Showing posts with label winning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winning. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Be Relentless

"I don't care how good you think you are, or how great others think you are - you can improve, and you will. 

Being relentless means demanding more of yourself than anyone else could ever demand of you, knowing that every time you stop, you can still do more. 

You must do more. The minute your mind thinks, "Done," your instincts say "Next."
Tim Grover

How are you going to be relentless in your career? Is it playing it safe, avoiding risk like so many of your colleagues around the conference room table? Or, is there another door waiting for you to kick open?

Safe = Death

With so many changes, pressures, and expectations on leaders in today's world of work, taking the same old tired path of safety and excuses is unacceptable. 

There is only one what are you waiting for?

Finding the proper balance between our professional and personal lives is a never ending challenge. The solution is not as complicated as you might think.

Commit to connecting with those you love on a very regular basis (daily, weekly.) Call, visit, text, facetime, tweet, or spend time with doesn't matter how you do it...just make sure they hear from you no matter what. 

Fitness and Nutrition
This might be the most difficult because society has basically allowed us to default to an endless list of excuses so we can avoid being healthy, and eat piles of garbage on our couches night after night.

Stop it. Download MyFitnessPal, start tracking what you put in your body, and for God's sake get up and move each day.

When was the last time you took the stairs and didn't feel like dying after one flight? 

How About You
Life is an amazing adventure...and we can achieve so much more than we ever thought possible. However, corporate cultures, society, and the obsession with "busyness" has created the myth that a relentless attitude is somehow odd.

I'm calling BS on that. Being relentless is the only way to live.

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pulling a Fast One

NEWSFLASH! - "I'm trying my best!"

In My Head
Despite what I think sometimes...

Despite what others want me to be...

Despite the pressure I'm under to be everything for everyone...

Despite the self-talk that occasionally tries to 'go negative'...

Despite the change in the world that is bad...

Despite my blind spots that miss all of the good things in the world...

Despite what I thought should happen...

Despite my failings...

Powering Through
So, instead I think differently..

So, instead I accept that I can not be 'that' person...

So, instead I accept the pressure and go for it anyway...

So, instead I battle my self-talk, and win the argument...

So, instead I take action against the bad...

So, instead I challenge myself to see more clearly...

So, instead I embrace what is happening...

So, instead I accept that I will struggle, and improve...

How About You
What do your battles look like...sound like...feel like? Even though I am part of an amazing community, there is always the internal struggle that is part of what makes each of us unique, and crazy, and special all at the same time.

Sometimes it can feel as if life has pulled a fast one on us. But the reality is that life is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. All we have to do is...try our best. 

Life is good!

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Every Word Unheard

I'm one of the most competitive people I know. Sure, I come across here as calm and focused (ha!); but in reality I play to win. Period.

Now, how I go about wining can take on many forms and requires different strategies based on the circumstances I find myself in. One of the most important tools I use daily is listening effectively. 

Before you roll your eyes and dismiss me (see item #1 below), play along. 

Listen to Win
"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply."
Stephen Covey

If the only way I ever thought about my role as a leader was to win, then I would surely find myself with zero credibility and no job. Neither one of those options is very appealing, so I try to avoid falling into the trap of focusing on my words while my colleagues are speaking.

Yes, most leaders today are expected to be quick on their feet and be able to respond well under pressure. But it is literally impossible to do that if you haven't heard what the others in the room are saying. Focusing on you (read here --> myself) all the time is a recipe for failure.

Listen to Learn
"I remind myself every morning: nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."
Larry King

This perspective on leading can be a struggle for me. I've become accustomed to people looking to me for insight, guidance, and learning new approaches. But when do I learn if I'm not listening to them? We can learn from everyone regardless of their tenure with the organization or experience in the role.

Listen to Lead
"To learn through listening, practice it naively and actively. Naively means that you listen openly, ready to learn something, as opposed to listening defensively, ready to rebut. Listening actively means you acknowledge what you heard and act accordingly."
Betsy Sanders

It really is a simple formula. When we listen for real...allow ourselves to process what we've heard...and then engage professionally with others we win. Remember that the team you work with is watching...every move...hearing every word...and assuming that our behavior is what is acceptable in our corporate cultures.

How About You
How do you listen? Is all about the win...or learning...or hopefully, to lead as a role model for your organization?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

You v. Excuses

Now is not the time for reflection...or quiet...or slowing things down only to fall behind even more. Now is the time to do something.

What are you going to do?

I'd love to hear from you.

No Excuses.