Showing posts with label The Sunshine Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sunshine Space. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Love and Light

Years ago, when I was choosing a name for my business, I was drawn to the alliteration of "The Sunshine Space" and the catchy association my name had to that title. It felt right. I was aiming to create joyful, playful home decor pieces and the word "sunshine" seemed to fit my vibe. I kept the name when I started screen-printing because my goal with clothing design was the same as my aim with decor design: make stuff that's uplifting & "feel-goody." I re-branded this blog with the intention of creating a s u n s h i n e space on the internet-  a bright site with beautiful pictures, happy moments, inspiring DIY and craft projects, and messages orienting readers to the Ultimate Source of light, our Savior. 

. . . But it fizzled. For the past few years, I've carried a certain level of guilt regarding my "business" and my "blog." My brain rattled with all kinds of thoughts in connection to The Sunshine Space. 

What's the point? I haven't been actively engaged in building my brand, sharing my message, or creating anything for months and months on end. It's too hard. Too time-consuming. Too stressful. Too much. I don't feel like the reward in the creation process outweighs the stress of making perfect items to sell. There is no joy in this. I don't know what to say on the blog. I haven't been taking enough pictures. I don't know how to brand my items. How should my shop be connected to my blog? Does it make sense to do it all under the umbrella of "The Sunshine Space"? I don't like the style of the shirts I ordered. Dang it. I've made so many mistakes. I should cut my losses, sell my equipment, stop. But what about the parts I do love? Designing, drawing, composing. Sharing messages of hope. Creating good and beautiful things- physical items, words and sentences, feelings. Why did I have such a pull towards "The Sunshine Space" in the first place? How can I add light to the world? What is my purpose? What fuels me? What's the point?

And on and on. Then, one day earlier this year, I was sitting in a downstairs room of my basement- the room I go to ponder, to read, to make things, to display my scrapbooks, to journal- and a thought came. "This is The Sunshine Space," uttered the Spirit. This? This room? The window of the room faces the south side of my home and is an awesome source of light. There are no window treatments on that particular window, so the sunlight just spills in. It is a sunshine space. But The Sunshine Space? What does that mean? And all of a sudden, peace and understanding split open across my heart.

It was time to register Tenley for kindergarten and I just hadn't been able to bring myself to do it. I'd been considering the possibility of homeschooling. Starting to pray about whether that could be a viable option for my children, for me. Intimidated by the thought of it, but intrigued. Almost too timid to openly discuss it, to say the words aloud. Unaware of all the options, but open-minded. Interested. Searching. "This is The Sunshine Space," again.

Oh! A place of love and light. This is The Sunshine Space, the school. The haven for learning, the safe space I want to cultivate for my children.  A place to develop creativity, gratitude, critical thinking, curiosity, a love of learning, optimism, perseverance, kindness. A place to seek further light and knowledge. A place for sharing, loving, and learning. Together. The Sunshine Space. 

And that is how I came to feel such a renewed zeal for building The Sunshine Space. All these years of working and creating and seeking meaning and planning. . . they were preparing me for the path I can see unfolding before me now: homeschooling. I want to create channels of love and light- of hope, joy, testimony. I want to share goodness, to make beautiful things, to find understanding. But the place I start is home. The most essential sphere of influence I have is with my children. I can start here. I can do this.

I am excited (and terrified!) to share my homeschool journey here and I hope to support and encourage other Mommas on the way.

Love and light,

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week in the Life: Monday

This week I am joining with other scrapbookers in Ali Edwards' "Week in the Life" project. I love the idea of really trying to capture what my days are made of: routines, habits, meals, projects, moments. All the little things I don't normally remember to document and record. Here's a look at our Monday, September 9, 2013.

 A baby girl who insists on being as close to me as possible.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Let the sun shine.

I am thrilled about the new look and feel of this bloggity-blog. As most of you probably know, I opened an etsy shop a few years ago. It started as a way to share and sell things I love to design and create. When I was brainstorming about shop names way back when, my thoughts kept gravitating toward the idea of sunshine. Warmth. Light. Happy days. Something about my name being Summer. I liked it.

