Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movies. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Convenient Review

An Oscar bump for this one. Originally published on 1-23-07:

Oscar nominations were announced this morning. As expected Al Gore's slide show movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is nominated in the Best Documentary category. Expect much caterwauling from the usual suspects about another "Michael Moore" moment. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I finally watched the movie yesterday. Given my predilection for science subjects, particularly weather related, my reticence to watch the year's global warming "blockbuster" may surprise you. However, my gut refused to bypass the feeling that science and politics, although at times a necessary evil partnership, do not mix well. A description of a non-scientist spending 90 minutes using a slide show in an attempt to distill a complex idea to palatability brought visions of creationist abomination Ken Hovind.

Also, the clips I viewed seemed overwrought. My impression being Gore had gone for the easy sell; conflating individual disasters into evidence of a global problem. Science is not easy. Understanding weather is like plowing the ocean. I begin to claw my eyes when people use Katrina as evidence of global warming. They are both right and wrong, but miss the point.

As anyone who follows Creation/Evolution battles knows, a warrior for the right and good has to be a paladin not a politician. There can be no gray. There can be no vagaries. There can be no right and wrong. You must be pure and true in your quest. Since your enemies will use every stumble as a new flank for attack, you must give them no room for maneuver.

Following 2005's collossal hurricane season those with just enough knowledge to be dangerous screamed that the record number of hurricanes resulted from global warming. Many including myself cringed. What would happen we thought if 2006 was a fizzle? Hurricanes are the epitome of vagary in action. What little we do know about the formation of hurricanes is they are a delicate combination of multiple factors which must be stirred into a near-perfect witches brew. As is now known, the witches brew never bubbled the following year and the global warming doubters exploited the cries of the chicken littles to seed more doubt.

Predicting hurricane frequency is akin to reading the bones. Predicting strength not so much. It's a fairly simple formula. Hot water combined with little wind shear creates monsters. While the media obsessed with the ever increasing numbers of hurricanes in 2005, hard core weather observers noted the Gulf of Mexico reaching its hottest surface temperatures in decades. It was apparent that any storm reaching this boiling pot of water would explode. The frequency only made it more likely it would occur. Thus Rita, Wilma and of course Katrina.

Gore does slip into the mistake of exploiting Katrina but more about that later.

"I see obstacles to understanding and I want to find ways to overcome those obstacles." ~Al Gore

If "An Inconvenient Truth" were merely the story of a charisma-challenged politician driven into the wilderness by circumstance then returning with near messianic power of persuasion it would be compelling. But without the science it would be hollow; a confection, tasty with no sustain. The penultimate compliment I can pay the film is the science is there. The ultimate compliment is Gore changed my mind.

Science is about evidence. Sometimes evidence leads you in a certain direction. Sometimes it skews you off the road like ice in winter. But if you can amass enough compelling evidence in a particular direction you will at least know you are on the right road. Gore presents a mountain of evidence. Evidence that despite certain criticisms has been verified by a consensus of scientists. My fear that Gore would cobble together a patchwork of anecdotal evidence that could easily be attacked has been allayed. Instead, he presented wave after wave of compelling anecdotal and empirical evidence; never leaving a flank unprotected.

It was a Gore most had never seen. A Gore his supporters wish they had seen in 2000.

And about Katrina. Gore is no scientist but like any good scientist he understands the importance of an addendum. In the special features of the DVD Gore notes that new data reported after filming leaves the correlation of frequency of hurricanes and global warming still unknown. However, he quickly points out the correlation between water temperature, hurricane intensity and global warming has little question.

Gore understands that science is not dogma. Science is about admitting you do not know everything. Most importantly, science is processing all evidence. Not just evidence that is convenient.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Open Thread

After getting caught up the Fontana Race, I've decided to not attend an Oscar party and instead relax on my couch with a personal beverage (apologies Lazermike, hope you guys have a good time).

If something really weird happens, I might throw in a few updates. Aw hell, it's Hollywood. Something weird is bound to happen.

UPDATE I: Peter O'Toole, God love him, looks more embalmed than Anna Nicole Smith.

UPDATE II: 8:42. First Al Gore joke.

UPDATE III: After 9:00 and still no major awards. FOR GOD'S SAKE GET ON WITH IT!

