Showing posts with label Dexter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dexter. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life on Mars

So, in-between Netflix shipments of Doctor Who, I've taken to watching the first season of "Veronica Mars," which I bought on reliable advice a few weeks back. Let me tell you, it's been a good couple of months for me discovering new shows and music I like.

What Veronica Mars ends up being, if I may be so glib, is a little like "Chloe Sullivan: The Series," except that all the Weird is mundane Hollyweird as opposed to Krypton-weird. Oh, and Veronica's rarely a damsel in distress pining away for the boy who doesn't notice her. She's what Chloe Sullivan should have been, and that's pretty much exactly what I want from TV.

Incidentally, though, I keep getting this "Dexter" vibe from the series. I think it's the music, coupled with the first-person narration and the story arc style. Which reminds me, I still have to watch the rest of last season of "Dexter."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Grand finale

Darkly Dreaming DenouementThis season, all the other comic bloggers are watching Heroes. I haven't seen a full episode of the show yet; I haven't seen an episode of Smallville since before they introduced Cyborg. I've missed out on the new episodes of Scrubs, I've never seen The Office, and the only game show I really care about is when Tom shows up on 1 vs. 100.

But I've been watching Dexter religiously, and I have been blessed for it. I've already waxed ecstatic about the show, but I just caught the next-to-last episode of the season, and I'm really, really, really glad I couldn't watch it Sunday or Monday. Because, as hard as it's going to be to wait until Sunday for the conclusion, it would have been a lot harder if it was two days ago. I can't remember the last time I was so excited to see a finale.

Actually, I can, but knowing it was going to be the last episode of Justice League Unlimited made it more than a little bittersweet.

So, yeah, Dexter rocks.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Killer Serial

Oh, Miami Star! I read it in the weekly Miami Star!Anyone else watching (and loving) Dexter? The serial-killer-as-hero idea is one I had a year or two ago, after reading a couple of the Hannibal Lecter books, but I may have to shelve it after seeing this series, since it's almost exactly what I would have done, only light years better. It's funny, it's intriguing, it's well-acted, and the last-second cliffhangers make Brian K. Vaughan look...well, no, BKV still pretty much looks amazing. But the cliffhangers here are well done also. Uh...yeah.
Anyway, it's not often that I'm able to really figure out a mystery as it unfolds, so when I predicted the reveal at the end of tonight's episode in the first ten minutes, I felt pretty damn good about it. And it's not because of bad writing, mind you, this mystery's been building since the pilot.
I'd like to read the novels that the series is based on, but it seems like the plots are pretty close, and I'd rather not spoil the rest of the series for myself. But that's a relatively minor inconvenience--it's nice to be so interested in a series that I'm upset when I can't get enough of it.
I'm not totally sure where I'm going with all this. I guess I just wanted to pimp my new favorite non-Law & Order primetime drama. It's a fantastic series, and if you can watch it (and you can--the first two episodes are available for free on the website), please do so. It's a scream.