List Of Anime Characters Born On October 31st
Ranked By
5.6K votes
2.2K voters
2 reranks
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Vote up the October 31st anime birthdays you'd most want to celebrate.
Who knew there were so many anime characters born on October 31st? Here's a list of anime characters whose canon birthday is October 31, ranked by popularity. If you share an October 31st birthday with these anime characters, vote up the ones you're most happy to share your special day with.
Famous anime characters born on Halloween include L Lawliet (Death Note), Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler), and Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba).
Vote up your favorite anime characters born on October 31st, and downvote any you don't like as much.
- 4
Onegai My Melody - 5
Ferid Bathory
Seraph of the End - 6
Yuu Kashima
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun - 7
Otabek Altin
Yuri!!! on Ice - 9
Asuma Mutsumi
Kiss Him, Not Me - 10
The Seven Deadly Sins - 11
Tae Shimura (Otae)
Gintama - 12
Naruto Shippuden - 13
Atticus Rhodes
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - 16
Ernesta Kuhne
The Asterisk War - 18
Shou Tokugawa
Cheer Boys!! - 19
Yousuke Fuuma
Wedding Peach