UPDATE IV: They have a choir performing sound effects to clips of movies. This is the most bizarre thing ever. Thank God I have beer.

UPDATE V: 9:23 and finally a major award! Best Supporting Actor is Alan Arkin. No big surprise there. First award for Little Miss Sunshine. Could it be a semi-sweep?

UPDATE VI: First a choir doing sound effects and now an interpretive dance troop doing their versions of nominated films? I may need something stronger than beer.

UPDATE VII: Gore is presenting. He's just there "for the movies". The Oscars have gone green whatever the hell that means. Hybrid limos? Good lord, Kate Winslet is crying! CRYING! What the hell is that all about? They must be passing out hallucinagens in the gift baskets. Hahahahahaha. Gore was pretending to announce and the orchestra played him off like he had run out of time. That was pretty funny. But the whole thing was so weird.

UPDATE VIII: The winner for Best Adapted Screenplay, The Departed, is high as an effin kite. What we really need now is a good drunk rambling moment. And when are they going to do march of the dead people? Dammit, that's the best part!

UPDATE IX: YAY! Tom Cruise! Now we're getting to the looney!

UPDATE X: Whoa. Catherine Deneuve? Still hot. Okay, so they roll out the people with the accents to do Best Foreign Language Film. And of course they then pan to Sasha 'Borat" Cohen. Because as we all know English is a foreign language. I think the directors and producers may also be high. This show would be really lame without the aid of chemicals. If they don't move this along Peter O'Toole may actually be included in the March of the Dead People.

UPDATE XI: Whoa. Pan's Labyrinth didn't win Best Foreign Language. That's a big upset. Instead it's some German film that was directed by a guy who sounds like he's from Iowa. The only thing that could make this whole thing weirder is for blood to start shooting from Ellen Degeneres' eyes.

UPDATE XII: 10:34. Another Al Gore joke. Delivered by George Clooney. Liberals just wet themselves. Best Supporting Actress coming up. And it's Jennifer Hudson. Simon Cowell just wet himself.

UPDATE XIII: Here we go! Best Documentary! And it's the slide show movie! And Sean Hannity rushes the stage with a fire extinguisher! Well no that didn't happen but it would have been cool. Gore hugged the director but there was no tongue. Tipper must have set some ground rules.

UPDATE XIV: Celine Dion! GAH! But seriously, I'm a movie score nerd and it's good to see Ennio Morricone receive recognition. Should have happened years ago. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly may be the most recognized theme in history. This acceptance speech needs subtitles. He's probably telling them all to kiss his ass for not giving him a gold baby all the times he deserved it. Now Clint Eastwood is pretending to translate. Wait, maybe he is translating! No. In my addled mind I am going to believe Clint is just making crap up. More fun that way.

UPDATE XV. Lord have mercy Beyonce can sing. Almost 11:30 and still no march of the dead people. They haven't shown Peter O'Toole in a while. Not a good sign.

UPDATE XVI: Looking into the iconic eyes of Tom Hanks I want to now publicly admit I was wrong. Saving Private Ryan should have beat Shakespeare In Love. Still no dead people. Still no Peter O'Toole. I'm seriously concerned.

UDDATE XVII: YAY! March of the dead people! It's going to be a long list. We lost some great ones this year. OH MY GOD! I didn't know Basil Poledouris died! During the commercials I'm going to listen to the soundtrack from Lonesome Dove. I know it's television but it's one of the best ever.

UPDATE XVIII: Peter O'Toole sighting! Thank God! Although he looks so stiff he may have died and no one noticed. And he doesn't win. Again. I know he wasn't supposed to but I still feel it's a shame. And now we get another ragged acceptance speech from Forest Whitaker.

UPDATE XIX: Scorsese wins! Yay! I really wish he would just tell them all to kiss his ass. But he's too nice. And why is Jack Nicholson still backstage? They keep showing him backstage. In sunglasses. I bet during the commercials he's snorting coke of the asses of starlets.

UPDATE XX: And it's over! Thank the baby Jesus! I didn't really intend to live blog the whole damn thing but since I did, I should thank a few people. I would like to thank my agent, my attorney, my ex-wives, my dealer and all the wonderful people at Budweiser with whom this blog would not be possible. Oh. The Departed won for Best Picture. And I'm just kidding about the ex-wives and the dealer. But not about the Bud. Good night and thanks for all the fish!

