Thursday, April 24, 2008

Porgy And Bless

Bally-Hoo Over Ballet Hoo-Ha

A Russian priest has been tricked into giving a sacred blessing to a strip bar. Father Nickolai blessed the Studio 74 strip club in the city of Chelyabinsk after he was told it was a ballet school. The Orthodox priest claims he had no idea it was a strip club and that he had been tricked by the owners.

FOOTNOTE: Strip join.


Anonymous said...

blessed are the strippers, for they shall inherit the stage ;)

Sandee said...

Well, both dance so what the heck. Strippers need blessed too. Bwahahahahaha. Have a great day. :)

Maggie May said...

Ballet trippers or night club strippers got a blessed surprise.

San said...

Holy Anatoli! I can barely believe it.

Daryl said...

You sure keep us readers on our toes!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Ummm...didn't the priest kinda notice that the "ballet dancers" were a little under dressed? ;o)

Lavinia said...


Your post is just tutu funny.

Madam Crunchypants said...


The strippers probably need the blessing more, anyhow.aa

Akelamalu said...

Were the strippers dancing to "Don't mess with my tutu"?

D... said...

Talk about having to say your Hail Marys!

Did the priest not notice that the "ballet bar" was going in the wrong direction?

aims said...

Having worked in a strip joint for 10 years as a head-waitress - I know the places need blessing - more than a blessing in fact.....

Anonymous said...

No way!
TTYS - Sniz

Anonymous said...

And when it came time to do the laying on of the hands, exactly where did the good Father put his?

Jennifer S said...

Guess the Father can't dance around this issue.

I love Daryl E's and Lavinia's comments!

And your title was excellent.