Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2013

Gun Grabbers

I know that I already posted for the A to Z today.  You can read that here.

However, I haven't posted anything on Freedom and Guns in a long time.  This one will hit you where you live.  It is only a few minutes long.  It is testimony from someone who lived through an extermination in Cuba due to the guns being taken from the people.  He says, "You don't know what freedom is because you've never lost it."  Sometimes you have to lose something to understand it's value.  I really hope that we don't need to lose our Freedom in order to appreciate it.  I don't want to be telling the younger generation that we used to live in a country that was free.  Now we live in a Horror Show.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Not A Right, But A Privilege?

I don't know about you, but I am still reading fairly frequent posts and/or articles about Gun Control.  For the most part, there wasn't much changing in the dialogue.... until today.  Today I read this post.  Did that shock you?  As for me, I had to google it to see what I could find on the subject.

Apparently there are people out there who think that taxing guns and ammunition is THE SOLUTION for curbing gun violence.  Of course, the only people who will be taxed are registered gun owners.  The criminals who have unregistered weapons, and commit almost all of the crime, will not be paying any more tax than they already are.  But this isn't figuring into anyone's thought process.

What is figuring into the thought process is what I read here: since gun ownership is a PRIVILEGE, imposing the tax will make many people rethink their love of firearms.  It will work much the same way it has with all SIN items, like cigarettes, alcohol, and gambling (aka casinos).  Say what?  Has the writer of this article ever read our Constitution?  The ownership of firearms is not a PRIVILEGE.  It is a RIGHT.  It is called THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.  It is the 2ND AMENDMENT.  HELLOOOO.  There is no mention of protecting smokers, drinkers, and gamblers from being overly taxed.  Although, I personally think gauging someone just because you can is wrong.  At this point, we all know that cigarettes cause cancer, too much alcohol kills, and if you gamble excessively you can lose everything you have.  However, I believe in personal responsibility.  Until you own your own stuff, you can't fix it.  Getting back to the point... comparing Gun Ownership by Law Abiding Citizens to Sin Items is Outrageous.

Moreover, if the government decides to go down this road simply because they cannot win their Gun Control Agenda any other way, it could have terrible consequences (aside from guns).  Let's face it, they are losing the gun argument Big-Time.  The more they try to push Gun Control, all that happens is that gun sales and ammo skyrocket.  I said it before, but I will say it again, "Our President is the best gun salesman ever."  To counteract that, the only thing this Administration can think to do is TAX the bejeesus out of what they have done an excellent job of selling.

I need everyone to stop and think for a moment.

Let's remove Guns from this equation.  Let's just say that the Government has the power to impose regulations on the size of Anything you own.   Anything larger than {insert object of your choice} is a SIN ITEM ( according to the article above like cigarettes, alcohol, and casinos) and should be taxed.  For instance, all cars beyond a certain horsepower will be taxed above and beyond other vehicles.  I do believe that this has already happened in some other countries.  I vaguely remember reading about car confiscations from border checkpoints in Europe due to nonpayments of taxes.  They were related to horsepower of the vehicle.  Absolutely insane.  Another idea... Henceforth, no one can own more than 300 sq ft of house per person.  If your house is larger than that and you don't have enough people to fill it, than you pay the tax.  If you did have enough people, but someone dies, than you have to start paying the tax to cover the loss of that person.  You can also only have 1/4 acre lot.  If you have more than that, you will from this point forward pay a tax on it.  You are taking up more of nature than your Fair Share.

Once you allow your rights to be infringed and the 2nd Amendment to be taxed, be prepared.  They will not stop there.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Best Salesman Ever

I wasn't planning on posting anything tonight.  I have felt pretty lousy all day today.  My migraine cycles up and down.  It was up today.  That happens.  It derailed my plans for unpacking boxes.  Yeah, I am still working on that.  It is the project that never ends.

Anyway, I was just passing my mom and her TV.  She was watching the evening news and I ended up stopping in my tracks.  Once again, the topic was guns.  Gah.  Apparently, there was a gun show in Jacksonville today and it was very well attended.  First Coast News was right there to get the news straight from the attendees.

"Our President is the best gun salesman ever.  The more he talks about guns, the faster they fly off the shelves.  We can't keep guns in stock."
~Vendor (I missed his name because mom and I were laughing so hard.)

I have read more blogs and articles about guns in the last month than I can even tell you.  The President keeps saying that America doesn't want guns.  I think the number of gun sales since the President started all of his talk about gun laws suggest something else entirely.  We The People are in favor of the 2nd Amendment.  We The People are in favor of background checks.  That is the only sound legislation that we have heard proposed yet.

