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Showing posts with label Suspense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suspense. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blog Tour- FINAL YEAR by M.J. Moores With A Book Playlist & Giveaway!

I am happy to be hosting a stop on the blog tour for FINAL YEAR by M.J. Moores! I have the book playlist to share with you today check it out and enter to win the giveaway below!

About The Book:

Author: M.J. Moores
Pub. Date: March 2, 2019
Publisher: Love Knot Books
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 192
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon

Graduation can be killer

Beth pushes beyond her comfort zone to prove a sociology thesis. She turns a chance meeting with a known player into a personal experiment on first impressions. Weaving herself into casual meetings with the guy reinforces her assumptions until shes no longer the one pursuing him.

Jeremy’s only serious relationship is with his studies as he competes for the coveted post-grad theoretical chem spot with Dr. Young. When the campus goes into lockdown and everyone is evacuated to the stadium, his habit of “fun only” friendships turns into a curse.

Can he trust a skittish girl he’s known for ten days to help him find his not-so-theoretical chem project or will her assumptions about him keep her at arm’s length?

Final Year a fast-paced new adult romantic suspense that keeps you guessing at every turn.

Now on to the playlist! Links to YouTube if you want to listen to the songs.

Final Year Playlist
CH 2 Elemental Friction ~ Tom’s Diner by Susanne Vega
CH 3 Arcane Elements ~ I’m too Sexy by Right Said Fred
CH 4 Revelation ~ Fighter by Christina Aguilera
CH 5 Another Kind of Medicine ~ So Hard by Sass Jordan
CH 6 An Hour Inside a Minute ~ Lost in Paradise by Evanescence
CH 8 Countermeasures ~ Get Up by Shinedown
CH 9 Formula for Disaster ~ You Run by Submersed*
CH 10 Mastermind ~ Broken and Beautiful by Suzy McNeil
CH 11 Cryptic Words ~ Gods of War by Def Leppard
CH 12 Lab Rat ~ Falling Apart by Papa Roach
CH 13 Superhero or Supervillain? ~ Right Left Wrong byThree Days Grace
CH 14 Poker Face ~ Poker Face by Lady Gaga
CH 15 History Lesson ~ The Sound of Silence covered byDisturbed
CH 16 Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and Beth ~ Kryptonite by 3Doors Down
CH 17 Not a DC Comic ~ Hurricane by Theory of a Deadman
CH 18 Normality in the Midst of Chaos ~ Broken by Seetherw/ Amy Lee
CH 19 Graduation ~ Everybody’s Broken by Bon Jovi

About M.J.:
Growing up in Ontario, Canada, MJ was the only child of a single mom. MJ’s passion for the arts ignited at a young age as she wrote adventure stories and read them aloud to close family and friends. The dramatic arts became a focus in high school as an aid to understanding character motivation in her writing. Majoring in Theatre Production at University, with a minor in English, she went on to teach both elementary and high school for 10 years throughout Simcoe County.

MJ currently lives with her husband and young son in Caledon, Ontario. She keeps busy these days with her emerging authors’ website Infinite Pathways: hosting writing contests, providing editing services, free publicity tips, book reviews, and opportunities for authors to build their writing platform and portfolio. In addition she writes articles, works freelance writing and editing, and is preparing to launch her first science fiction novel The Chronicles of Xannia: Time’s Tempest on October 1st, 2014. She firmly believes that if she hadn’t been born a Virgo, she would not be half as organized as necessary to accomplish everything in her daily agenda.

Giveaway Details:

5 lucky winners will win an eBook of FINAL YEAR, International.

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
3/4/2019- Lone Tree ReviewsExcerpt
3/5/2019- BookHoundsGuest Post
3/6/2019- Kelly P's Blog- Excerpt
3/7/2019- Lisa Loves LiteratureSpotlight
3/8/2019- Down The Rabbit HoleExcerpt

Week Two:
3/11/2019- Defining Ways- Excerpt
3/12/2019- Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt
3/13/2019- Owl Always Be ReadingExcerpt
3/14/2019- Smada's Book SmackSpotlight
3/15/2019- Cheyenne Reads- Interview

Week 3:
3/18/2019- Always Me- Guest Post
3/19/2019- Book Briefs- Guest Post
3/20/2019- Adventures Thru Wonderland-Review
3/21/2019- PopTheButterfly Reads- Excerpt
3/22/2019- The Pages In-Between- Excerpt

Friday, January 18, 2019

Blog Tour- KILL CODE by Luna Kayne With An Excerpt, Interview, & Giveaway!

