

A Photo a Day
Hutton le hole Saturday! (Yesterday)

This is a zoomed in shot!

This cottage sums up to me the very best example of a North Yorkshire village cottage!

Change of plan.....
Jon took the aftrenoon off so we went to York!

A great day!
Great meal on return!

For more CC's visit Misty Dawn


Kyanite said...

What a lovely quiet rural scene, so different to the brief city walk of mine yesterday!

Dragonstar said...

Noe that looks like a lovely place. Round here we wouldn't dare to sit under a tree at this time of year - too many midges!

Anonymous said...

As cottages go, that's a lovely house.

SandyCarlson said...

What a great place. Tranquility permeates each image.

Outhouse Capital of Canada said...

It is great how they use sheep to keep the grass short, save on using the lawn mower.
I have never visited Hutton le Hole

Shammickite said...

Looks lovely!

Unknown said...

How come you popped round to my house and didn't knock - I'd have made you a cuppa!!??

Oh, damn!! I'm dreaming again!

One day - I will have a cottage in the country like that!


jams o donnell said...

That looks like a great place. The cottage is somewhere I would like to live for sure

CherryPie said...

Looks so nice and relaxing :-)

photowannabe said...

It looks like you had a lovely day in a beautiful rural setting. Its such a lovely mood.
I have posted my ABC Wednesday Letter B on my log site. We will be away when Wednesday rolls around. Just thought I would let you know. I hate to miss it.

i beati said...

oh how very picturesque and the header as well. lovely

Rambling Woods said...

Denise...I was only in England as a kid, but I remember how green everything was. And is really is so charming and green..

James Higham said...

Ah ... don't make me nostalgic.

Dina said...

So lovely and peaceful. And the sheep need no fence?

April said...

I love your pictures of the countryside with the sheep and goat mowing the lawns!

Cath said...

A great place, and great critters too.
Love the one of the goat.

ChrisJ said...

I can't keep up with you, Denise. You don't potter, you are a hive of activity!!!
Love your front gate and succulents and the sheep at the North Yorkshire cottage.

So glad you're getting some hot weather for a change.

Anonymous said...

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