As most of us do at times, I struggle with having confidence in my work. I listen to the self-defeating thoughts that I'm not good enough or imaginative enough or original enough. BUT, even though I may not be the very best, I know I have creative talents and instincts. I know I find incredible joy in the process of creating. I know I want to share that. I want to nurture that. I want to build on that.

So, without further ado, welcome to The (new and improved) Sunshine Space. This is my corner of the internet where I hope you'll continue to come for inspiration in regards to happy everyday living, bright and inviting home decor, and other fun craft projects. I plan to continue sharing about myself and my family, at times including ideas for things to make and do that have brought warmth and light to my life.

I'm not sure what'll come of this, but I hope you'll stick around for the journey. I've spent so many hours thinking about and brainstorming for and re-working this project.

Take a look around. Click on my social media buttons. Admire the new design (by the fabulously talented Emily White). Ooo and ahh over my logo. But mostly, keep on letting the sun shine.

Thanks for your support!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cutest. Baby. Ever.

The cutest baby ever (and I mean ever!) turned six months old this week. Tenley can do so many things now. . . sit up, army crawl, reach for toys, play peek-a-boo, laugh at funny faces, throw major hissy fits, hold a bottle by herself, copy sounds we make, suck her thumb (much to our dismay!), and capture just about anyone's heart. If you want to indulge in her almost-unbearable-cuteness with me, I'll let you have a peek at her six-month photo shoot. . .

Monday, December 3, 2012

More hand towels

Remember last year when I made holiday hand towels? Well, there's a few more up in the shop now. 

Every time I make a batch of hand towels, I think, "I am never doing this again. This is too much work."  But then, before I know it, I've ruffled and sewn and stitched a few and I think, "These are too cute."  And then, I am happy.

Happy knowing I am capable of using my hands. Happy I can express myself creatively. Happy seeing orders being placed. Happy, on occasion, interacting with total strangers. Happy making a little extra money for my crafting budget. Happy thinking of how one of my creations might make somebody else's day.

The whole process is a lot of work, but it sure is happy work. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A little break.

JD and I were both busy bees last night. He was studying for his first big Organic Chemistry test of the semester and I was getting things done off my creative checklist (. . . festive fall hand towels for the shop, birthday gift for my little sister, and a custom Halloween canvas for my aunt). We worked and studied side by side for a few hours and then decided to take a little break and indulge in some root beer floats. Yum! 

Ps. I would be lying if I said that was the only break we took. We also stopped every half hour or so to talk about baby names, look at our planners and try to guess when our girl is going to make her debut,  watch her move around in my belly, and daydream about what it is going to be like when she's here. It's  hard to think about much else when you're so close to becoming parents!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Little boy birthday.

When our old neighbor sent us an invite to her son's 2nd birthday party, I knew I wanted to make something special for him. I searched all over the internet for the "perfect" little boy quote, but couldn't find anything I loved. So, I just put together ideas and thoughts I hope my own children will live by someday. "Be grateful. Obey your  parents. Forgive quickly. Laugh a lot. Share with others. Tell the truth. Say your prayers. Speak  kindly. Love the Lord." It turned out really cute and birthday momma loved it. To me, giving  handmade gifts  is one of the life's very greatest pleasures :)
Ps. Don't worry- we also gave this active toddler a big bouncy ball and toy car. I know he doesn't really care about painted canvases!
Pps. If you do care about painted canvases and/or want one for yourself,  I take custom orders.   

We sure do love you and your family, little guy! Happy, happy birthday.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hand towels.

Excuse my absence from the blog. People are ordering hand towels from The Sunshine Space faster than I can make them! Who knew?! Seriously, running this small business is stressful and I'm overwhelmed. But it's so good for me. It's the first time since I finished school that I actually feel like I'm doing something with my days. Love that feeling!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Sunshine Space

I've been wanting to do it for months. I've thought and wondered and prayed about it. I've worked and re-worked ideas in my head. I've struggled comparing myself to other people and have let Satan eat me up that way. But I finally did it: I opened an etsy shop!

Head on over to The Sunshine Space and check it out.

It's not quite perfect. These are my humble beginnings. I'm nervous and excited and have tons of work to do to get it where I want it. But I told my girls at work and my mom that I'd have it up by Thanksgiving. . . and I'm not one to break a promise!

EEK. So much to be grateful for!