
This, that and the other, but we wont mention the weather!

I am late for Thursday's favourite Things! One of my favourite housework chores........well the one I enjoy doing is pegging the washing out on the line. I took this photograph a few weeks ago, in fact the last time I saw blue sky over our house. If you look carefully (you may admire the hanging baskets in the background lol) you will observe I have quite a methodical approach to pegging out the clothes. Here you can see I hang Jon's socks in pairs, this is so when I take them off the line I pair them up and drop them in the basket, then straight into Jon's sock drawer. I once worked with a lady who HAD to hang out her washing with matching coloured clothes pegs. I think about her every time I peg out my washing, bless. It takes all sorts I guess. When this lady retired, myself and another member of staff complied a powerpoint presentation for her retirement party. It went down a storm and featured a drama we had written all about the lady in hand and her obsession with the clothes peg colours. We developed the story line into an hilarious farce featuring our lady in a watch tower scanning the washing lines of her neighbourhood to see who had used incorrect coloured pegs...in which instance she would march round to the offending washing line and blast it with her shotgun. Of course, it brought the house down and her family were screaming with laughter. So whilst I pride myself on my methodology my colour co-ordination is lacking! We have a washer-dryer and like many of us, I rarely use the dryer in an effort to keep the fuel bills down to the cost of Just an average mortgage.....however this past week has frustrated me. The weather has been truly dreadful. The atmosphere has been damp, so it wasn't possible to dry the clothes round the house. Instead I had to use the tumble dryer. Outside it was raining heavily, so on went the dryer. After the said period of time just as the dryer finished the rain stopped...out came the sunshine! FUME! Another load was awaiting, so I took out the dry load, dealt with it whilst the second load washed away. Sun still shining, so I merrily went about my daily routines. Washing Cycle ends......(sun still shining) so I put the washed clothes into the basket and took it outside into the garden. It was quite a large load, but I hung it all out on the long washing line. No sooner had I put the final peg into place I felt spots of rain on my arms....then the spots grew into marble size, hard marble size...yes hail stones. I then did a good impression of a demented idiot removing all of the clothes pegs and dropping them into the basket...no neat folds or co-ordination of pegs, pairs or like minded garments! Nay! Into the basket with the entire contents of the washing line. I flew (literally) into the kitchen and shut the door! I sorted the washing from the pegs and divided the damp washing into 2 lots, as the drying capacity is smaller than the washing capacity even though it is the same machine. I dried one load, removed, sorted, folded, ironed accordingly whilst the second load dried. On its completion I removed and did the same...folded, ironed, checked, put away into airing cupboard or appropriate drawer. I returned to the kitchen to hang up the peg bag. The rain stopped and the sun came out! It remained in the sky for the next few hours! Typical! Now, the sky is a dark grey and it is pouring with rain! Yes, it is a bank holiday weekend and Jon has some time off! Welcome to the world of British Summertime. Still, as Jon pointed out it will soon be Christmas! LOL! You have to laugh! More on our weekend later, it all depends on the weather. We were hoping to go to Sheffield to watch the demolition of the infamous power station chimneys..... we'll just have to see! There is always some washing to catch up on! Oh and the pegs will not be matching colours! For more Favourite things visit Blue!


Bear Naked said...

Sorry laughing here (not at you but with you.)
It is almost as if Mother Nature was peaking at you standing at your clothesline and decided that it was time for a practical joke.
Great story--enjoy your weekend and hopefully the sun will shine on you.

Bear((( )))

Dragonstar said...

Oh Denise! That (apart from a couple of weeks when I managed to wash AND DRY everything in the house)has been the story of my summer, too.
And I thought I was the only eejit who hung socks in pairs!

CG said...

That's so true. I have been in despair drying stuff this summer. The sunshine/showers routine is getting old!

Thank you my DEAR friend for the BEAUTFUL card!

Leslie: said...

Oh my gosh, Denise! I'm laughing so hard here at the image of you scurrying about in the hailstorm! No one hangs wash out on a line here anymore - it's practically illegal as it's a blight on the views. But I can remember my mother hanging the wash out on a line that my Dad put up for her. She'd stand on the back porch with her bag of wooden pegs and gradually push the line out until it was full.

Our weather has been so hot until this week when we had welcome rain. Imagine rain being welcome! But I assure you, we were all just SICK from the heat! Today it's a lovely sunny day and not too hot. Tomorrow should be the same, which is good because I'm going to a corn roast! Always a fun event.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

hellooooo DENISE,
I had to laugh about this picture, also smiling about the Ritme of the socks, and its great how they hang seperate AND in pairs!!! Lot of work but after (when they're dry) less work hahaha!!!

