List Of Anime Characters Born On October 13th
Ranked By
1.9K votes
884 voters
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Vote up the October 13th anime birthdays you'd most want to celebrate.
Who knew there were so many anime characters born on October 13th? Here's a list of anime characters whose canon birthday is October 13, ranked by popularity. If you share an October 13th birthday with these anime characters, vote up the ones you're most happy to share your special day with.
Famous anime characters born on October 13th include Hiroshi Kido (Barakamon), Reborn (Reborn!), and Setsuna Tokage (My Hero Academia).
Vote up your favorite anime characters born on October 13th, and downvote any you don't like as much.
- 1
Sonia Nevermind
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - 2
Setsuna Tokage
My Hero Academia - 3
One Piece - 5
Hiroshi Kido
Barakamon - 6
Croix Meridies
Little Witch Academia - 7
Gabriela Lotarinska
Augmented Reality Girls Trinary - 8
Ririko Kagome
Rosario + Vampire - 9
Nakuru Akizuki
Cardcaptor Sakura - 10
Suzune Kagami
Ultimate Otaku Teacher - 11
Sonomi Daidouji
Cardcaptor Sakura - 12
Kotarou Hoshizuki
Starry Sky - 13
Karin Maaka
Chibi Vampire - 14
Kyoji Kagami