The final issue of Bodge, put out by the Liverpool Arts Lab, is going out this month; official publication date is Dec. 23, but a print copy can be ordered now. A free PDF will follow, probably on the 23rd. Bobby Campbell has announced he will have something in the final issue.
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Blog, Internet resources, online reading groups, articles and interviews, Illuminatus! info.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
New 'Bodge'
I have been struggling to keep up with all of the news here, but before too much time passed, I wanted to remind everyone that the penultimate Bodge was released on Nov. 23 by the Liverpool Arts Lab. Details and download link for the PDF here.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
New Bodge released
I'm a bit late in mentioning this because of other news, but Bodge No. 10 has been released by the Liverpool Arts Lab. As usual, paper copies are available, but PDFs are free.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
New 'Bodge' from Liverpool
The Liverpool Arts Lab issues a new Bodge; you can get a paper copy of it or just download the PDF. I thought the artwork was particularly good this time.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Liverpool Arts Lab releases new 'Bodge'
The folks at the Liverpool Arts Lab have released the new issue of the Discordian monthly Bodge. Lots of writing, some nice art, and an inspirational piece on how to start your own arts lab. Get your issue here.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
New Bodge is out
The Discordian folk at the Liverpool Arts Lab has released the new issue of Bodge. As usual you can purchase a paper copy or download the PDF; get it here.
The new issue is accompanied by a statement:
"Happy 23rd. Welcome to the 4th issue of Bodge, lovingly crafted for you by 32 creative souls. That 32 more pages of original writing, poetry, art, provocations and experiments. We delighted to say, this issue also contains the return of the Lost Doctor.
"Over the last couple of months we’ve had a few enquiries about submitting to Bodge. Thank you for getting in touch. The concept of Bodge is to provide a communication channel for a fixed group of people for one year, to see what happens. Its an experiment. All of our contributors signed up in January and we want to keep space for them to develop their ideas. For this reason, we wont be accepting additional submissions. We hope you’ll understand.
"However, if Bodge is stimulating your creative energies, that fantastic. Please, please think about starting your own zine. You only need a handful of souls to get it off the ground, and it really is worth the effort. There is a shed-load of beauty and wisdom, magick and madness within you that needs to get out into the world. Open a portal and let it come through. Find the others and invite them to join you on your trip – that’s what we did and look what happened! We’re showing you ours. We’d love to see yours."
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Bodge #3 released
The Liverpool Arts Lab has released issue no. 3 of Bodge, its monthly Discordian zine. Paper copies are available, or you can just download a PDF.
As with past issues, there is quite a variety of material: Art, poems, an offer to exchange artwork based upon dreams, advice on how to deal with household spirits ("Not all spirits want to be your friends. Some are more like work colleagues, and often it's a one-off engagement"), book reviews, even a mixed drink recipe ("Optional: Two drops liquid LSD.")
Saturday, February 27, 2021
New issue of Bodge released
The second issue of Bodge, the Discordian zine put out by the Liverpool Arts Lab, has been released. Go here to download a free PDF or to order a paper copy.
The format is the same as the first issue: Each contributor gets one page. My favorite when I made a first pass through the new issue was by Kate Alderton, the British actress who has been working with dreams. She has a lovely "dream seeding recipe" and I intend to try it. (I keep wondering if she has read either of two wonderful science fiction stories about dreams: The Dream Master by Roger Zelazny, also known as "He Who Shapes," and Brian Aldiss' story "Journey to the Heartland," reprinted in Aldiss' collection Last Orders.) There were other contributions I liked, too. Check it out!