
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Today is my Birthday, I became thirty-something!
But, unfortunately I wasn't feeling well today, and so I couldn't celebrate my birthday.
Just received natural & organic cosmetics from mum!
Recently my mum nags me that there are too many cross stitch stuffs in this house, so she announced not to buy ANY new cross stitch stuffs from now on!!! sigh and sad...

I'm just happy to being with my family, this birthday reminded me about it as I wasn't feeling good.
I'm happy enough to hear that Sweetie always says "Mummy I love you!" and kisses me!
Thank you for my family, especially Sweetie, I love you, too!

Thanks for your visit.
Bye for now,

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Belated Birthday Present FROM Carol R. AND "Noel"

Hi, the other day I safely arrived a parcel from Carol R. in the UK.
I've heard that she sent me a parcel, so I was looking for the one I receive!
As always there were parcel for my son Tass and for me which was beautifully wrapped with tissue paper.

In there, there were so many goodies and most beautiful thing like above photo!
She gathered pink based things for me as I like pink, and very delicate pinkeep was there...
I was overwhelmed and had very big sigh...

Look at this, as you already know her works are always so delicate and neat, I was very touched by her work this time, too!

Back of the pinkeep, she stitched my initials and also 2009!
Can you see wee heart button? Isn't it pretty?!
She tied ribbon at four corners and they make this pinkeep more lovelier!

She told me this was her first time try, though she sew both sides of stitched piece with silk ribbon!

How beautiful is this, I can't believe it was her first try and this is so great idea!!
Thank you so much Carol for your warm heart always.
I really appreciate for your kindness and am honored to being your friend!

Carol presented Sweetie a red toy MINI, though he doesn't let me take a photo, lol
He has so many MINIs which was presented by Auntie Carol!
So later if I could take a photo of it, I will post the photo. :)

Here is a piece that I was stitching lately.
I was losting "mojo", and so I couldn't or didn't stitch much at all lately...

And finally I finished this for Christmas...
Today is my mum's Birthday, so I want to try to finish finishing this and present this to her if I could!

My "mojo" is backing a little by little...
When Carol and I were chatting a few days ago, she cheerd me up and take my mojo back!
I really want to stitch her "Sew Noel" with Silk, though now I have terrbile stiff neck and headache, so hope it will disapear and stitch it a little by little!!

Thanks Carol, hope chatting with you later!

I wish you very merry Christmas!!!
Thank you for your visit.

Design : Noel (Freebie) © Casa Mia in Italy
Fabric : 32ct unkown linen that JOLENE gave me

Thread : Cosmo #242

Friday, November 20, 2009


As you all may know or had seen these beautiful present from Su, as she has shown them on her blog earlier.
Sorry Su, as you know my son was ill and so we were in the hospital for a long time.
So although I have received present from Su before Sweetie had been hospitalized, I couldn't share these wonderful birthday present from Su for a long time.

Look at this! How beautiful and romantic this cylindrical box had been made by her!
She added yo-yo quilts on the lid of this box and rickrack tape around the edge.
I was totally overwhelmed by her beautiful work and taste by this time, but there were something in the box!

Look at them again, she made me a little pincushion and thread keeper.
They are stitched on 40ct, and her satin stitch and rose web stitchis are perfect as always!
I really love her taste, it's always so soft and charming.

And also there were rose tea candles in there, they smelled so nice!!
She knew how I love candles! :D

Thank you SO SO much dear Su, for your warm heart and friendship.

I always appreciate for you.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!
Thank you for your visit.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Birthday Present FROM Nina!

On the last Saturday, postman rung the door bell and he had a box for me in his hand!
It was from my dearest friend Nina in Hungary!
I was told from her that she sent me a parcel, so I was so pleased and happy that I could receive it safely!
Once I opened the box, her parcel smelled very fragrantly.
There were Marcipanos (Marcipan) and a parcel that was wrapped with chocolate picture paper!
I was so thrilled to open them, especially the one was wrapped with chocolate paper!

I always think that the parcel from abroad smells so nice always, but how about from Japan, my friends? Do they smell soy sauce??

Wow, she spoiled me again, she sent me hand dyed linen by her, hand dyed threads, and very lovely wee chart (w/buttons) from Heart in HAND that the title is "friendship endures", how nice it is!
And I shouldn't forget, of course I don't forget to share you her perfect work!

