List Of Anime Characters Born On October 29th
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2.4K votes
1.1K voters
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Vote up the October 29th anime birthdays you'd most want to celebrate.
- 1
Shinra Kusakabe
Fire Force - 4
Gang Orca
My Hero Academia - 5
Douhan Hirasaka
K-Project - 6
Tomoe Misumi
Photo Kano - 7
Rin Shiretoko
Hai-Furi - 8
Lemrina Vers Envers
Aldnoah Zero - 9
Athrun Zala
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - 10
Alisa Takakura
Gundress - 11
Charlotte Snack
One Piece - 12
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - 13
Toriko - 14
Gu-sung Choe