I am happy to be hosting a stop on the blog tour for KILL CODE by Luna Kayne! I have an excerpt to share with you today check it out and enter to win the giveaway below!

About The Book:

Author: Luna Kayne
Pub. Date: January 22, 2019
Publisher: Kayne Publishing
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 317



Ten years ago, a covert government operation gone wrong separated Jack from Jessa, the girl he promised he would never leave.


Jack's special forces team receives a tip, leading them to a remote farmhouse in search of a group of hackers led by the elusive Zane who work for the same person he holds responsible for Jessa’s death, ten years earlier.

Past and present collide as what was once lost is now standing in front of him and appears to be working for the very evil he is trying to end.

But is everything as it seems as secrets begin to unravel and pieces are put back in their proper places?

And will the last missing piece, the answer to all of their problems, be found in time?

*** Due to some dark and explicit themes in this book, it is recommended for mature audiences only. ***

* Kill Code is the first book in a trilogy.

Now on to the excerpt!

“Wake up, Jack. We’re moving out. Your assignment is done.”

My commanding officer barks his orders out, jolting me awake. I open my eyes and try to focus as the dawn barely lights the room around me.

“What do you mean, done? Last night we were waiting on the search warrants. We had the whole family. It was going down... today.” Propping myself up on my elbows, I shake my head, trying to will myself to catch up.

Going over the last few days in my head, this doesn’t make sense. I’ve been on the ground with my unit for months now working special ops undercover with local law enforcement on a federal level. Collecting whatever evidence we could and rounding up witnesses. Everything finally began to snowball together three days ago.

First one witness came forward, then a second, then the third came in with solid proof. With Port Thomas being a smaller city near the coast in Oregon, law enforcement is always underfunded so they were thankful for the additional manpower, as long as we didn’t step on too many toes.

We had our mission in place for today, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

“It blew up. Shit went down a few hours ago. Apparently, they knew we were coming. The Sparr family is gone. All of the evidence against them is now speculative. Four witnesses are dead. Another two are missing.” Then, as he opens his mouth, I see the hesitation in his eyes as his body physically braces for a fight.

“Jack.” My commander starts then stops, carefully considering his words with a frustrating pause. “It’s Jessa. Both her and her brother’s bodies are missing.”

“What do you mean, missing?” Then the weight of his words hits me. “Wait. What do you mean, bodies?” I bolt out of bed onto shaky legs as I feel my world begin to crumble piece by piece.

He chose his words carefully. She isn’t missing.

Her body is missing.

Interview with Luna:

Hey Luna!! First I want to say welcome to Two Chicks on Books I’m glad you could stop by for a chat! KILL CODE rocks and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

Thank you so much for having me and your kind words on Kill Code, I'm excited to be here and I appreciate you taking the time to ask these questions.

For the readers: can you tell us a little bit about KILL CODE and the characters?

Kill Code is the first book in what will be a trilogy. The book starts with Jack and Jessa as high school sweethearts except Jack is hiding a lie. He was actually placed in Jessa's life as an undercover government agent, tracking a crime family. The operation blows up and both become lost to each other for a decade, when they come face to face with each other, seemingly on opposite sides of the law.

So what’s next for you? What are you working on now?

Now I am on to book two in the series. With Kill Code being the first, it carried some darker elements to it as the story began to take shape. With that piece of the story told, the two characters who will be telling their stories in the second book take on a little more of a feistier tone. I've been looking forward to getting into some of the banter.

Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?

None of my characters were inspired by real life people but Jack was a little inspired by Lucas from my first book, Controlling Interests. I think it was mostly because I came up with the idea for Kill Code while I was still finishing my first novel.

Who was your favorite character to write? What about your least favorite?

I have two favourite characters from this book so that is a hard one. I think I enjoyed writing Dana, Jessa's friend the most. She's witty and strong but there is an uncertainty to her. She is honest and fierce but she is also vulnerable.
My least favourite was Maxwell mostly because it drained me to write him. I had to be alone when I wrote his parts and to mentally sink into his darkness for some chapters was depressing. I even had to stop writing one chapter and skip to the next. I finished that chapter on my first round of edits when I felt better.

What is your favorite passage/scene in KILL CODE?

Oh, there were a bunch I loved writing. I'm going to go with the chapters at the beginning of the book at the farmhouse because that is when everything first starts. Connections are made and the realization that life as both of my main characters knew it has now changed.

