Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

The Right Approach To Life’s Decision-Making

Decisions, decisions and more decisions. This part of our lives will stick with us like glue as long as we live. It is never easy. Even the greatest decision-makers do not find it a piece of cake. But what is the difference between the greatest decision makers and those not so great ones?

Well…that difference is that the great ones can discover the right approach to decision-making. But hey, just because you are not that great, it does not mean you are abstained from determining your life’s goals and ambitions.

You just need to learn a little bit more of it. Which you can do right now, right here! The elementary essence of making life’s decision is that you are the main priority. Your life is nobody else’s but yours!

When you set your mind to achieve something, you must be assured that this is what you want. And as long as what you decide to do with your life will produce a positive consequence, you need not hold yourself back from it, and nobody else should hold you back from it too.
On the contrary, there are certain times when you may not be able to decide everything on your own.

You may need a significant other or even a few significant others to guide you. Of course, ultimately, as stated earlier, you are the main priority, meaning that no one should dictate your life’s directions. But sometimes you just need to realize that you are not born to be a know-it-all and those feedbacks and opinions from the others around you may save you from going off track.

In decision-making, the place where you wish to achieve that goal plays an integral part too. Based on my experience that is! I could recollect the year I completed high school. I received my results and was given several options in terms of the courses I could take up and the institutions I could enroll myself in.

I had already set my mind to opt for this particular institution, as the location was super convenient for me and, primarily, there were a selection of courses associated with Business Studies that I could choose from.

However, someone almost held me back from the decision, by claiming that the institution I opted for was a wrong choice to make. She put forth a suggestion that I should go to another institution, which was apparently a more prestigious institution to go to.

I did agree with her, but the place was just too far for me. I felt that the convenience of my place of study did matter. I would not want to see myself or be seen sleeping for lectures and tutorials, thus missing out on the essential information I would need to know. In other words, I felt that if the location was inconvenient, it could affect my performance as a student.

So I still stuck with my plan! And I was doing absolutely fine. No doubt about my choice at all! So make sure that if you strongly feel that the institution is of convenience for you, just aim for it yeah?
That is just the tip of the iceberg!

There is more to what it takes to approach decision-making the way it should be.Sometimes when you plan something, it does not go according to it. Do not feel victimized by it.

In fact, you should feel that if it does not go according to plan, it means that you are worthy of something better in your life or perhaps you just need more time to attain that particular goal. So what you should do is take a different step to your decisions.

Explore other ways to make that plan materialize. But remember; do not take that different step because you are coerced to do so. You are the main priority!
It would be best to list down several alternatives.

In life, you have to expect the unexpected. Things may not go your way. So if the first option does not work, you can always fall back on the other alternatives that could be worked on. But keep in mind the first option you wanted to go for. Do not just chuck it away!

After all, wasn’t this in the top of your list? Like I said, maybe you just need more time to attain it.

It is fine to change your mind halfway and make a new decision. But not too often though! In doing so, it shows that you are someone who gives up easily. You have gone through a setback and you just want to give the elbow and try a new one. And then another setback arises and you continue to make a new decision. The ball just keeps rolling…but how long can you go on with it?

So do make a new decision if you need to, and then dedicate yourself to it for a long time. In decision-making, your strong self-confidence really counts!
I understand that majority of us do have to endure these obstacles in deciding how your life will look like.

We do not have the power to predict everything in our lives. This is an opened issue. There is so much more to decision-making than what I have penned down here. So keep your comments pouring! Would love to hear from you too!

Even I still need to learn something about making the right decisions in my life…

Another Top Influential People Of The World

Mr.Roger Dawson

The moment one cracks a conversation on negotiation techniques, one will never fail to mention his name.

Yes, Roger Dawson, the master of negotiation, and another name in the list of top influential people of the world!

Dawson is a full-time speaker, author and consultant who has been going places, from one continent to another, to give talks and corporate meetings with the largest companies and corporations worldwide.

He is the most accommodating person to majority of the meeting planners, sales managers and associates, business professionals and company owners.

The Roger Dawson’s Power Negotiating Institute has been established specially for any corporation or association that wishes to make an appointment with him to organize seminars or conferences or provide consultation services.

He is not any ordinary negotiation expert. He was introduced into the Speaker Hall of Fame in the year 1991, together with the likes of Ronald Reagan and Art Linkletter.

He was also reported in Success Magazine as ‘America’s Premier Business Negotiator’.
If you are planning a meeting, it pays to invite Dawson, as he can improve meeting attendance and enhance participation from the members.

He can make a meeting turn out to be so influential to the members, leaving them to think that the meeting held is the best ever. All these can be made possible by him because of his energetic and enthusiastic styles of presentation, where he encourages interaction with the members.

He can create such a major impact on the members by helping them acquire the new skills that would develop them into more productive people in the industries.

