Showing posts with label weakness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weakness. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

Bringer of Light

Who are you learning from? Who is the leader that you connect with the most as your mentor, guide, or example that you aspire to live up to? Please don't say that you don't need a mentor, or that you no longer need to learn. If that's truly how you feel I wish you nothing but the best (as your career spirals down the drain.)

My View
For me personally I am starving for more...whether it's insight into the RPO industry...getting to know my colleagues better...understanding how to best juggle a life that is literally split between three states...or figuring out the best way to push harder and faster than everyone is comfortable with me doing.

I hate feeling comfortable...that typically means leaders are talking big and running scared at the same time. Leaders who run scared are absolutely useless....don't you think?

I find it odd that the more senior leaders become, the more they convince themselves that they have it all figured out. 

Perhaps it's counter-intuitive, but as one's scope expands dramatically doesn't that mean the amount of learning necessary is exponentially higher?

Admitting that we need to learn is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it sends a signal to our teams that learning is what leaders do. Confidently learning is far different than having an a know-it-all swagger.

Are you with me?

How About You
So who are you learning from? Is it someone in your company...your CEO...a member of your team with specialized knowledge...or perhaps a member of your Personal Board of Directors?

Keep learning. When you do...your leadership will rise above the noise and make a real difference.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Battering Ram

Sometimes people have to be the battering ram. It's usually us, right? Our colleagues typically aren't up for the challenge. That's okay, I guess. Human Resources can handle it. Or at least we're supposed to. It's as if we operate differently than the other "more caring and sensitive" leaders out there.

Seriously? Since when did human resources leaders stop having feelings? It would be more accurate to say that human resources leaders are the ones that actually have the courage and skills to be the battering ram. The others are simply too soft to handle it (read here --> can't get respect from their teams because they won't address the tough employee issues.)

Too harsh? Maybe.

Crazy thought? No way. 

Ramming Speed

There is a certain intensity that takes over during times of confrontation. Regardless of the planning, documentation, scripting, and walk-throughs, one can never completely be ready for the moment.

Why? Because there is another human being involved who isn't going to follow "your" script, or appreciate your point of view (which is typically why they are in this mess to begin with.)

Few leaders are comfortable heading into that storm. It is much easier to have "HR do the talking" during those moments, right? 

We can handle the's one of our strengths. 

Ram Tough

Once the wild ride of the moment is over, and "thank you, I could never do your job" has been proclaimed as if it affords the leader a  get-out-of-jail-free card to actually lead, it is time to do what?

What happens for the HR professional who just butted heads over and over again all in the name of doing the right thing, and making sure it was done well?

Nothing, usually. We're typically checking our iPhone to see what meeting is next. I don't think that is what should happen though. 

How About You

How do you process after you've played the role of battering ram? Is it "no big deal" or is it something much more intense that you need to spend a few minutes working through? Usually we don't have others in our organizations who play our exact role to reach out to and debrief. So if you need to, reach out to me...I'll help.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hire Your Weakness

I enjoy spending time with people who have similar interests as me. Whether it's business, sports, staying fit, or just being with an interesting person who is outgoing and engaging, I know we'll hit it off. If you happen to work in #HealthcareHR and you love hockey we will undoubtedly be friends for life.

I'm not kidding. For life!

Egos, Threats, and Teams
There is a big problem with focusing on people who are similar to me when it comes to building my team though. If I allow my ego to dictate that I have to be the smartest person on the team (read here --> we're doomed); and if I'm so threatened by someone who might be able to add something that I cannot to our work (read here --> we're doomed again); then I need to shut off my computer and call it a day.

Leadership isn't about knowing everything, or worse yet, putting pressure on yourself to perform as if you did have an answer for every challenge. That doesn't make any sense. 

Yet time and time again as leaders climb the corporate ladder they somehow convince themselves that because of their success they must know it all. Otherwise how would they have achieved such status to begin with?

I'd say that is just about the craziest thing I've ever heard.

It's Called Leadership...Not Me-ship
Why is it that so many successful leaders fall into the trap of believing they have it all figured out? Self-esteem? Pressure to perform? Insecurities that they feel would hurt their careers if they ever surfaced?

Yes, yes, and yes. However, showing your human side to your team not only makes you more real, but allows them to feel empowered to contribute, add value, and make the work you are ultimately responsible for that much better.

Now why in the world wouldn't we all show the human side of ourselves? We are in human resources, right? It's in our job title!

How About You
The next time you have a vacancy on your team, instead of defaulting to the normal process of evaluating the position, take a look at where you are weakest and make that skill set the number one priority for the search process. Does that sound scary, liberating or maybe a little bit of both?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Strength = Weakness

We all do a little self-talk from time to time. Okay, everyday we practice this technique whether we know it or not. It just seems to happen. We strategize options, consider our strengths, and then make decisions to move forward. We rely on what has worked for us in the past to help determine what the appropriate steps are moving forward. At least we have our strengths to rely on when faced with adversity.

Unless our strengths will do us no good.

Strengths Are No Good
You might be wondering if I've lost my mind, but hear me out. We all have skills and approaches that have proven to not only fit well with our personalities and comfort level in the workplace, but they have also brought us a measure of success. We rely on these approaches and use them frequently. Sometimes we are described as "driven" and we push hard for things to get accomplished. That is a good thing.

The problem arises when we are unable to recognize that in certain situations our passion for being "driven" is no longer an appropriate leadership behavior to work through a particular situation. Now what? Are we lost? Do we throw our hands up in the air? Or worse, do we let our emotions dictate our behavior which typically leads down a slippery slope of lost credibility?

It's Not About Strengths
The solution lies in the very early stages of the various conflicts and issues that present themselves in our lives. If we leverage our self-talk so intensely that we convince ourselves we should keep pushing for what we believe in, versus leveraging another leadership skill - humility - we risk never being able to solve problems collaboratively.

"If your leadership style is about winning at all costs, you are guaranteed to lose. However, if you are willing to leverage your passion with a healthy dose of humility, you are guaranteed to win."

How About You
In Jim Collins' terrific Harvard Business Review article he describes the potent combination of leadership skills that have driven organizations to incredible levels of success: an iron will and an incredible sense of humility. He calls these very unique individuals "Level 5 Leaders." Don't let your strengths inadvertently hurt your leadership. Are you Level 5 material?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

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