JoAnn's-D-Eyes /Holland

Come Away With Me said...

Reading your delightful story, I began with a smile, but soon was laughing (or maybe it should more correctly be called roaring with laughter)! What adventures your wash day brings!

I remember from the dim past of my childhood the days of ringer-washers and hanging the clothes up with clothes pins (as we call them here) on the line outside. I don't know that we've ever said we were "pinning up the wash" as you say "pegging out the wash." I've always heard it said as "hanging out the wash." These subtle language differences have always delighted and fascinated me.

There is something extra fresh about air dried laundry, but we don't enjoy that anymore here; we are all too addicted to our fast and easy dryers I'm afraid. The washer dryer combo (all in one machine) like yours is not easy to find here and they are rather expensive. I looked into it at one time, thinking to buy one, but changed my mind.

I imagine there are lots of younger people in this country who don't even know what a clothes pin is and have never seen one! I've never seen colored ones here either; only those made of pale wood of some sort.

A thoroughly enjoyable post...thanks for sharing your story!

Rune Eide said...

Rain - what is that? Take a peep at my sky today ;-)

nonizamboni said...

What a fun read, Denise! I've always loved to hang out the clothes and one of my dearest photos of my daughter Erica was the first time she could reach (on a chair) to hang her clothes up too.
Happy week!

EG CameraGirl said...

What Leslie says is true about many people here in Canada. So silly! They think clotheslines are a blight on the landscape. Some home buyers in posh neighbourhoods actually promise in writing that they won't hang their laundry out.

BUT the Province of Ontario just last spring passed a law to say no one can tell anyone they can't hang out their laundry.

Chalk one up for the little guy!

Anonymous said...

While hanging out washing is not my favouritist chore, I do hang socks in pairs :)

Marina said...

You should come and stay to Greece! We pray for rain!!!

Unknown said...

Oh dear Mrs N!! What a carry on. I too hang my socks in pairs - I wash them in a bag in the washer too to avoid loss (where do they go??)

I'm sick of the weather too - haven't posted on Skywatch for a few weeks because I fear people will quickly tire of the colour grey. Our garden is flooded and now resembles a scene from the Battle of the Somme, Emily likes to splash in muddy puddles - so she's quite happy about it!!

Will we get a summer this year??

Take care

CherryPie said...

I am amazed you matched them all in pairs. I always end up with lots of odd ones!

Kyanite said...

Sorry I'm late commenting in this delightful post that brighten my day dispite the Bank Holiday weather!!!

There is no way washing & anything domestic can be a Fav. Thing of mine, because I'm slovenly in those matters, but the the matching socks & pegs was fun.


photowannabe said...

The smell of sun dried clothes is a wondeful memory and something my Mom did all the time I was growing up. It seems no one does that around here any more, probably because most Mom's work and have to do the laundry late at night when they get home.
Sorry to have a laugh at your expense but this was a great story.

SandyCarlson said...

You brightened my day, Denise! The socks on the line are a work of art. The story about the pegs is a riot. Thanks.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's the football season and Bank Holiday. No wonder it's raining. I actually like the photo of the socks.Just so homely. Such a lovely post.

Thru Pink Curtains said...

Find your award on my site - ENJOY

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I just read on teletext about the M1 still being closed after the Tinsley blow-up - seems one tower didn't go down properly - not seen the actual news.

The washing saga reminds me old days - on our council estate the women used to even bring in the washing of their neighbours who'd gone shopping when it rained.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Funny you should mention that, about the clothespegs: I have a balcony line and am stupidly always trying to match the peg colours - as if anyone cared!

Reader Wil said...

Hi Denise! what a wonderful story about the matching pegs. When I was in Australia with my daughter I did the laundry every day and did the matching parts together to fold them quicker and easier.

Libbys Blog said...

Thats exactly what has been happening to me too! Flippin weather! I have cheated and lit the front fire occasionally, that just drys out the damp feeling in the house although its not actually damp. Then at night I stick the airers infront of it and get some washing dried!!! What a year hey!!!
Many thanks for the lovely card by the way, sorry I didn't respond earlier, it has been hectic here!

Liz Hinds said...

I've been there: in, out, sun, rain, mutter, run, resort to tumble dryer.

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