Isn't this ornament so sweet?! She stitched from CCN's one of series "Cupcake" and added three Spider Web Roses on this ornament as she likes it, as well as I do!
As always her work is so perfect and very neat, I want to show you her works IRL!
And from all her items, we smelt so nice, Sweetie was like a dog, he kept saying "Where does this nice smell come from" and kept doing sniff-sniff (lol)!

On the back side, she stitched "Happy birthday Yuko" and added heart charm, how sweet of her!
Thank you SO SO much Nina, as always you care of me, and your warm and kind heart!

I love her sweet heart, it touches me always, Thank you Nina!
As soon as I have got time, I want to stitch wee design that you gave me!!

Here they are, Marcipanos! Yummy yummy photo, isn't it?!
I've heard of just a name of Marcipanos before, but haven't had them before.

When Nina sent me exchange piece, she added lovely elephant shaped Marcipanos for my Sweetie, but we couldn't eat him, he is still there in our dining room!
But this time, we couldn't resist to eat them, I cut them and we ate them all together!

Mmmmm, Yum! We were very satisfied very much, they were so nice with coffee!
My auntie came when we were eating Marcipanos, then she ate them and she also said "Yum", so we shared some for her, too!

But there is still some left, he he he from now I will have them with coffee again!

Today, I found beautiful Cosmos on the middle way of Preschool, so after I came home I took camera out and took this photo.
I have a single-lens reflex camera, but have never used it before, so I should read a manual and take more beautiful photos!

P.S Flower photos that I posted on the last post werer not daffoil!!!
My mum laught at me so much, it's called Rain lily! Sorry for my poor knowledge, lol

Thank you for your visit and Take care!
Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thank you & Visitation Day

A few days ago, my new friend A. who is Sweetie's friend's mum gave me beautiful Birthday present!!
Sweetie entered the Preschool in July, it means he entered 3 months later than the other kids, but every children are so sweet and kind and so are their mums!

I didn't have any friends near by when I was in Yokohama and Kamakura, but after I came back to my home town, I got very nice friends through Sweetie!
A. is a women I admire, she is so fashionable and so beautiful and so sweet person.
She gave me this pale purple dried Hydrangea and same colour hair accessory as a present.
How beautiful are they?! She already knows what I love! :D
Thank you So much A. for your kind heart!

Today I bought new nail varnish to match the hair accessory that A. gave me!
I added ribbon seal which is for nail on my nails, how are they? Aren't they cute?!
Sweetie saw this and said "Mummy, you are cute! :D ", Thanks Sweetie, so you are and I love you!!

Today was a day of Preschool visitation. I was so excited to see how Sweetie spend time in the Preschool!
He was so lovely, they sung some sings, danced, etc...
I was so happy to see him in other children!

The other day, teacher told me that Sweetie picked his green peas and passed to next girls bowl while she and a teacher were looking the other way! (lol)
He is so picky, but other girl found it and told to a teacher about it (lol), and he had to eat them after all... Teacher told me that he seemed quite sad, LOL!!

By the way, Sweetie is getting be a big boy, he couldn't touch even sand because he didn't like to get dirty when he was a bit more small, but recently look at the photos!
Tarara~! He is having much fun with sand or mud to play!
This is how children should be!!
He learnt so much at the Preschool, too, so recently he is so happy and so I am!!

I have finished three small stitches, though mum's sewing machine has got problem now, so I can't do finishing work at the moment, so now I'm stitching fall design.
When the sewing machine has got well, I will finish and share them, of course!

Thank you SO SO much for everyone who left me Birthday wishes through comments, by e-mails, e-cards, messages, etc...

I really really appreciate for them all.

I'm going to reply you as much as I can!

Take care and thanks for visiting.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hi! It's been a long time since the last time I posted, I was in stitching slump and also didn't open my lap top much these last few weeks, somehow...
So sorry for friends that I haven't been able to reply you, haven't been leaving you comments, etc...

By the way, today is my Birthday, I turned 35!!
If 35 rounded off, it becomes 40!!! Ghhh

Time flies so fast!!