Friday, February 23, 2007

It's Oscar Time!

A break from politics!

Oscars are Sunday! Get ready for the glitz! Get ready for the glamour! Get ready to snooze!

But if it's your thang and since we may not see each other between now and then, let me recommend you prepare yourself by visiting my favorite movie site on the web.

Hop over and check it out.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday Movie Fun

"It is the job of the critic to leave no turn unstoned."

Are there any crueler beast than film critics?

Find out for yourself as Edward Copeland on Film presents the Worst Best Actresses of all time.

My favorite? From Matt Zoller Seitz.

Maybe the most boring Best Actress performance of all time, it redefines competence as excellence. I get sleepy just thinking about it.
Lord help me but I do so love a good snark.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Fun

A break from poker and politics.

Remember Edward Copeland's Worst Best Picture Survey?

He's back! This time with a Worst Best Actress survey.

Head on over to Eddie On Film and vote for your top (bottom?) five. Only eight days left to vote!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Robert Altman Passes

AP is reporting director Robert Altman has died. A legend passes.

Edward Copeland has a tribute.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Movie Quote Challenge

Name the movie and the character:

"You just knew it would be good. You knew it would be irresistible. But this has every f*cking thing. Sex, drugs, corruption. And none of it--none of it, Henry, My man-is clear-cut venality. It's all kind of human and awful and sad."

Hint: I've been reading some of the more lurid rumors on the internets.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Late Night Lighting Designer Moment

A History Of Violence is the best lit film I've ever seen.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When The Levees Broke

I won't say too much other than it was excellent. I encourage you to read Edward Copeland's review for details.

For those of us weather nuts that followed every nuance of the storm, there wasn't much new. But there were a few nuggets that were very interesting. My main takeaway was that New Orleans was rotten to the core. Infrastructure, politics, years of racial suspicion, everything. The city and its people never had a chance. Given that it was less than 5 years after 9/11 only magnifies the anger, frustration and tragedy.

If you missed it last night, I encourage you to watch tonight or if you don't have HBO definitely grab it when it arrives on DVD.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Truth, Justice and The Radical Right's Way

Going in to see "Superman Returns", I knew that a few wackos were up in arms over a modification of Superman's traditional slogan of "Truth, Justice and The American Way".

In the movie, acerbic Daily Planet editor Perry White mutters, "Truth, justice and all that stuff".

Now let me provide a little vocabulary lesson for some people.


  1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
  2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting

The point of the scene in question is that White is less concerned about the importance of Superman's return or for what he stands. He only wants to sell newspapers. "All that other stuff" is merely a means to an end for a machiavellian White.

Later, Jimmy, Lois and Perry are peering at a blurry photograph and question if it's a "bird, a plane...oh hi Cark!" as Clark Kent walks in. It's apparent from these types of quips that the screenwriters want to both honor and deconstruct the Superman mythos. As with the "truth, justice and the American way" having people wildly exclaim about the identity of some flying object on a piece of paper would seem a bit dated. We do not live in the era when these catch phrases were as ingrained in the conscious. Despite the wishes of some, we do not live in the 50's.

Finally, it is also evident that the screenwriters did make a conscious decision to exclude the words "the American way". They of course understand that the words may have a very different meaning in the rest of the world. I'm sure the studio executives understand that the rest of the world means box office. The majority of a movie's take these days occurs overseas. So would it be wrong to alter the script in order to sell more tickets in other countries? If you believe in free markets, the answer would be a resounding no. If you pretend to believe in businesses making sound economic choices unless they diverge from your agenda then apparenty the answer is a loud YES. It always strikes me as funny how supposed "free marketers" are suddenly very critical of corporate decisions when they find them distasteful.

In conclusion, to those of you who want to make a mountain out of a script change, I have two words.

Grow up.

Bugs vs Daffy

A non-political post.

Parents should enjoy this.

Personally, I always preferred Warner Bros.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Superman Returns Open Thread

I'm going to see it this afternoon. Feel free to express yourselves on this movie, the 70s version, George Reaves mysterious death or the inevitable geekiness of a guy who calls himself griftdrift.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


No this is not another post about Satan.

So, I'm watching the beginning of the movie Armageddon. At the beginning, New York is pelted with basketball sized fireballs from a meteor shower. At one point, a cabbie screams, " Saddam Hussein is bombing us!"

