One of the things I've been committed to since moving into our new house is that our living room will look like a "living room" in we will not over cram it with furniture and most particularly...NO COMPUTER DESK. This meant we had to switch out our old (and now really shabby) particle board computer desk for a smaller hand-me-down wooden one, so the computer can fit in the dining room. This also means there was also not room for our awesome-but-starting-to-look-shabby office chair given to us by some good friends a while ago. Hubby spends plenty of time working at his desk at school, so it's gone to live there.
But first it needed a face lift (sorry, I regret to say that I forgot to take a before picture...The seat had seat was all torn up and the arm rests were getting worn, so you can imagine what it looked like.
This is what it looks like now...
I most have cotton quilting fabric and T-shirt knits...not much along the lines of what you'd use to re-upholster a I used Hubby's old jeans. I found the back sides of the legs to be the most useful because the fronts were too full of holes. I sewed them together in roughly the shape of the seat with extra to go under and be stapled to the bottom.