A Short Video Of Mr. Roger Dawson

If you are a sales executive, ask Dawson to assist you and you will see how he makes an enormous impact to your fellow salespeople during your yearly sales meeting or events. He will instill the essential negotiation skills that your salespeople would require to clinch the best deals in town.

After all, the key to your company’s success is the sales revenue, so it is so clearly defined the importance of inviting Dawson to help you boost your salespeople’s negotiation skills, thus boosting your sales income!

If you own a business, he has the right books and articles just for you. With these books, you can gain knowledge on how to boost your sales and how to negotiate with your dealers professionally and effectively, and most of all, how to attain the furthermost success in your business. He has a total of eight business books and four of his books are selling like hot cakes in bookstores and major book clubs.

Screenshot of Mr.Roger Dawson’s Official Website

Visit his official website and you will stumble upon all his published items, DVDs and CDs. Many of you have probably heard of his audio program called ‘Secrets of Power Negotiating’ which sold over 548,000 copies and was rated the best selling business program ever!

Secrets of Power Negotiating

With all that information in hand, how can we not induct him into the ‘Top Influential People Of The World’ right?

We hope that he will continue to tour all over the world and contribute to the success of the business world.

Boost Your Income With Chitika

Advertisers, want to boost your sales revenue? Publishers, wish that you would get a share for publishing the ads? Of course you can, with the help of Chitika, the avenue for profit making through online advertisements.

Chitika is a great companion that can lend a hand to advertisers, in terms of enhancing the brand awareness and increasing online sales proceeds by means of high-flying websites and blogs, which are linked to the Chitika network.

Chitika practices pay-for-performance system for advertisers, whereas publishers, which are the websites and blogs, will be paid based on impressions, number of valid clicks made and the sales income and a low minimum payout of only $10 (for PayPal) and $50 (for check where PayPal is not available)

Take a look at the Chitika eMiniMalls and you will find that Chitika is absolutely effective in boosting sales. How is that possible? It actually displays every single detail that visitors need to know about the advertised products. It also allows visitors to search for the best deals in town for the items they are looking for or intend to purchase.

For every product, full descriptions will be provided, and the various advertising retailers or online shops that offer such product will be reflected so that visitors can contrast the difference in the pricing and decide which is best for them.

Check out the eMiniMalls forum where advertisers and publishers can post queries on how to attract visitors to buy the products and how publishers can attract them to click on the ads

A Short Video Of Chitika

Chitika has been the reliable source for over a billion advertisers and publishers. With such a large pool of advertisers and publishers utilizing their services, you can guarantee that Chitika is the place for you to make your earnings easily and effectively!

Get Chitika eMiniMalls

Top Influential People Of The World

Mr. Anthony Robbins.

Everywhere around the world, we will never fail to find people who started off as strangers to the entire world, and then transformed into the people who are looked up to by the entire world till today.

These are the people who have created such an immense impact on the global community. Today, I would like to share with you about Anthony Robbins, the man whom millions had looked upon as the ‘father of life’s decision-making’.

How influential is this man? He is so influential that…even the powerful leaders of today, who have already attained so much success in their lives, still would fall back on him for the most crucial decisions that they have to make.

Wouldn’t anyone wish to be the confidante for all the world leaders to turn to? And when it comes to everything under the sun, like business matters, emotional and psychological issues, decisions about your ambitions and career life, your personal goals, and even financial concerns… he is the steadfast guru that everyone would look for.

Robbins’ work has been highly recognized by everyone from every walk of life, from the homeless and the poor, to the big names of the world like the world leaders, sports athletes, business professionals and even the famous names in the entertainment industry.

He is a multi-tasking personality with a special ability – to change lives of others. He is a humanitarian, a book writer, a psychological advisor, an award winning motivational speaker, and without a doubt, an extremely successful businessman.

He is a proud Chairman and Vice-Chairman of FIVE private corporations and also owns the Anthony Robbins Companies, namely the Robbins Research International Inc., Anthony Robbins Holdings and Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention.

That was just a few of the long list of companies! The proud husband of Sage Robbins and father of four children had clinched prestigious awards like ‘Top 50 Business Intellectuals Of The World’, ‘Top 200 Business Gurus’, ‘Top Six Business Leaders In The World’ and ‘Outstanding Humanitarians’ award, and had even been short listed as one of the Top 10 ‘Outstanding People Of The World’ by the International Chamber of Commerce.

A Screen Shot Of Mr. Anthony Robbins Official Website

Check out more about him at his official website . You will also be informed of the products like videos and books that he had compiled for all to view and be inspired.

He also organizes live events all over the world, whereby he will give motivational talks to his different sets of audiences, ranging from business professionals to students. If I can recall, he came to Singapore many years back to give a motivational talk on strategic planning for businesses.

A Short Video Of Mr. Anthony Robbins

In the website, you can even look out for essential guides on things that matter to us like goal setting, business planning, solutions to any issue or problem, be it financially or emotionally, and lots more.So one can gather that he is a busy and successful man, but has a heart of gold!

