad HR.

Fired Up is Always Good
It's not easy when you have convinced yourself that you no longer enjoy your work. It may be your supervisor, colleagues, the workload, or perhaps the industry; what ever the reason, feeling down and out never feels good. So do something about it.

Decide to make a difference in the organization. Whether or not you feel like it doesn't matter...decide to be a surge of energy into your company's life. Get away from your computer, go round on the employees (all of the employees, not just the ones that report to you), and for God's sake be positive when you're doing it.

I know, I know...this all sounds mushy. So what. You don't need to wait until you're in just the right mood (how high maintenance are we anyway?!). Just get started. You'll be amazed at the reaction you receive as you intentionally connect with the employees in your organization in a positive way. Try'll find out for yourself.

How About You
Are you going to be a power surge in your company today? Or, is it easier to make excuses and complain to the other slackers who wish they felt better about work and home and.... 

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of mediainternational

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do You Make A Million Dollar Impact?

Lately on Sunday nights I've tried to watch some of the television show Secret Millionaire.  It's about wealthy folks who pretend to do a documentary on volunteering and surprise the people and organizations they encounter with a nice check at the end of the show.  Great concept.  Great message.  Pretty good show.

But You and I Aren't Millionaires

So how can we make a big impact in someone's life if we don't have a huge pile of cash to tap into? We're juggling so many priorities, projects, deadlines, employee issues, budget pressures, and personal obligations that it just doesn't seem possible to add even one more thing.  But you and I know that so many of us do add one more thing. Sometimes we add lots more.

And I'd like to hear about them.

Go Big or Go Home
So what are you doing to make a difference?  Really, it's time to share.  I'd like to hear from as many of you as possible.  I want to hear what you all are doing above and beyond your job description.  I want to know how you're adding value to the world around you.  Don't be shy.  I want to hear from those leaders that live by the "No Excuses" mantra and make a difference. 

How About You
You don't need to be a millionaire to make a million dollar impact.  Do you mentor a young professional, volunteer with kids, volunteer at church or the local children's hospital, hospice, food bank, homeless shelter, big brothers/big sisters program, coach a youth sports team, or work with a SHRM chapter?  Tell me!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

pic courtesy of The Journal Record