Just thought it was interesting in light of recent events.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Midday Easter Egg

That's the transport Roger Young from the movie Starship Troopers. And if you look very closely, you will see the Millennium Falcon attached to it's communications tower. The special effects artists paid homage to Han Solo's daring escape maneuver in Empire Strikes Back.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Monday, May 08, 2006

United 93

Just saw it.

It's difficult. Very difficult.

More later.

And The Winners Are....

Eddie Copeland's quest to find the top Best Picture Winner's is over.

Check out the top 20 here.

You might spy a few quotes from yours truly.

Thanks Eddie for a lot of fun.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Another Lite Day Of Posting

Still in the Sunshine State on family business but I hope to catch a few running items today.

In the meantime, here is some other reading for you.

Immigration will be the big topic of the day: From the right, From the middle, From the left.

Wonkette is hungover. Shocking!

Katherine Harris is not only crazy but possibly going to jail.

You still have time to vote on Eddie On Film's Worst Best Picture Winner Ever. Even if you feel that you haven't seen enough of these go ahead and vote. Remember, opinions are like...

Institute Of Lower Learning will reopen today and is looking for some lively discussion.

While everyone stateside is obsessed with the "immigrant" problem, another Hispanic population is in crisis. And with this one we cannot avoid our responsibility.

Yeah, I know the middle and left links on immigration don't link to particular articles. I hope to fix that later.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Top Ten Best Picture Winners of All Time

Have you voted yet?

Why not!

It's so simple. Just email your top ten picture picks ranked from 10 to1 to

Your picks must come from the list of best picture winners. Follow the link to Eddie's place for the official list.

Now on to my picks which I have just emailed! I am leaving out one very obvious pick because I have never seen it. Jaws would hit the floor if I told. Can you guess? FYI, it was not the close but no cigar GWTW. I am from Atlanta you know! But I may get thrown out of town for not putting it in the top ten.

10. Kramer vs. Kramer - I might catch some hell for this one but it was the first movie that made me cry. Dustin Hoffman's interaction with Justin Henry is brutally heart-wrenching.

9. Return Of The King - Really a lifetime achievement award. Fellowship was the better movie. But as a boy I imagined of Ride of The Rohirrim. Peter Jackson took it beyond imagination to reality.

8. Annie Hall - I am not a Woody Allen fan but you cannot deny the greatness of this movie.

7. The Sting - You think a guy with grift in his name is not going to have The Sting in his top ten? As clever as they come. I could watch it over and over again.

6. Unforgiven - Possibly the greatest western of all. Although Clint Eastwood's acting is overrated, his transformation at the end of this movie is startling. When he walks through the saloon door it is as a demon from hell. Not raging with fire. But cold and deadly.

5. Gandhi - A movie that has the potential to change the world. So many depictions of great men come off as cartoonish. Ben Kingsley makes it heroic.

4. Schlinder's List - Rare is it that I am moved deep to the core. I love black and white and Spielberg made it horrifyingly beautiful. It recalls Yeats "terrible beauty".

3. The Godfather II - A dark sequel. Literally dark. I was a lighting designer in school and like Gordon Willis, I was known as the Prince of darkness. I love the moodiness of this film. I think it suffers slightly with changing between young Vito and Michael. Both stories are brilliant. Toggling back and forth between the two keeps this from the top two.

2. Lawrence of Arabia - I am guilty of loving big epic movies about big epic characters. It doesn't get much bigger than David Lean's classic. Combine Peter O'Toole's subtle, tortured portrayal with a supreme supporting ensemble, put them in glorious settings and toss in a war and you have created legend.

1. The Godfather - Yep, I like the original better than the sequel. It seems you can't have a discussion of one without the other. But the first film was just tighter. Coppola painted a big impressionist landscape where every shade is represented and everything is fuzzy and clear at the same time. For the rest of time this movie will represent the original ancestor of complex family relationships. Both " family" and family.

There's my list! Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Reminder To Vote For Best Picture Of All Time

Voting at Eddie On Film for Best Picture Winner of all time continues until April 29th.

Go here for rules and how to vote.

I know several film buffs read here and I know you have some righteous opinions. Get over there and vote. It's as easy as sending an email. I will post my top ten later this week. If you read my profile, you can probably guess the top two.