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Queer Parents: An Oxymoron? Or just Moronic?
By Stephanie Schroeder

I hear, see and read a familiar deja vu of dangerous strangebedfellowism in the outdated 1980s style of Women Against Pornography teaming up with the Meese Commission on Pornography in the "compassionate conservatism" of George W., the right-wing family values crew and queer parents and queer family activists. Assimilation and normalization are in the air and it smells like shit.

What does it mean when a lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender couple or single-or other configuration-"chooses" to have a child or children? Does it dilute the queerness of that person, couple, family? Of the queer community? Does it play right into the hands of the right, where the lesbian moms or gay dads next door are tolerated because we people the PTA, coach our kids soccer teams and chair school fundraising committees, all the while the nellie queen upstairs or the leatherdyke next door is shut up and shut out. They're out-and about-as queers about town, they front for those of us who pass, perhaps unintentionally and even, like myself, unacceptably, unfortunately and unwillingly, but where are the queer families when the community needs them?



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Stephanie Schroeder is a writer who lives in New York City and runs Pushy Broads Consulting Services. She is negotiating the minefield of lesbian ""divorce"" since she and her partner of ten years split a few months ago. This piece was written while she was knee-deep in daily family life-the editorial changes made to the piece reflect her new living (and loving) situation. Contact:

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