
Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sarah's progress 0203 and "Setsubun"

Hi, how are you?
It was a fine day today, not so cold, not windy, was a very comfortable day!
How's weather in your country?

BTW, here is my "Sarah Spurr" © Carriage House Samplings, I can't believe that I can stitch very faster than usual, it's so fun to stitch along like when I began cross stitch!!
Sarah is so beautiful, but I'm not sure the thread colours that I've changed...
What do you think? so far so good? or do I better to change somewhere in this piece??
I do hope everythings going well in the end!!

Tomorrow, my friends and our children will visit one of their home to let them play and of course as for us to stitch!

I'm going to write down my 2011's goal on the left side bar sometime soon, so I can figure out what to stitch next! :D
If you are planning to stitch the same project, please feel free to let me know, we may be able to do SAL if our timing correspond to our plan!

BTW, today was a "
Setsubun", Sweetie came back from Preschool with Ogre mask as every year!

This year's Ogre is also pretty, not scary at all! :D

And we made Rolled Sushi (Makizushi or Maki-Sushi) called "Eho-Maki" which brings happiness for us whom ate whole it as looking toward the years direction. (Sorry for my poor English...!!)

This year's direction was south-southeast, so we ate them as looked toward south-southeast.
We hope we will be able to be happy this year, especially hope to be in good health!

Sarah will finish soon, so please look forward to seeing her finished piece!

Take care and have a lovely day!
Thank you for your visit to my blog.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Japanese New Year!!

Happy new year, everyone!
I wish you a very wonderful new year 2011!

Here is a photo of "Kadomatsu" at a shrine near by which was taken in the morning of 1, Jan, 2011, when we went to "Hatsumoude (Hatsumode)" .

Photos below are "Mochibana Kazari".
The real "Mochibana" is made with "
mochi", though we use two thin crisp wafers made from mochi.

I made "Mochibana" with Sweetie this year, we used colorful two thin crisp wafers made from mochi and sandwich willow twig between them, like this below.

Sweetie seemed so fun to make them!
I would like to tell Japanese tradition a little by little to him.

Here is a photo of Camellia ("Tsubaki") that was taken near the shrine where we live.

Thank you for visiting!

Take care and have a lovely winter holiday!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"SAKURA" - In Himeji Castle (Edited)

This week the weather is very fine, and so we went to see "SAKURA" (Cherry Blossoms) in the world heritage Himeji Castle.

Here are the photos of the way around the castle...
There are some trails and these area retains something of the flavor of the old working class section very much, and I love them.

Here is one of stone monument of Himeji Castle.

This photo is beautiful, isn't it?!
We can see the caslte from our house (mum's house), so for us it's very natural thing that the castle is there, but every year when this season came, I always think this castle is the best in so many SAKURA!

I like this shot (below)! Good shot, isn't this?!

This is like a post card!
I will print this out on the photo paper later by new printer! And see how it will be, if it's so good, I will use them as a post card! :D

Please look at these beautiful and pretty flowers "SAKURA" for a while...

People enjoying the cherry blossoms... It is called "Hanami"
Most of local people enjoy their meal "Bento" etc.. (beer, drinks, etc... some are doing sports, it's like picnic) under the trees.

Me in front of the Castle.
Yesterday was a fine day, so I was a bit vigour!

Sweetie and I. Sweetie didn't stop moving at all, so we couldn't take nice photos of him at all, shame!! (Actually he was sleepy!!)

I hope people enjoy my photos of "SAKURA" and "Himeji Caslte" very much!
You can compare the scene of the Castle from this post, photos was taken in last November.

Thanks for visiting!
Bye bye from Sweetie + Yuko (@_@)v

P.S. Unfortunately from the next year, the big repair for the castle will be started, so you won't be able to see such scenes for few years...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Japanese Style Pinkeep

Recently I am absorbed in making pinkeeps!
That's because I can see the result soon and to choose the fabrics, or to make original pins are really fun!
I'm a beginner, so, actually what I can make is only Pinkeep at the moment, though! LOL

This time I made "Japanese-style Pinkeep"

I love western style, but also like small things in "Japanese taste".
I made this pinkeep for our Japanese room called "Washitsu" (Can you see the "Tatami" floor in this photo?), the fabric is from "Kimono" cloths.

Acutually a photo above is back side, and this (below) is the face.
I added Yo-Yo (fabrics are also from "Kimono" cloths) and pearl beads as flower motif.

But, it's not so pretty than I expected, LOLI like the back side, it's more Japanese-like!
I made and added Top-Pin on the ribbon again, this time I added bell.
The sound of bell makes my feel very calm, I remember my childhood...

The most favourite part is here!
I found myself to make orginal pins is really fun!
Do I love to make pinkeep or pins?? LOL

Monday, February 26, 2007

Japanese style Pincushion

I made Japanese-Style Pin Cusions today!
My OZ friend Fiona told me how to make this and have just tried!!

I used Japanese towel (it's like gauze), so needles for cross stitch can be kept.
I made lots of them, and will give some to my friends!
I don't know why but I don't feel like stitching recently...
I feel tired, I think it's because of the turning point of the season...
I hope I can stitch soon again!