
Showing posts with label PS Wreath SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS Wreath SAL. Show all posts

Saturday, December 22, 2012

PS Blackwork Angels - 6th Angel And...

I finally could make the 6th Angel for the wreath!
How gorgeous she is, it's like a Japanese singer's costume, lol
Anyway, it was quite hard to stitch with gold thread on this design, so when I finished this I breathed a sigh of relief...

Prairie Shcooler "Blackwork Angels" の6番目の天使が完成しました!

I'm thinking to stitch only 6 Angels to make a wreath, and finished all of them as ornaments like below.
It was quite tough to make 6 pieces into ornaments, but after I finished them I felt so happy!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

PS "Blackwork Angels" Again

Hi, I'm working on Blackwork Angels © Prairie Schooler again!
The last post was updated Feb. 2008, it's almost been 4 years!!
I don't know why I had been letting these beautiful Angles alone, it's fun to stitch them again.
Here is my 4th Angel, blowing a bugle.

Prairie Schooler の Blackwork Angels を再開しました!

And here is 5th Angel with doves.
Aren't they beautiful?!
I saw this Blackwork Angels at some peoples' blog and it reminded me that I have them in my UFO.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3rd Angel for PS Wreath SAL

I added this "Blackwork Angel" by Prairie Schooler to my WIPs, but hadn't been stitching at all, actually.
But recently I've found this WIP in my stitching bag, and suddenly felt like stitching this again!
I don't know why, I didn't like gold thread either back stitch very much, though...

It has been a long time since the last time I stitched this, and this time I could enjoyed to stitch along, somehow...
Even though, there are so many gold threads area in this design.

It's only my 3rd Angel, I have 5 angels to go, lol
But I focused on 2008's Christmas, so there are plenty of time to stitch along and finish them off as ornaments.

There are so many wonderful SALs, I would like to join in some of them, but there is no time to namage them for me at the moment, so I'm giving it up...

I will try to make my stitching rotation later, so maybe I think I will be able to figure and will see what I should stitch or to do now!

Everytime when I stitch this "Blackwork Angels", I feel very relief and relax by this Angels faces.
Their faces are so peacefull, even though I got tired, her face makes me smile.

P.S. I have been asked from some people about the name of white flower which I posted before, but unfortunately there was no name tag for that flower when I bought it, so I don't know what the name is... I'm sorry about it :D

"Blackwork Angels" (Book No. 103) © Prairie Schooler
35ct Wichelt Linen (Cream / Ivory) with DMC (Gold = #E3821), 1 strand

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The 2nd Angel for the SAL

Again (lol), finally finally I've finished my 2nd Angel for the PS wreath SAL.

I know I have to concentrate on this The PS wreath SAL more and more, otherwise I won't be able to manage it and be in time at all...

But... I don't know why, I don't think I want to stitch these Angles at all (lol)...
I wrote "don't know" but actually I KNOW why I don't want to stitch this.
That's because of full of BS and gold thread.

Gold thread really really makes me tired and crazy!
When I'm stitching in gold thread, I can't see any progress at all (lol), can't go forward at all!

Sigh, sigh, sigh...

I sometime think I feel like changing the design for the SAL even from now, LOL
These angles are really beautiful, but I think I've miss chosen for the SAL...

I just hope I can enjoy this angels and be in time for the schedule!

When I this close up photo of Angel's peaceful face, I feel relief very much and feel "Try to do my best for this!", but a little bit bit bit... lol

"Blackwork Angels" (Book No. 103) © Prairie Schooler
35ct Wichelt Linen (Cream / Ivory) with DMC (Gold = #E3821), 1 strand

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My very first Angel!

Finally, finally, finally, the first Angel for the "PS Wreath SAL" has finished now!!!
I'm too late and so I was really worried about this.
About this SAL always reminds me hurry to DO, but I really took matters easy, I was thinking that this design is quite easy to stitch and would be finished quickly, but actually not at all...

Full of BS and gold thread made me almost crazy, lol...
It was the first time for me to use gold thread, but as I've heard of it, it's really hard to stitch!
Uhh, there are many designs left which is used gold threads... sigh.

But what helped me is, this Angel's peaceful face and lovely sheep!
Look at this Angel's face, it really makes me feel relief.

Actually I have seven Angels to go, lol
Have enough time??? asking myself, but will try to do my best to finish as the schedule!

Well, now I'm so feeling better because I could finish the one I really had to do!

"Blackwork Angels" (Book No. 103) © Prairie Schooler
35ct Wichelt Linen (Cream / Ivory) with DMC (Gold = #E3821), 1 strand

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Prairie Schooler Wreath SAL

I've decided to join in the wonderful SAL!
It's "
The Prairie Schooler Wreath SAL", my friend choko has told me about this.
It has already been started, so I asked
Tanya who is an organizer of this SAL, if I could still join in this SAL.
She gave me a quick reply and really welcomed me to join in!I'm too late for the schedule, normally I should already have made 3 ornaments, though (lol) Actually, I'm still waiting for some materials to come and be ready to start!!

It was quite hard to decided the design from lots of PS leaflets, but this time what I've chosen for this SAL is "Blackwork Angels".
It was almost the first sight love, I really like Angels' peaceful faces.
I'm really excited to join this wonderful SAL, it's really pleasure to make PS ornaments and moreover we can share our progress online!

Thank you so much for letting me join in the lovely SAL, Tanya!I will try to do my best to be able to show you some ornaments' photos in the next post!

[note] "Blackwork Angels" © Prairie Schooler