And his ultimate goal is simply to make a difference to our lives.
Check out the website and be inspired by how a then stranger could turn into one of the most influential people of the world.

Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement

Kudos to Mr. Anthony Robbins!

A Good Boss Won't Suffer Any Loss

The key to a successful company is the dedication and commitment of the staff, and someone has to be the source of motivation for them to do so. That the boss! He or she is by far the most essential person in the organization.

He or she is what makes the organization the way it is. And most of all, he or she is the role model that everyone working in that organization should emulate.

However, should this person fail to comply to his or her duties while taking up the role, it can lead to an ultimate downfall of the organization and the staff, and probably a large percentage of staff turnover!

Bosses, you would not be in favour of these would you? So therefore, you ought to remind yourselves to be a REALLY good one! But do not crack your brains too much. I understand all the 'thinking' that all of you bosses have been undergoing, which is why I am here to inform you of these key tips on being an effective boss who can mould his or her staff into productive workers and make a positive impact on the company status. Hopefully they will help you out yeah?!

1. Delegate the tasks well. Teach your staff how to carry out the tasks. You must learn to trust your staffs in letting them carry out the tasks assigned.

2. Get to know you employees' strengths and weaknesses. You are to give them an abundance of opportunities to bring their strengths to a higher level, and advise them on how to resolve their weaknesses. This can contribute to their productivity in the workplace and lessen your burden on having to constantly supervise them.

3. Guide them to take intiatives. After understanding their job scope and the tasks assigned, do not spoonfeed them too much. 'Let go' of them and mould them to be more independent. Also, encourage them to make decisions on their own.

4. Share your goals and expectations with your staff so that they will work and perform to your expectations.

5. Show how much you appreciate your staff's hard work and dedication to the job and the company. You may do so by organizing yearly gatherings or reward them.

Read this! They are pieces of useful information just for all you bosses.

Here's wishing you success in upholding the good name of your company!

How To Be An Impressive Interviewee

How To Be An Impressive Interviewee: The Dos and Don’ts
Being called for an interview indicates that you gave your prospective employer a good first impression of you from your cover letter and your resume. So live this chance to the fullest! Put in all the effort you need to prepare and ace for your interview.

Let me help you a little. Yes, you who are in all probability having a nerve wrecking wait till your interview day. I attempted to do some research on the various aspects of a job interview you need to know. And I got quite a fair bit of insights that can serve as guidelines on acing your job interview.

Let us take a peek on the dos and don’ts when being interviewed.

1. Do a comprehensive research on your prospective organisation. Anyway it would be an advantage for you to get useful information on the organisation so that when a customer walks up to you to find out more about the organisation and what it is dealing with, you would not hesitate to answer. But the information is most accommodating during your interview. You would also want to ask yourself why you wish to work in the organisation.

2. Prepare the answers to the possible questions that your employer may ask you during the interview. I shall touch on the common interview questions asked later on ok?

3. Prepare a question or two that you would like to raise during the interview. Make sure that the questions asked are relevant to the applied job position and show that you are serious about taking up the job.

4. Dress for success. You do not have to look too extravagant. Keep it simple, but dress in such a way that the employer can envision you as a committed and productive worker. Remember, first impression counts and it only comes once.

5. Do research on the location of the company to ensure that you will reach the place in time for the interview. You would not want to be late as that could actually sum up the employer’s first impression of you. The best suggestion would be to arrive at the place a few minutes earlier in order for you to take some breather before you enter ‘The Room’.

6. Do not question on the remuneration, employee benefits and bonuses when you meet your employer for the first time.

7.Avoid saying that you are unsure of the answer to the question or ask the employer to refer to your CV for information. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of you being interviewed? At the same time, do not portray the ‘know-it-all’ attitude. Just be yourself and say the things you are sure of.

8. When being interviewed, keep an eye contact with the interviewer. Do not ever look down on the floor or on your trembling hands as that indicates your nervousness. You ought to appear confident!

9. Promote yourself. You can share instances where you contributed to your previous workplace in a positive way.

10. Do not look too desperate. Should you fail to be offered the job for the first time, you should still appear contented in front of the interviewer that you were given the chance to be assessed. Tell yourself that… probably the grass is always greener on the other side! =)

Ok as promised, here are the common interview questions asked. So here goes…

Why do you choose to take up this job?

Why do you intend to leave your present job?

Why would you like to work for this company?

What do you see yourself doing five/ten years from now?

What have you learnt about our company?

What are your strengths/weaknesses? Tell me about yourself.

What causes a threshold of pain to you?

(This was a question my interviewer used to ask me. It is probably relevant for certain job positions. So do take note!)

How can you contribute to this company?

What have you learnt from your previous job?

Yes here they are. Hope that would turn you into a more confident interviewee. To anybody who has an interview to attend to soon, you may want to read this article to help you out yeah? Til then, good luck! Hope this article is helpful to you.