Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fear And Loading In Aspen

Plans To Ship Snow, Alas, Are Put On Ice

Know any lateral-thinking shippers? Chris Hansen needs one, to move a shipment of blizzard snow (yep, that's right) from the West Coast (read Colorado) to the East Coast (read Connecticut) but no shipper will guarantee that it'll actually arrive intact. It's been a mild winter so far in most of the East, so Hansen looked to the West to fulfill a Christmas wish for snow from his three daughters. He bid on three big bags of blizzard snow from a woman in Colorado and he won the auction on eBay. The $40 pricetag didn't bother Hansen, but getting the snow to Connecticut in its present form is the challenge. Hansen says the consignment will probably have to be packed in dry ice for the nearly 1700 mile trip (2700km, to us who think metric). Ironically, reports the woman is selling the snow in order to buy a snowblower.

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