What kind of research did you have to do for the story?

It has occurred to me that I probably shouldn't take my laptop across any borders as the search history alone would have me detained for months. I had to research basic military and law enforcement jargon and I tried to be as universal in my terms as possible. I also had to look into cyber-based terrorism, hacking and torture techniques (which was particularly unpleasant). And I had to research which agents could knock people out and/or kill them.

Who is your ultimate book boyfriend?

I'm going so old school on this one that I'm not even sure they had schools during this time, but I'd have to say Edmond Dantès from The Count of Monte Cristo. There is something about someone so driven and focused. I just can't even imagine what I would do if all of that focus was on me ;)

What inspired you to write romance?

I had started writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel and I was about 30K words into it when the idea for Controlling Interests started to take hold. At first I thought I would write my thoughts out and I started jotting down the words, which now happen to be the first words in Controlling Interests. I just kept going and wrote it from front to back without thinking about it too much.

After that, I found that I really enjoyed writing the friction and anticipation between characters so I continued. I will return to my other book one day though.

Lightening Round Questions

What are you reading right now? Or what do you have on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

I just got the new Christopher Moore book, Noir in paperback for Christmas. It's coming to Mexico with me this week.

What Hogwarts House would the Sorting Hat place you in?

Hufflepuff ftw

Twitter or Facebook?


Favorite Superhero?

Wonder Woman

Favorite TV show?


Sweet or Salty?

Salty (I reserve the right to change that based on the time of day)

Any Phobias?

Fears but no phobias

Song you can’t get enough of right now?

Chandelier (Sia)

2019 Movie you’re most looking forward to?

Star Wars Episode IX

Thanks so much Luna for answering my questions! I can’t wait for everyone to read KILL CODE!

Thank you for asking these questions. I can't wait either. I'm busting to see it publish.

About Luna:
Luna Kayne is a multi-published author in the romance and erotica genres. Her creative works include novels, novelettes and a book of poetry and prose.

Within the romance genre, her books and short stories are also listed under suspense, paranormal, BDSM and contemporary.

The woman behind Luna Kayne’s pen name has been writing for online publications since 2005. She writes from her home on an acreage near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will win an eBook of KILL CODE, International.

Tour Schedule:
Week One:
1/14/2019- Simply Daniel RadcliffeReview
1/14/2019- Texan Holly ReadsExcerpt
1/14/2019-The Little Bookworm- Review

1/15/2019- Bookish RantingsSpotlight
1/15/2019- BookHoundsExcerpt
1/15/2019-Lisa Loves Literature- Spotlight

1/16/2019- Angelic Book ReviewsExcerpt
1/16/2019- JrsbookreviewsExcerpt

1/17/2019- Smada's Book SmackSpotlight
1/17/2019- ColorimetryExcerpt

1/18/2019- TMBA Corbett Tries to WriteSpotlight
1/18/2019- Two Chicks on BooksExcerpt

Week Two:
1/21/2018- A Gingerly ReviewExcerpt
1/21/2018- Good Choice ReadingExcerpt

1/22/2018- Tales of A Ravenous ReaderExcerpt
1/22/2018- ParajunkeeExcerpt

1/23/2018- Owl Always Be ReadingExcerpt
1/23/2018- Adventures Thru Wonderland- Excerpt

1/24/2018- Jaime's WorldExcerpt
1/24/2019- Books a Plenty Book Reviews- Playlist

1/25/2018- BookbriefsExcerpt

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Cover Reveal- KILL CODE by Luna Kayne With An Excerpt & Giveaway!

Today Luna Kayne and Rockstar Book Tours are revealing the cover and an exclusive content for KILL CODE, the first book in her new Romantic Suspense Series which releases on January 22, 2019! Check out the awesome cover and enter the giveaway!

On to the reveal! 

Author: Luna Kayne
Pub. Date: January 22, 2019
Publisher: Kayne Publishing
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 317



Ten years ago, a covert government operation gone wrong separated Jack from Jessa, the girl he promised he would never leave.


Jack's special forces team receives a tip, leading them to a remote farmhouse in search of a group of hackers led by the elusive Zane who work for the same person he holds responsible for Jessa’s death, ten years earlier. 

Past and present collide as what was once lost is now standing in front of him and appears to be working for the very evil he is trying to end. 

But is everything as it seems as secrets begin to unravel and pieces are put back in their proper places? 