No matter who you are, saying something doesn't make it true.  It doesn't become more true if you say it with children behind you.  It doesn't become more true if you get children to say it.  And for someone who has said that he wants his administration to be one of Transparency, things couldn't be less Clear.  Exactly what was in those Executive Orders?  And why do we need reminding that "everything" needs to go through Congress when it is so obvious that it doesn't?  However, thank you for having a child remind us to call our Congressman to push him/her to stand strong on the 2nd Amendment.  I am not sure it will make any difference, but I did send an email.  So, thanks for that.

So what is Clear?  Americans feel safest when we are protecting ourselves.  We know that we are the "well regulated militia" that the 2nd Amendment is referring to, and it is our duty to uphold the 2nd Amendment.  That is Clear.  The other thing that is Clear is that you are excellent at selling guns.  Way to go, POTUS.  Gun manufacturers everywhere thank you for your lip service.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Report From Australia

From Australia's lips to your ears:

This country has been through a gun ban.  Did it reduce crime?  No.  In fact, crime WENT UP.  Home invasions WENT UP.  It was like an invite to the criminals to come on in.  And now the police are saying it was a HUGE MISTAKE to take the guns away from the GOOD CITIZENS.  Why?  Because they can't protect them.  Yep.  The criminals didn't turn in their guns and the police can't protect an out-of-control criminal population.  It was bad enough when the criminals thought twice because someone MIGHT have a gun and be able to hold their own.  Now they know every house is a SOFT TARGET.  It is open season on EVERYONE.  Murders are UP.  Home invasions are UP.  Crime is UP.  In fact, the government can't even decide on a definition of "home invasion."  Seriously.  Additionally, the police are quitting because they are scared of the criminals.  Yep.  The criminals are winning.  Banning the guns?  Epic fail.

Take note Americans.

Listen to the poor folks in Australia who have already learned this lesson.  Stand up for the 2nd Amendment.

If you are wondering why I included a clip from the show Firefly, it is because it is a TV show (now canceled) that showcases a future where the government tries to impose too many rules and regulations on its citizens and they rebel. The Browncoats believe that their cause is just and they fight for their independence from a too powerful government. In the end, they lose. However, as Malcolm Reynolds says, "Just because we were on the losing side it doesn't mean it was the wrong one." Being that it is a "future" time they have space capability, so they take to the sky.  And they live a life on the run from a government that would rein them and rule them. I am quite certain that government would demand Malcolm Reynolds turn over his guns. And I am equally certain of his response: "Over my cold, dead body."

So, whenever I hear any politico prattling on about banning guns, I think what Malcolm Reynolds say to this nonsense. He might only be a character in a TV show, but his code is dead on right. And the horrible nightmare going on in Australia right now is proof that is so. Right now, everyone in that country would love to jump on a spaceship and get the hell out of Dodge. Space is looking safer than their own house!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Annie Get Your Gun

There are some things that I read and I think to myself, "I wish I had written that." 

Now, sometimes I think that because it is just so darn beautiful that it makes my heart hurt.  The words fit together like music.  Actual music. 

And other times it is because it something that I have been trying to say, but I just have not quite made the point succinctly.  Often it is because I think for SO MANY REASONS that I can't decide on just one. 

Here is a portion of something that I did not write, but I wish I had:

Oh, one last thing: Here’s a little history lesson regarding gun-grabbing and the carnage that ensued:
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th century because of gun control: 56 million.

You won’t see this data on the U.S. evening news or hear politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note, Americans.

~Doug Giles, for the full article click here

You see, I am just sick to death of politicians using gun control to promote a political agenda.  If you want to beat a drum, try discussing mental health or actually putting programs that work into protecting our kids at school.  I think many a parent would be on board with that.  And you wouldn't have to even pay them to protect their own kids.  I suspect it would work a lot like Neighborhood Watch Programs.  People are invested in their neighborhoods, so they get together and decide to work together for the betterment of their Community.  It's proven that Neighborhood Watch actually works.  I bet that if parents actually manned the doors to every school and eyeballed the kids coming and going every day, it would deter school violence. 

It has also been suggested that some of those video games that kids are playing are pretty dang violent.  I heard one military officer who train men and women for Special Forces Ops say that some of the combat videos the kids are playing are virtually no different than the training videos they use.  It is one person killing another person via a cyber connection.  It is all about the mindset.  They use those "games" to prepare those soldiers to kill people by having them do it in a "game" first.  And so do our kids.  You tell me what the "real" problem is here.  I think it is the fact that these kids have already killed hundreds of times via video game before they fired off the first round in a real shooting incident.  But that is just me.  Seems like the answer is actually taking away the video game for everyone but Special Forces... who are actually training to kill people.

image found on facebook... before I fell off that wagon.
Or would it be that I am now on the wagon?  It is rather confusing....