Cary Grant in 1941 (public domain photo).
Robert Anton Wilson has some fascinating comments about actor Cary Grant in Ishtar Rising, for example, "Everybody groks that Archie Leach, the poor boy from Liverpool who became 'Cary Grant' never fully believed in 'Cary Grant,' since Cary was, after all, his own invention." (Leach actually was from Bristol.)
My wife and I have been watching Archie, the new TV miniseries about Grant (available on Britbox), and the elements of Grant's life that RAW highlighted, such as his self-invention are included in the story. Grant's use of LSD also is covered. I'm sure there's a certain amount of Hollywood BS in the miniseries, but the part about Grant being recruited to play James Bond in "Dr. No" apparently also is true. I'm enjoying the miniseries so far.