As I may have mentioned before that I (we) don't like whipped cream much, so we bought roll cake as my Birthday cake, and added chocolate plate and 3 + 5 candles!! :D
The cake was so yum, Sweetie liked it so much. Actually Sweetie blew candles, he sung a Birthday song for me, but he misunderstood that his birthday came again (lol)

As President Obama said to avoid piggie flu, sing "Happy Birthday" song twice, so we are doing it, so he loves Happy Birthday song.

Yesterday, my dear friend Nanako-san sent me SPECIAL birthday present for me!!!
Look at this, she stitched and made it into a cartonnage box!!! How gorgeous!
Can you imagine that this stunning box which was made by your best friend is placed just beside you? Romantic, isn't it?

And also she added so many ribbons and so many beautiful clothes inside!
How generous she is. Nanako-san and I've met online and haven't met IRL yet, though we both really want to meet up someday in our life!

I was so touched by Nanako-san's work, and her generosity and kind heart, so I gave surprise call to her tonight! We enjoyed talking so much!

Thank you SO SO much again, Nanako-san.

Here is another present from my dear friend S-chan. She stitched BBD's design and made it into a lovely pouch!

How lovely and beautiful this is!

Her works are always perfect and so beautiful!

Isn't this lovely?! She also added so many goodies for me, I loved everything she sent me!
Thank you SO much S-chan!!

Let's meet up again someday in the near future!

One more Birthday Present is from Mum, this lovely shoes!
I loved the last pair of this shoes (different colour), though they were shapeless very much as I liked and walked so much, so Mum presented me new pair!
They are so comfy and so soft, from Koos.
Thanks, Mum!!

Last but not least, thank you SO much for everyone who sent me Birthday wishes by e-mails, through e-cards, messages, etc...
I really appreciate for your kindness from the bottom of my heart!

Thanks for your visit and Happy Stitching!
Take care!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Birthday Present FOR Nancy!

Hi, I've received a sweet e-mail from Nancy that my Birthday Present for her has arrived safely to her!
And fortunately, it has arrived on her Birthday!!
Happy Birthday dear Nancy!

This is what I made for her Birthday, when I saw this design, Nancy's face came into my mind, and so I decided to stitch this for her Birthday!
I stitched this and made it into a basket lid.

I had a nice white painted basket in my stash, so I checked stitch count, it was perfect, so I added stitched piece to this basket!
And added organza lace around the edge, it's quite neat and clean, isn't it?

Here is back of the lid and inside.
When I think about Nancy, always dark red comes into my mind, and so this was stitched red and white, so I used this dark red rosy fabric for the back of lid.
And I added my favourite SAKURANBO (cherry) tea from Lupicia in it!

I also added beads on the stitched piece, but I was hurry to send it out, so forgot to take close up photos...
I'm so happy that Nancy told me that she loves this and another goodies that I added, too.
I hope you had a wonderful dinner with your family, Nancy!

Take care and thanks for your visit!

Happy Stitching!

Design : Guirlande Tasses rouges © Tralala
Fabric : 32ct Belfast Linen
Thread : DMC

Finished as : Basket lid

Saturday, June 27, 2009

"Lavender Hill" For my cousin's Birthday!

Hi! Recently I haven't been able to surfing net like before, instead of it I have been stitching much more than before!

Now I'm working on Mary Wigham and some other WIPs.
The end of this month is my dear cousin Akiko's Birthday, and was going to stitch this design for her, but I wasn't in mood to stitch LHN nowadays, so I was going to give up to present her this year.

But, this year is an appreciation year (which I decided), so yesterday I decided to start again, and finished this last night!
The frame and mat was already bought, so what I had to do is just iron and frame it.

The last time I stitched this design
for my friend's Birthday, I choose different frame and pale green mat, though this time I choose lavender mat and very simple frame.

I think this frame is much better than the last one, simple is the best???
What do you think?
I will stitch this design three more times (lol), for my mum, another cousin, and for myself!
I have already bought frames and mats for this design, and mum's and mine are the same as the frame that I presented for my friend.
But I might change if this simple frame looks better than the last one!

Here is some close up photo of stitching and frame and mat.
I really like this design, so I'll never think it's tiring!
This design is so lovely and so I can't wait to hang it on the wall in my room!

I will stitch a bit and iron my WIPs and will show my progress of them.
Take care and thanks for your visit!
Happy stitching!

Design : "Lavender Hill" © Little House Needleworks
Fabric : 32ct Belfast Linen (Platinum)
Thread : DMC