And will the last missing piece, the answer to all of their problems, be found in time? 

*** Due to some dark and explicit themes in this book, it is recommended for mature audiences only. ***

* Kill Code is the first book in a trilogy.

Exclusive Excerpt!
Prologue: 10 years ago
- Jack -

“Wake up, Jack. We’re moving out. Your assignment is done.”

My commanding officer barks his orders out, jolting me awake. I open my eyes and try to focus as the dawn barely lights the room around me.

“What do you mean, done? Last night we were waiting on the search warrants. We had the whole family. It was going down... today.” Propping myself up on my elbows, I shake my head, trying to will myself to catch up.

Going over the last few days in my head, this doesn’t make sense. I’ve been on the ground with my unit for months now working special ops undercover with local law enforcement on a federal level, collecting whatever evidence we could and rounding up witnesses. Everything finally began to snowball together three days ago.

First one witness came forward, then a second, then the third came in with solid proof. With Port Thomas being a smaller city nestled near the coast in Oregon, law enforcement is always underfunded so they were thankful for the additional manpower, as long as we didn’t step on too many toes.

We had our mission in place for today, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

“It blew up. Shit went down a few hours ago. Apparently, they knew we were coming. The Sparr family is gone. All of the evidence against them is now speculative. Four witnesses are dead. Another two are missing.” Then, as he opens his mouth, I see the hesitation in his eyes as his body physically braces for a fight.

“Jack.” My commander starts then stops, carefully considering his words with a frustrating pause. “It’s Jessa. Both her and her brother’s bodies are missing.”

“What do you mean, missing?” Then the weight of his words hits me. “Wait. What do you mean, bodies?” I bolt out of bed onto shaky legs as I feel my world begin to crumble piece by piece.

He chose his words carefully. She isn’t missing.

Her body is missing.

“Her family was in a car accident just outside of town at the bridge. It looks like they went over the cliff. Her parents’ bodies were recovered from the ravine along with the car. We don’t know yet if it’s related but three other people from the company are dead as well. It was a quick job.” He glances around my area as I feel panic begin to flow through my veins.

“Maybe Jessa and Travis weren’t in the car. Did you check their house?” I counter in a desperate attempt to think of something they haven’t yet.

Thoughts quickly come to me. I just saw both Jessa and Travis yesterday. We were all talking about how fast our high school grad is coming up in a few months. For siblings, they are almost inseparable. Twins who look nothing alike but finished each others sentences at every turn.

When I started this undercover op, six months ago, I never expected to meet someone like Jessa. I was just a kid myself at 23 and I was five years older than her and her brother. But I fit into their senior year in high school. No one knew my secret.

Everything about Jessa just fit for me.

And now they are both missing.

“We’ve been to the house and the hospital. We retrieved the car an hour ago. The back side window was broken out from the inside. We found her school bag in the back seat. And before you ask, we already have over half the team in on the search. We’ve been working with the local guys and they have all of her information. We’re checking the river banks as well as the water. Anyone making it out will be found, unless…” His voice trails off in realization that he said too much, but I pick up where he left off.

“Unless they got pulled under and sucked down the rapids.” I feel my empty stomach clench tight.

His eyes stay locked on me as I pause to gather my thoughts then, without pretense, my body involuntarily spins to get dressed and go after Jessa and that’s when I notice them.

Two men standing behind my commanding officer.

“Look, Jack. We know you and Jessa became close but you need to let the team handle it. Finding her and her brother is their priority while we’re still here. Our mission still stands though and your orders are to pack up and let them do their job.” His attempt at pacifying me is beginning to speak to a part of me that I don’t want to show as the way he trivializes my feelings for her ignites my fight or flight reflexes.

We didn’t become close.

She was it.

She was everything.

She was mine and after the arrests were made, I was coming for her. I was going to come clean about everything. I was going to tell her I was undercover and older than she thought I was. I was going to ask her to forgive my secrets and I was going to tell her I loved her.

Now she’s gone.

About Luna:

Luna Kayne is a multi-published author in the romance and erotica genres. Her creative works include novels, novelettes and a book of poetry and prose.

Within the romance genre, her books and short stories are also listed under suspense, paranormal, BDSM and contemporary.

The woman behind Luna Kayne’s pen name has been writing for online publications since 2005. She writes from her home on an acreage near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Giveaway Details:
3 winners will win an eBook of KILL CODE, International.

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