Thursday, February 5, 2009

JOURNEY BACK TO OZ (Filmation, 1974)

Thought I'd share an interesting find. I don't own many original production backgrounds. My animation art collection is primarily Disney cels.

But this week I acquired an original hand-painted master background from Filmation's JOURNEY BACK TO OZ. And of course my first thought was to share it with you.

I have scanned it, so what you are seeing here is not a digital recreation, but a scan of the actual artwork!

Below, I have included a screen grab of this background in a single frame of the film. Interesting to see how various video production monkeys get their hands on films and ruin the integrity of the color palettes. I have seen this time and time again. Perhaps the most distressing is early animated classics with the color intensities so ramped up they look like a different film. who thinks this is really necessary to sell DVDs?

While not an animation classic, this production took nearly a decade for Filmation to complete. This particular B/G definitely has a kinship to Eyvind Earle's work... even if it is a distant cousin.



Anonymous said...

Nice Stuff!

Commendable Blog indeed!

Dear Blogger, need your valuable feedback for:


Caleb said...

Nice find. This is a perfect example of color manipulation/distortion. The real BG is emerald, but the DVD frame looks like split-pea soup.

Danilo Amorim said...

my name is Danilo
I´m brazilian
Your Blog is very nice!
Are you a animator?

I have a blog too:

I'm waiting your coments


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Nicole said...

Your original piece is so beautiful!I can't believe the intensity of the green...shame that few people got to see what it really looked like till now!

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